Does anyone believe the police and administration civil servants will bow to Madrid or follow the separarist gov?
Le based Catalonians have said they will statt resistance
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I sure hope there is resistance that means more commie blood gets spilled on the streets
they absolutely will. their prime motivation was "muh shekels". the only option they have to resist the central government is strikes and civil disobedience, in which case the companies will leave and they have no more shekels.
this whole movement was dumb as fuck from the beginning. they had no legal way to obtain independence and they had no military force to do it illegally. they banked on the EU siding with them, even though the EU explicitly told them it won't.
if they actually manage to break away Spain will veto every single one of Catalonia's application to join the EU and since EU members cannot negotiate bilateral trade agreements but have to go through the EU, Catalonia will be economically fucked.
this whole movement was run by legit clinical retards.
How did Kosovo and Slovenia do it? They should do it like them. Or Greenland or Iceland.
>How did Kosovo and Slovenia do it?
International support. Once big international players get involved in it and side with one side, nothing short of a civil war could change the outcome anymore.
And both the EU and US already sided with the central government.
Iceland got their freedom after WWI(or somewhere in this time frame), and Greenland is still part of the Danish Government in the same way putro recio is to the U.S.
But Greenland has a right to separate just as Scotland. They could do it any time.
So Iceland managed it without civil war? Catalonia should do it like that.
>Does anyone believe the police and administration civil servants will bow to Madrid or follow the separarist gov?
It is not meant to fizzle, it is meant to grow into real PITA.
There can be no RAHOWA in Europe before stage is set and borders are clear.
>And both the EU and US already sided with the central government.
Not a surprise from the supporters of multiculturalism
Daily reminder that the Catalan parliament did not approve the independence yesterday, but to “begin the constitutive process”.
Poltards have been easily deceived again.
Whatever happens, we can only hope that spain remains divided, weak, and under the yoke of Jewish Power.
It's more about the fact that every fucking nation in the EU has secessionist movements and they don't want to set any precedent for European secessionist movements being successful.
On top of that, they cannot risk pissing off and potentially losing Spain when they just lost the UK. That would be the death knell for them.
They are both multiculti shitholes, but for this specific situation that does not factor at all into the decision. Especially since the Catalans are much more left wing than the rest of Spain.
spanish picked a bad time to start pushing the British to surrender Gibraltar.
inb4 mi6 starts arming catalan rebels.
Seems to me the anglo is 100% cucked by the EU right now. Am I wrong?
No, it is as simple as the fact that the Catalan government has NOT declared independence.
You have been deceived again by the Spanish "Jews" and it is the second time in less than a month
There's only one Jew here.
I dont follow europe that closely.
but regardless, mi6/cia are both capable of running guns without leaving any hard evidence. doesnt really matter if brussles wants their $$$.
And last I saw, their stock market had gone straight up since brexit, I think they are just working out how to negotiate getting out.
I do not care how an ethnic group decides to manage their country (left, right, feudalism, ...) until they are not going to EXPORT it.
Cultures differ, ways differ.
(btw, national socialism is also left)
Will this turn Spain into Balkans 2.0?
Will I still be able to eat my delicious Jamon Iberico?
At least dare to commit a crime that can entail 30 years in prison, but not even that:
Greenland hardly has the population, will, culture or resources to be a country of its own. It's a frozen wasteland with pockets of civilization here and there.
Iceland was given independence by the Danes, mostly because nobody wanted to go to war over a small volcanic island in the middle of an ocean, nor did it have much of a population or resources that the Danish state lacked. It was like cutting off an appendix, you won't really notice it when it's gone.
Catalonia is obviously different. It makes up a rather large amount of the Spanish economy and secures a border with the rest of Europe and the majority speak Spanish already. And it is also directly connected to the rest of the Iberian peninsula. Unlike Iceland and Greenland who are just islands. It hurts more to give up your right hand than it does to give up a lock of hair.
Slovakia-Czechia is also a good example. What about Norway-Sweden? Norway was let go by the Swedes and no real war happened in the process despite the large economic importance of Norway for Sweden.
Fuck, I'd kill to have one right now
It is not asked anywhere in the document passed yesterday to declare the independence
> Proposta de resolució
> 2 Procés constituent
> El Parlament de Catalunya acorda:
> Declarar l'inici i l'obertura del procés constituent. ( Instar el govern de la Generalitat a:
> a) Activar de manera immediata tots els recursos humans, públics i socials així commitjans materials al seu abast,
per a fer efectiu el process
Explain, we do not speak Spancatalunio
Norway at the time was dirt-poor and we didn't even control Norway besides having a united foreign policy. Beyond that we merely shared the same monarch. Not comparable to Catalonia and Spain.
I know too little of Czechoslovakia to speak of it.
That is the point, (((they))) told you that it was being voted in the parliament the declaration of independence, but (((they))) just voted a bill ASKING the regional government to open a CONSTITUTIVE PROCESS (oberture del procés constituent), (((they))) say nothing about independence in what it is asked to do.
You have been decieved, again.
Why the FUCK are you cheering for literal communists?
Every single separatist commie should be put down
Catalan gov got fired today. Everone + chief of police.
Why? Aren´t they independent?
Of course they are not. They have never declared independence.
Not anymore.
Without government and police Catalan plebs can do jack shit.
Inb4 Soros funded orange maidan 2.0.
Jesus H. Superchrist, enough about the Spics in Catalonia already. Who gives a rat's ass??
Are Catalons white?
They would sell their mother for a dime.
Not sure if anyone follows /biz/
but if they do take on Crypto currency
they will likely want a currency that they can MINE internally and own a large portion of.
