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moi finnbro. don't let the nigs and muslim scum turn your country into paska maa like what's happened to cuckland ruotsi.
we dont
Simonsen is a jew.
Posted just in case that twat turns up. You know who you are.
No voting out of the EU.
An uprising? 100th anniversary is soon. Let’s putsch and take over Helsinki. Cleansing of blood must happen asap
Peaceful protest is over for you cuckboy. Time to kill for your people.
We are culturally and ethnically so different, it's not possible.
On top of that, Finland had to fight tooth and nail to retain its culture and identity from invaders. Our ancestors shed their blood and gave their lives so we could be free Finns.
Sweden never had to go through that, so they couldn't see an invader if one raped their daughters and butchered their sons.
>Sweden never had to go through that,
We often fought 6-7 other nations at the same time, you dumb bitch. The reason why nobody succesfully invaded us and why we instead invaded others was because we used to be a warrior race and religious fanatics as well. That's partly the reason we ruled Finland for 600 years. Stop with your bitter Swäden-hate, it's just pathetic and sad.
Our politicians are bought and paid for by the EU. We would need a pro-FIXIT party completely dominating the polls for anything to happen. The public would first have to be educated on the issue, which is difficult in a situation where the government and media is full of europhiles. People are also really suspicious of change.
You think we let a country with cutey beauties go?
Why do our commies still bow to the East even though they're the Fascists now?
more like finna gun leave
Soon as the late capitalism hits in.
Critical support against American hegemony is necessarily for downfall of capitalism.
That was literally hundreds of years ago, there are no living people who could remember those wars
>they are the fascists now
being this dumb lmao
Actually I take that back finnbro, thought you where doing the lefties are the fascists now meme
You can't make this up
>nobody succesfully invaded us
Russia would have if it wasn't for Finland to be the buffer zone against them
>almost no one knows Finns are literally dying
Sadly never. Helsinki is a shithole where mudslimes walk around everywhere. Literally on every corner there's a kebab house and mudslime "women" walk around with 5 nigglets. Its fucking over. Even in small cities in north you see niggers often, when 15 years ago there were none.
No peaceful option can fix us. Voting will not save this country from inevitably becoming swedistan 2.0
Your anecdote is correct.
Worst case scenario: European nations abandon their union, fragment, lose power and influence, and get fucked by Russia and Turkey, meanwhile the jew cunts who were fucking us never miss a paycheque.
What I want is a union or alliance of european nations which isn't fucking retarded as fuck.
Are this people russian actors or actuall retarded finns?
You don't live in Helsinki, I can tell
Degeneracy and being a complete globalist, self hating cuck ala Sweden is extremely common here.
Furthermore you are ignorant to the current situation, we are already right now, every single year decreasing and the non-Finns are increasing massively. At this rate Finland will be minority Finnish in 40 years. But don't worry, their numbers will increase soon much faster and ours will fall much faster, so 20 years is more realistic.
Well they're definitely retarded, so I'd assume they're eastern Finns. Not sure which year though, their papers say "Hang Ryti", and Ryti died in 1959.
the demographic damage is done, fixit wouldnt save us, only some final solutions would.
It's not just Helsinki
This is making me angry.
The thing is though that you see Muhammadans and Africans mostly in select few places. When I ride packed trams, there's usually no Muhammadans or Africans in sight. European, Russian, and Asian immigrants on the other hand seem to live like normal people, i.e. they show up in normal places..
I don't think we'll be a minority in 40 years, let alone 20, but clearly the multiculturalist situation is getting to be irreversible. There's a lot of new development in Helsinki, which requires people. We're not going to start pulling down a shit ton of buildings because of lack of people. Someone has to live in them and use the services. If it's not Finns, then it's non-Finns. Still, most non-Finns are not Muhammadans or Africans.
Somalis already outnumber the gypsies, cuck
The demographic shift will not happen until the Western economies collapse and we end the welfare state. We've fed the animals for far too long.
End the welfare state, save the White race.
>I don't think we'll be a minority in 40 years, let alone 20
Why don't you think that? I just showed you the evidence that it'll happen.
>He's burying his head in the sand because he has no other option.
Finest when?
trust me you dont want our cuckery
lucky guy
Ofcourse that means you have to uncuck yourself first but we could be regional powerhouse easily.
Lauren is not Jewish. Every time you spread this lie you educate people about her non-jewishness because I'll be here to drop the facts.
Implying there could be a positive in who outnumbers who among gypsies and Somalis.
You didn't show evidence. You showed one change in the thousands and then wildly extrapolated accelerating change.
How about show some real tangible evidence of how Finns will be a minority soon. Yeah, didn't think so, because none exists.
WTF the soviet's attacked Finland
These people are actually pretty smart. A union with Russia would solve all our problems: No more EU sanctioned rapefugees, conservative family values, access to Russia's rare earth resources etc. We'd probably even get 1920 borders back.
You don't become a communist by being smart.
>You didn't show evidence. You showed one change in the thousands and then wildly extrapolated accelerating change.
