*Mueller continues investigating Trump*
*Mueller continues investigating Trump*
*Mueller continues investigating Trump*
*Mueller continues investigating Trump*
*Mueller continues investigating Trump*
Other urls found in this thread:
*Mueller continues investigating Trump*
>finds nothing
*Mueller continues investigating Trump*
>finds nothing
*Mueller continues investigating Trump*
>finds nothing
*Mueller continues investigating Trump*
>finds nothing
*Mueller continues investigating Trump*
>finds nothing
*Mueller continues investigating Trump*
>finds nothing
Mueller isn't distracted by conspiracy theory bullshit.
She won't be so happy after I make her my wife.
yeah that's why all the Trump shills are having a meltdown.
Indictments next week
charges filed
where have you been, guy?
Learn to read, stupid nigger. He said "investigating Trump". The charges are unrelated to the Trump campaign. They're about Manfort's personal dealings.
wait, did you just samefag yourself?
>being this gullible
Are you literally retarded or are you just pretending?
..just wait
Did Trump order this man to be killed?
>drumpkins ree'ing about made up pedophile rings run out of a pizza restaurant while their entire government gets literally sent to jail
*breathes in*
it's a pretty sad day when an aussie can't even make original shitposts and copies obamaleaf
Fuck drumpfh and fuck wh*te people
thats a hot meme ur spittin there friendo
hows friday treating you?
the only thing that isn't completely retarded about this post is some of the money from the DNC might have gone to compile that dossier, everything else is retard-tier conspiracy theories
People investigating clinton commit suicide shockingly frequently
>charges related to Trump campaign
>that means Manafort, his campaign manager, was totally not involved
rub those brain cells together a bit harder friend, you'll get there eventually
>charges related to Trump campaign
Do tell me more about these sealed charges your so familiar with
It's you're not your
Russia shill please step up your game
which isn't illegal at all, it's opposition research
>inb4 then when trump did it it wasn't illegal
this is the part you're forgetting that makes it illegal:
you can't get opposition research from a foreign government, that is illegal.
>but christoper steele was a MI6 agent
yeah but he was retired when he was doing opposition research, not illegal
can you just make these into "THIS IS A KEK THREAD PLS DEL"
so its easier to report and hide?
The left will flip their binary switch from Patriotic Hero to Literally Hitler if they get disapointed
>Mueller has been investigating nothing but Trump campaign members for almost a year now
>obviously these charges are for Hillary Clinton, duh
are you actually this retarded or are you just pretending
His brother is one of her foundation's attorneys.
a conservative website paid for it first too
You aren't from here so leave. Nobody bothers posting shit like that on Sup Forums
You do realize they’ve found nothing on Trump and never will, right ?
>t. the donald poster
Ukrainian shill please step up your game
I do so love it when the shills all herd themselves into single threads like this. Makes the rest of the board nicer.
English teacher, please.
make me, faggot
>Uranium One, Fusion GPS dossier, all out this week
>This is a distraction
At least he's being honest.
Lmfao are you all cut all you retarded? You use the term conservative in 2017? This has to be bait... good shill two party slave
>15 Soros Collector Coins Added to your Wallet (no current financial value)
You know the lawyer was on Fusion GPSs payroll in that meeting right?
Steele was hired after the DNC took over funding Fusion (something they lied about and Fusion took the fifth over)
No Steele = no orbis reports until DNC got involved
It was a courtesy suggestion. You won't accomplish anything by staying and if you do you'll end up a nationalist. Up to you.
Also, I may be gay but I'm no faggot.
Yeah, the right-wing is really known for its tantrums.
who are you arguing with, my point was that is the only thing which could even be remotely true.
the uranium deal doesn't even make sense, she oversaw it and had no control in the matter, plus the timing of the donations and transactions hardly match up.
pizzagate is entirely manufactured, to believe it you have to be certifiably retarded, or a paranoid schizophrenic.
none of the conspiracy theories of about rich make sense if you even give them a little bit of thought. foul play cant really be ruled out, but there's not exactly much to suggest any of the current ideas of what might have taken place are correct.
Milo please, Sup Forums isn't your puppet anymore
Nice b8 retard shill
Expanding on here is how ass mad the dems are
>Dems obstructed the Fusion GPS hearing, Fusion GPS pleads the fifth to everything
>Nunes issued a subpoena for bank records back to 2015, Court was due to supply records Monday
>Obama appointee Judge delayed subpoena
>WaPo publishes story saying DNC funded the dossier tuesday
>This strengthens the injunction
>Because there’s something Fusion cares about keeping secret even more than the Clinton-DNC news—and that something is in those bank records. The release of the client names was a last-ditch effort to appease the House Intelligence Committee, which issued subpoenas to Fusion’s bank and was close to obtaining records until Fusion filed suit last week. The release was also likely aimed at currying favor with the court, given Fusion’s otherwise weak legal case. The judge could rule as early as Friday morning.
it shouldn't take you that long to switch between proxies.
>thinks Milo is related to Sup Forums
Please just leave lol
Podesta tried to stop the hearing
>The untold story is the Democrats’ unprecedented behavior. Mr. Rooney had barely started when committee staffers for Mr. Schiff interrupted, accused him of badgering witnesses, and suggested he was acting unethically. Jaws dropped. Staff do not interrupt congressmen. They do not accuse them of misbehavior. And they certainly do not act as defense attorneys for witnesses. No Democratic lawmakers had bothered to come to the hearing to police this circus, and Mr. Rooney told me that he “won’t be doing any more interviews without a member from the minority present.”
