If you think this game is good, well written, fun or in anyway shape or form "entertaining" you are either one of three things.

1. A cuck

2. A shitskin

3. A like

In which case you have three options.

1. Gtfo

2. Gtfo

3. Kill yourself

Other urls found in this thread:


>3. A Kike

Oh great, ANOTHER post about a game which uses manufactured outrage as a marketing tactic. Congratulations on your double digit IQ, it's making Shlomo a ton of shekels.

I enjoy dispensing freedon and liberty to fascists via the NAP. This game is perfect for that.

If real, fuck off to Reddit OP you cockcucker

they are trying to get to the children. we must get to them first. we must bring them the TRUTH.

Ooga booga nigger fuck off to Africa

You're literally people who GamerGate mocked.

Fuck you. America already destroyed Nazis once, and we aren't afraid to do it again!


i agree. that user is wrong. this is a worthwhile topic for discussion on Sup Forums for certain. blm user and concern troll user are just cunty niggers trying to be subversive.

Would you say you're... triggered?

I actually liked the last Wolfenstein game, mainly because it had no undertones of the SJW left and didn't actively promote communism and racemixing.


>this is a worthwhile topic for discussion on Sup Forums for certain
T. Bethesda

if you thing this game deserves a bread you are a fag


I think this game is subpar politicized trash, but you saying that is akin to how they are saying

Fuck off polygon, stop trying to stir up drama to sell this piece of shit

Sup Forums has been making falseflag threads like this for a while to call anyone who hates the game Sup Forums

Why not use the masters tools to take down his house? Play it with blue pulled fucks. Then use it as a way to drop subtle red pills. Examples such as geeze I wonder how advanced they would have moved humanity had they won. Point out the incorrect info and disinformation. Show them the propaganda, use it as a tool to open a mind.

What I want to know is:
How much robofighting is there??
I want good old nazi-slaughtering not laser-battles with swastika-terminators.

Awwwwww, did the mean video game hurt your fee fees? It's ok, I'm sure Mommy and Daddy will be delighted to help you write a letter to the bad men who made this game to tease you. Maybe after they drive you to the post office you can all get some ice cream and go out for a day in the park! Would you like that OP?

It's all time peak for pc players was about 14K players, If that is with "Manufactured outrage" marketing bolstered then I wish to see what it would have been without it.

triggered Todd? People aren't buying the game you funded as much as you wanted?


>getting triggered by a videogame

If you don't like it don't play it. And i thought all videogames were degenerate anyway?

I still can't believe some young pseudonazis whine about getting shot in FUCKING WOLFENSTEIN lel

>Implying lefties won't eat this shit up and take selfies with the cover to virtue signal about how much they #hatehate
>Implying normies won't gobble it up to shoot evil Nazi robo dogs and cyborg Nai Frankenstein monsters (so kewl lol!)
>Implying reviewers won't line up to suck its dick to pander to the aforementioned normies and lefties
haha get fucked you little shit. Go ahead and boycott the game, you and your sad little bitchbois won't change a single thing. It'll make millions, snag 9/10's and get my dick sucked by everyone from Maine to LA.

There is a lot of mecha nazi dogs.


No one here plays western games, faggot.

>Fuck you. America already destroyed Nazis once, and we aren't afraid to do it again!

weebs are the dumbest human beings I have ever come across

Thanks, bad news for me though, will probably buy it later for cheap then.

bbo fuckin hoo, some people like to have fun and not just rot on pol the whole fuckin day. Wolfenstein was always a fun shooter and if you try to mix your irl ideologies with a game you are a fuckin autistic cunt

it's a fucking game you autist, stop fucking sliding, sage


Fucking end yourself, you human waste.

2 million people are playing PUBG right now, only 5k are playing Wolfenstein with mixed ratings deterring potential buyers

>Be Nazi with dinosaur robots
>Trained enough to conquer America
>So trained, when any fucking (((white))) male dares engage us, their emotion disappears.
>So trained, when a pregnant chick baseball slides in front of our army, nobody notices a grenade
>certainly not a grenade that destroys our entire mecha dinosaur, that conquered america
>mfw she invokes the spirit of hillary clinton's spirit cooking, rips her top off in a blood fountain and rambos needlessly due to the grenade nobody noticed
>she's probably going to give birth to a dead fetus in 5 minutes to prove a point

di nog habe Kid n"play hur

>Congratulations on your double digit IQ, it's making Shlomo a ton of shekels.

I thought the game sold less than 50k copies..

Which isn't a very good investment for a multi-year development project

>It'll make millions

No, it wont

I wonder who could be behind this post

The evidence is already contradicting your fantasy.

I saw someone stream for about an hour. The characters were realy cartoony