What. 35 years is one change? And by the way, the trend is far more up still for non-Finns and down for Finns for 2017... and is said to be getting worse each passing month
Our cuckery includes Estonians being by far our largest immigrant group (aside from immigrants from the Soviet Union as a whole).
finland > abyss > rest of the world
atleast use a memeflag finnbro
>EU sanctioned rapefugees
Oh fuck off, you cucks would have brought them in anyway, just like Somaliden, Cuckmany, and the United Caliphate. If anything the EU is trying to stem the tidalwave Merkel's virtue signalling caused. Only problem is the EU sticks to international law which, granted, slows down the process.
But remember your best bros Russia and China were the ones who voted against more measures being taken against illegal migrant smugglers at the UN, and China is selling the boats the smugglers use.
"Union with russia" You are DUMB!
Never ever in the world any country benefited from union with russia.
You would become another puppet state like belarus and russians would keep replacing your elites until eventually Finns would vote for becoming a part of russia.
Moreover Russia always drain all the wealth and resources from its puppet state so after 100 years Finland would eventually turn into a wasteland.
never. just move to Kemi. it's probably too cold for brown people up there.
From my experience you think you are all muh engineers and literally cant build things.
while there is an issue of estonians working under the tables and cutting wages they are culturally and genetically very close so im not worried about them changing our way of life in 20-50 years, unlike muslims
It's not luck. Finnish women crave the BBC.
Let me spell this out for you, blue-pilled cuck: In just 20 years Somalis have become more numerous than the gypsies who have been here for over 500 years. In fact my data is a little old, since during the (((current year))) they will become double as numerous.
it doesnt work like that, they linger around all the "big" cities, plenty of them in northern cities aswell.
>some bullshit you did centuries ago is comparable to the Finn's fighting for their existence 24/7 all the way up until the end of world war 2
nice meme, what's next? you're like the greeks having lived for centuries as an occupied state? get real
Hahahahaha either you are a retarded finn or a lying ((((russian)))) Diaspora
"Doing business with russians even the devil frowns upon" goes an old saying
>It's not luck. Finnish women crave the BBC.
I thought that they are afraid to go outside because of immigrants.
You thought wrong.
Hero's never die.
So can I watch your wife getting fucked by a bull?
I miss it since my husband left me for our wifes son.
Imagine if she was naked except for that flag and you could just see her pale nude body through it
>conservative family values
>no more rapefugees
girls are used to boys who have been taught that women don't like sex, touching is rape, you must obtain permission before any physical or mental contact and being gay is normal.
When the girls meet an immigrant who grabs their tits and tells whitey to fuck off they love it, having a real boyfriend instead of an amorphous androdgynous twink sack.
I know Russian yoga clubs are huge.
>When the girls meet an immigrant who grabs their tits and tells whitey to fuck off they love it, having a real boyfriend instead of an amorphous androdgynous twink sack.
So you are saying that Elliot Rodger did it right?
Honestly women are just sick of sterile men, I myself have seen this, women don't complain when you spank them for doing stupid shit or tell the,m what you think straight to their faces.
Sorry, I was thinking more in the sense of culture. The change in raw numbers is not useful there. I grew up with many kids of foreign origin at a time when these kids were all assimilated. So if someone had a Portuguese surname or a Polish surname, it didn't really register they weren't Finnish as such because they were practically indistinguishable from Finns in everyday life.
>Let me spell this out for you, blue-pilled cuck:
Hang yourself, gyppo.
>Finnish women crave the BBC.
You're not Finnish. You're just a toxic piece of shit who should've been flushed before birth. It's hilarious you think you're in a position to tell anyone what's good and right for Finland. A toad like you is competing with full Somali invasion in who is worse for the country. Just end your miserable existence as a data point.
Gypsies are pieces of shit but you're ignoring the facts, nigger. Go back to africa
>nigger. Go back to africa
Guess how I know you're an idiot. I'd rather be a nigger than someone like you tbqh. Luckily I'm neither.
Man I fucking hate niggers.
The refugees are your saviors there to expand your inbred gene pool
Finland 2.0, home of the Finnigger.
At least you could get raped by Russians and have a chance at having good looking women.
>I'd rather be a nigger
Guess how I know you're not finnish? See you on the day of the rope.
one day... one day, eesti-bro
Who dat?
Reverse image search:
t. abdullah eriksson
>Guess how I know you're not finnish?
Hmm, your diseased mind at work? Anyway, go right ahead and have your day of the rope to end your misery once and for all.
Helsinki is already a lost cause, just like other cities near the coastline. If we isolate them now, kick our corrupt politicians out and make a little communist cleansing then we will be good.
They are at least traitors to the homeland.
I see you're especially retarded. I'm using gypsies here as an undesirable minority group that everybody is familiar with. The realization that your defective brain was supposed to experience was that Somalis, another similar minority group, is growing rapidly enough to have overtaken the gypsies in just a couple decades. And that's just Somalis.
>then we will be good.
No. Unless women's right to vote is revoked, any improvement will be temporary.