It is known by most and doubted by the anglo that America is primarily ethnically German. This video illustrates it quite well. Next time you Germans call an American a spic mongrel just remember it's probably your cousin you're talking to.
Germans and Americans are more alike than you think
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What's with all those Norwegian counties up near the northern border? You'd think Scandinavians would opt for warmer climate just for a change.
Comfort I guess. Their ancestors lived in cold mountains for centuries so they try to get to the closest thing in America.
off course the americans are germans, they fucked over the empire
That's why you do not sign the names of states. I like one by the composition of the population, but I do not know what is called.
what is American as an ethnic group supposed to mean?
>be 80% Anglo 15% German 5% black
>"I'm a German American"
Every time
>buttblasted anglo mad that Germans make up more than them in a land they founded
They let people pick it for the first time in 2012. It was mostly picked by appalachian hillbillies with primarily anglo descent. When those are added to the english count the German to English ratio is closer but still more Germans.
see all that light blue "american" there? those are german hillbilly bastards that don't know their family lineage or history.
in the 1980 census it was 49.6 million english, 10 million scottish, 1.6 million welsh, and 49.2 million german
in 2010 it was 27 million english, 6 million scottish, 5 million scotch-irish, 1.9 million welsh, 20 million just american, and 43 million german
overall british dropped by about 2 million, while german dropped by about 6 million. also 2010 is 59.9 million overall british and 43 million german. here's a map from 2010 that combines the british options (except for american) to give a better picture of the country
Spic mongrel.
German + non-Germanic = non-German
German = pure bloodline, racial awareness noble living, speaking and thinking in any of the German dialects
Cold mountains would be Montana, Idaho, Colorado etc.
Minnesota, North Dakota, Wisconsin etc. are as far from mountainous as it gets. But I still agree that diaspora seek what they're used to in their new countries
There's only one way to go for the american german colony: Come Heim ins Reich!!
You are Anschlussgebiet.
how is this even remotely surprising, i mean for the longest time people still thought of americans has blonde haired and blue eyed.
There are more Anglo-Celts than Germans in America
>Map doesn't include Italians
Shit map
This seems completely accurate in my travels across america, I'm in a blue state with one white spot.
>doesn’t include Italians
Who are not American. America was founded and developed by the Anglo-Celtics, Dutch and Germans. The rest are just immigrants
pennsylvania or iowa?
the only italian concentrations of italians are in jersey and new york, maybe there are some old wops in floridian retirement homes, all the new york parasitic jews and wops move down to live with the colombians, ricans, and other mongrel spics.
iowa, the spics are invading towns wit meat packing jobs though, and obamafaggot made like 20 refugee cities here like in minnesota, They are trying as hard as they can to get niggers and spics into iowa.
also it doesn't work, cause our winters are brutal as fuck, and hot as shit summers with 85% humidity, most of the niggers leave.
No wonder it's such a shithole.
>all the blue states are the best states
>purple states are commie shitholes
makes me hmm