See pic related.
The Fusion GPS bank records subpoena was delayed until Wednesday by Obama appointee Judge Tanya Chutkan
>U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan granted the House motion to intervene and has delayed the due date for the bank to comply with the subpoena until Wednesday while she evaluates the complaint.
Tanya is the judge that was trying to force Trump to give an illegal an abortion
>The temporary restraining order, issued by U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan Wednesday evening, said the federal government must allow the unnamed 17-year-old girl, who is about 15 weeks pregnant, to receive the abortion within days.
This gave WaPo and other media critters time to fess up before Nunes got the truth
How much do you get paid and where do I sign up? I can post like this and sound way more organic/non shill-ish
Podesta may have even committed purjury
>Exclusive: In Hill interviews, top Dems denied knowledge of payments to firm behind Trump dossier
>Podesta was asked in his September interview whether the Clinton campaign had a contractual agreement with Fusion GPS, and he said he was not aware of one, according to one of the sources.
>Sitting next to Podesta during the interview: his attorney Marc Elias, who worked for the law firm that hired Fusion GPS to continue research on Trump on behalf of the Clinton campaign and DNC, multiple sources said. Elias was only there in his capacity as Podesta's attorney and not as a witness.
So Podesta denied paying Fusion while sitting directly next to the guy who paid Fusion on his behalf
Yeah hard not being in israel for the winter, huh?
you don't get paid in rubles (free) but hay it's mony
On Monday a high ranking member of the Democratic Party will be arrested.
The fake Russian conspiracy story has blown up in their faces. All it has uncovered was massive dnc corruption and real federal level crimes by certain high ranking democrats
Nothing the shills do or say can save the party now. Soros has made another bad investment.
The dnc is over. It will never recover. Their attempts to bring down Trump have only brought down the dnc instead.
I’m sorry democrats, your party is over.
cool story bro
And finally:
>Here, the Clinton campaign and the DNC retained the law firm of Perkins Coie; in turn, one of its partners, Marc E. Elias, retained Fusion GPS. We don’t know how much Fusion GPS was paid, but the Clinton campaign and the DNC paid $9.1 million to Perkins Coie during the 2016 campaign (i.e., between mid-2015 and late 2016).
>A friend draws my attention to an intriguing coincidence.
>In its capacity as attorney for the DNC, Perkins Coie – through another of its partners, Michael Sussman – is also the law firm that retained CrowdStrike, the cyber security outfit, upon learning in April 2016 that the DNC’s servers had been hacked.
>DNC pays CrowdStrike to tell the FBI Russia hacked the DNC
>DNC pays Fusion GPS to give the FBI the dossier
>Fusion linked lawyer gets visa approved by Lynch to attend meeting with Don Jr
>one or all of these use in FISA court to spy on Trump
I appreciate the invite but I'm not interested in touring your homeland.
>Trump shills
hahahaha. nice try
fake and gay
i don't get paid to point out how retarded you are, it's more or less a hobby
don't you mean motherland?
not even a mother could be proud of them
Final note on the Fusion situation
You can call it whatever you want since you'll be headed back there soon. This thread was derailed and served no purpose.
you talk like a fag
Well it looks like Divide & Conquer worked great on you goddamn retards.
Well I do like cock.
>Manafort was a DNC Clinton plant
>Clinton camp goes with the pied piper strategy to boost up Trump
>This is why Russia bought Trump ads as well - used this as evidence that Russia was colluding with Trump instead of helping DNC boost his popularity
>Trump has a copy of the leaks already given to him by Assange
>Trump is aware of the pied piper strategy
>He uses this to his advantage to force free round the clock advertisement
>Coverage of Trump produces record ratings so long after the pied piper strategy is supposed to end it keeps going
>Recruits Manafort knowing he is a plant but to get those establishment brownie points to make it through the primaries
>He wins the primary
>Manafort gets canned immediately
>He has served his purpose
>It's time to MAGA
>Trump and /our boys/ prepare to take on the Gods themselves
>They win
>He played them all
>He has total power of the people and justice will be served
>mfw God emperor unironically
dude that's pretty gay
this thread was retarded to begin with, you can't ruin something that wasn't worth anything
You think Mueller is going to send Trump to jail? Are you fucking retarded? That would cause a civil war. The man is basically untouchable.
No, but the investigation could be used by congress as a way to impeach him.
Of course Pence would just pardon him, so obviously he isn't going to go to jail.
Nothing short of complete social and economic collapse could cause a civil war, people are too comfy.
People don't like finding out they were duped. I'm sure there are genuine Trump supporters reading this thread. Their tears are going to be delicious when people in Trumps campaign are arrested for working with the Russians.
Tbh I wouldn't mind seeing the freakout if Pence does pardon him. The crying would be out of control. Yeah yeah justice should be served and all that, but seeing the liberal tears cranked up to 11 would be worth it.
quiet he gets 75 cents a shill. Make home work for it
>t-they're investigating drumpf!
>s-surely they'll find something this time!
t. increasingly nervous man for the 35th time
This shit is such faggotry. How can you cucks keep losing and being wrong over and over again? Pathetic.