Might be the reason why VERTCOIN AND GRS
are the highest volumes on Crypto exchanges.
>huge communist
>muh independance
>spanish soldiers come to put you back in the fold
>no state to defend you
>just look down like a betacuck and go back to your flat
>get your welfare check and stop larping
This is what will happen.
Xarnegos will be the first to hang. Remember this Manolo.
Watch how this pic triggers manolos.
HUGE: agreement to greenbus Manolos to monegros desert during this weekend
Carles ou bess
If you are independent why your high rank officers are resigning, Jordi?
It is over Jordi. You have also been deceived. You are not independent from Spain. There was no Declaration of Independence anywhere.
You see that Antonio Sánchez is a xarnego that will be honorary catalan in the new Republic of Catalonia, you instead, will be hanged in the nearest lamp post for the world to see.
How not? I think you're the only one who didn't think that was a declaration of indepndence.
No, sweetie, you can jump from a cliff. You have been deceived again by your bosses, for a bunch of euros.
I read.
You separatist are the guys who in high school said that you had slept with the queen prom, and then...
> 1. El Parlament acorda, instar el Govern a dictar totes les resolucions necessàries per al desenvolupament de la Llei de transitorietat jurídica i fundacional de la República i en especial:...
> 2. Procés constituent
> El Parlament de Catalunya acorda:
Declarar l'inici i l'obertura del procés constituent.
> Instar el govern de la Generalitat a:
Are you ready to die for freedom, Or are you just larping Catalans?
You're arguing over semantics, the whole thing boils down to: we're indepndent now so let's start the process to separate from Spain.
Every catalan knew we declared independence yesterday, every spaniards too, and all politicians, the spanish goverment, foreign countries, and basically everyone but you.
Well now that we're independent anything that Spsin tries here will be considered an invading force, so we can kill them with impunity.
Now son, you were deceived again, there is no bill passed declarinig independence and your high rank officers are resigning as ordered from Madrid.
It was all a maneouver to save your face.
>Spain is jewish now
As expected from a kikestain
>no army
>no guns
>no foreign support
>soon no more shekels as well
"Steamroll" will not even cover it.
Catalonia just shot itself in the balls to get back at daddy Spain.
You are the ones who use those tricks against the rest of Spaniards and the rest of the world: saying one thing and doing something different.
What's with the bong lol
Their politicians simply didn´t dare to sign something that could entail up to 30 years in prison. They said it was a declaration of independence, but I cannot find the word independence in what it is really passed (Proposal 1 and Proposal 2).
There has not been even a tweet from the Catalonian president declaring independence.
this is a good article about what they will try to do
How did every single country that gained independence do it then? Kosovo, South Sudan, ex-URSS, ex-colonies, etc. didn't have anything either and were much less powerful than the country they wanted to separate from.
Your lack of history knowledge is embarrassing
You don't need an army or guns to defeat Spain. You just need to offer them a job and they'll immediately surrender.
You also don't need an army or guns to defeat France. You just have to show up an the entire country immediately surrenders.
International support.
Which is what the Spanish government have and you don't.
At all.
It doesnt matter if you call yourself a country when every other country laughs at the notion.
Well, you need to pass a law that says: Declaration of Independence, and that law must be passed according to a democratic procedure.
Then your president tweets it, and goes to the balcony and gives a speech to the masses.
We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these united Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States, that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. — And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.
Considering the historical hit the catalonian economy is about to take considering every investor is fleeing the sinking ship, you soon will be out of any job to offer.
Also, Rossellon is ours.
Support for Spain is rather fragile and won't last forever though.
Dunno of it can even be called support since they paid for it.
The declaration of independence was yesterday. Again, you must be the only one who thinks it wasn't one.
>You are the ones who use those tricks against the rest of Spaniards and the rest of the world
What is Andorra's position on Catalonia's independence?
>Support for Spain is rather fragile and won't last forever though.
It's a lot better than what you have, which is nothing.
Balkanised Spain when?
Federal Union of Castille-Leon, Castille-Mancha Galicia, Asturias, Aragon, Catalunya, Andulusia, Valencia, Basque, Murcia, Navarre and La Rioja when?
Andorra is a casino, it doesn't have a position on anything
I honestly hope, so murrica has other places to stick their nose in and leave us to deal with the slime in Balkans.
Read this retarded Manolo and stfu already.
>Consituïm la República catalana, com a Estat independent i sobirà, de dret, democràtic i social.
>catalonian economy
At least Catalonia has an economy.
I wish our economy went to shit but won't happen. And Rosselló is next frog, be careful.
But for how long is what everyone's wondering.
If investors hate one thing, it's uncertainty and instability.
Guess what you've achieved yesterday.
Reminder that Roussillon will remain the only part of Catalonia that exists within a Republic.
Could you imagine these people on the battlefield?
Not for very long
That's why we will beat them easily. Manolos have a combined iq of 80 at most, they will be no problem for us.
They should of formed a Milita before they went down this independence vote.
Easy enough to declare independence, now they have they need an Army to keep it.
Indeed, and if they plan on using the police force, you know, the folks who were against independence, then they are in for a rough surprise.
>trusting a secesionist rag for news
Please, tell me in what part of what was approved in the parliament yesterday (Proposal 1 and Proposal 2) independence is mentioned.
You can say that you slept with the prom queen, and you can pay others to add flags, but the truth is that you all didn´t score.
so does this mean that terrorist group ETA will come back?
Starting to feel desperate now that you realize you have been deceived, Jordi?
Is this whole thing just basically only happening in Barcelona itself?
I get the feeling that other Catalans are just kind of disgusted with the whole thing.
>Based catalonia-
Nationalism is stupid.