"Pizza a vegetable, really?"
CIA laughing it up
"Pizza a vegetable, really?"
CIA laughing it up
Other urls found in this thread:
hello Rothschild.
Good Morning.
Proof That Steven Spielberg is a Child Molester (Part One)
Proof That Steven Spielberg is a Child Molester (Part Two)
Proof That Steven Spielberg is a Child Molester (Part Three)
Do you collect all these?
What are you thinking about?
>not pushing K,J,space and waiting for a line
I'm tethering a phone for internet so it's a little intermittently slow.
I mean, the end is near for your family. Are you not concerned?
Are you living on earth?
[–] MrFarr 0 points (+0|-0) 6 months ago
Does he collect the illustrations of Norman Rockwell, such as the one showing a young boy in his underwear examined by a doctor?
Who Is The Fox King? pinterest.co.uk
(Clue: It's Satan)
Wasn't there a rumour that US law declared pizza as being a veggie? Perhaps that tweet was made with said rumour in mind
well when they're done with their pizza it probably is a vegetable
When I am done with the CIA they won't be close to any kind of solid form, newtonian or non newtonian.
This is my husband, Stephen Paddock.
Fellow alien.
Is Steve Paddock an alien?
I will now demonstrate this with this video
From July 4th 2015
and this video
From July 4th 2015
So he is an Alien God?
Interesting. This goes deeper than what we were led to believe.
cant we keep this illuminati black sun shit on /x/
Hmm.. he's an Alien God who tries to blend in with the human race by claiming that he enjoys pizza like any other normal human being.
He also seems to write home to his alien colony about his progress in his mission on Earth with invisible messages.
Shine on, crazy diamond
>>> >>>> >>>>
seen and unseen
>>> >>>> >>>>
When does the drug distribution start communists?
Great taste mate, about the only thing I can grasp in this thread
David Byrne, a goy who changed his name to something Jewish sounding, smart move?
New Jersey mentioned!
He's a Scot, so he's inherently Jewish.
Judah aka Rampant Lion aka Used to be a Dragon
Jersey you say...
Are you even genetically English? DO you understand that the power will fall back in our hands and that masons, kikes and any other deviant will fail?
>le numbers is kewl XD
Fuck off. If I ignore your fucking game and bypass you, there is nothing you can do without the goyim working for you and if we fuck the carpet beneath you until tech kicks in, you're fucked.
proof, ya poof?
Have you been following this thread you rampant lunatic?
All you need to know is our Race is all that matters.
Says the faggot who speaks in vague bollocks?
>le asteroid
Shut the fuck up you faggot.
it was said the note was snipers calculations (wind speed, direction ect)
"Stephen Paddock own Big Cheese LLC (Comet and Besta are both "Big Cheese LLC") - hence why he has two planes"
mais c'est l'étoiles
I'll knock your cunt right in, faggot.
Your thread is shite, you are too mentally fucked-up to answer questions on your own bullshit, and you're so much of a mongoloid that you're just one small step away from throwing your own shite at the moon.
It's a roll of Sellotape dude.
No you won't, first of all I am bigger than you.
Second of all, I am stronger.
He better not throw it too far or he'll hit Steve Paddock's spaceship.
is nasa a trafficking front?
>Reply to Thread No.146951937
Did you know the sphinx was a landing spot?It's a ... Sign
Sphinx... sphinx. That sounds a lot like they're trying hint at a sphincter.
Your anus contains a sphincter.
It must be hinting that Steve is probing human beings.
Why the gay poster id?
This is not the place for likes or approval
I require a beverage.
I shall return in several minutes.
Please keep this exciting excursion alive.
whatever gaylord, you won't last long here with that nebulous shit and bigging yourself up makes you look small
Stop being so angry at me everyone.
I have feelings you know.
That's what you want us to think, Steve.