So what do other memebees of the Slavic community here think about Slovakia
Is Slovakia Slavic
Members not memebees
rightful moravian clay
Gotta check them I guess
v4 stronk
The best Slavs
It's a shithole filled with faggot Bosniacs so not white. Also, we're full, fuck off!
Memebees sounds pretty good desu.
Tiny and friendly nation who yet managed to build one of the biggest castles in the world => Spis Castle :D
Our retarded son who always follows what his parents, Árpád and Anicka does anyway.
>pic catalonians would never understand
>debt 74.4% of GDP
>based half gipsy Orban
>Jobbik ("far right party") created by a Jew
Hungary stronk
Russian shill detected
just bantz, we love you neighbour
I know a Slovakian guy. He's a pissed off manlet with a strangely mongrel-looking face but he's pretty red pilled desu.
I hate Putin , good map tho
I like Magyars , only hate your politicians :D
im not saying im liking Hungarian Politician either.
The external Hungarian policy is very good. i would even say its amazing and i belive Hungarians should lead v4 for a while now as they obviously have the biggest balls.
When it comes to the internal policy tho, well Orban had this shit ideas like tax on internet, like closing shops on weekend. But you know what? Its Hungarian own buisness, Countries should not influence other countries internal politics!
strange, most people hate politicians of every kind, except for americans, they only hate the other party's candidate
orban is corrupt like all the others, his only redeeming quality is his migrant policy, which will win him the elections
>well Orban had this shit ideas like tax on internet
That was a leftist meme. It was supposed to be a unified data carrier tax on cable operators, standardizing fees paid regardless if the cable is used for tv, internet, telephone etc, to cut down the bureucratic clusterfuck. Then the liberals memed it into OMG LE GUBMINT LE SO LE DUMB DEY WAN TAX INTERNET XDDDDD
>like closing shops on weekend
It was supposed to be a more christian move, you know, keep the sabbat and everything. Also, it only forcibly shut down malls and hypermarkets on sundays. Any shop in personal possession and inself-employment, ie. corner mom and pop shops could stay open as they wish.
gypsi infected like hungary and romania... okay not like romania but it's pretty bad
> welfare just doing its magic as always
so what? gypsies are a local minority, they speak the local language, share the same history, hold similar values, don't need mosques, don't blow people up and truck them. Very little sjw signaling for them and no bgc cuck shilling
Gypsies are like tapeworms, they want to live in you forever and leech off your strength and resources.
Muslims are like parasitic wasps, they want to lay their eggs in you and breed till your country erupty into a dozen tiny caliphates.
I come vist homeland and kill muslims?
eastern slovak here .. gypsies are a thing here but if u own a firearm .. no problem at all they are so scared even of a dog ..
We need more insect kingdom analogies 2bh
Ironically titposting is still titposting
Slovakia is rightful Hungarian clay.
Slovaks are cool but without Magyars they are insignificant and open to predation by other, bigger countries.
they are based
In this thread we are discussing real countries, please leave
>real countries
Slovakia is purely a M.E.M.E. created by the Rothchilds to destroy Hungary and central European stability.
Imagine if Hungary was still an empire? How much more effective it would be against the globalist kikes?
Slovakia is not a real country.
I like tits. My main motivation for cumming to Sup Forums is tits 2bh.
Sorry, dunno but got it from Sup Forums
Look who is talking. Memeland with no history at all.
Always applaud slovakians. Leaving a union with their socioeconomic superiors to forge their own path. A model for other lower performing minorities in the western world.
Romania exists since 1859 though, even though it's a meme country with unclear identity and roots, unlike Slovakia who has no history before 1993 besides some few days of existence in 1918.
Hungarians LITERALLY had 1,000 years to integrate and suppress slovaks and they still failed.
romania is 3 different regions stitched together for no good reason
Magyarisation is another worthless meme.
Slovakization is aparently not, however, according to this :
Hard to suppress something that didnt exist till the 19th century. Also, the kangdom of Hungary was incredibly lenient on minorities, barely any pressure on them at all compared to contemporary france on bretons and occitans or the like. Every single minority except the poles and the rusyns fell for babbys first divide and conquer by hansi.
Blame the eternal frog and the eternal cyka for that.
Romania had a huge underdog potential, not only after WWI but in 1877 and after WWII as well. Our underdog potential is proof to the superiority of diplomacy to military or discipline. We were just sly, there's nobody to blame for this.
Linguistical and also religious reasons, you can see that it doesn't work out when the religions differ (Yugoslavia), anyway, Wallachia and Moldavia have been tied together for most of the late medieval and modern ages while Transylvanians are pretty much mostly Hungarians who have been romanianised from 1919 onwards.
With retards like this guy its so easy to stir up a regional conflict
Only MEME is todays state of your country , which you will not fix by denying our history.
Nah, it was more like when youre trying to prop up good vassals and minor allies in grand strategy. Large enough to be useful, but not too large to be put down, controls strategic land and resources, flanks your enemies from the other side, forcing them into two front wars and they were already latinaboos so romania was absolutely perfect for france.
The russians just wanted to reach the balkans, pushing to Tsargrad and do their panslavism thing currently in vogue.
No one denies various flavors of slavs lived in Hungary through history, moravians, czechs, poles, sorbs(wends back then), serbs, rusnys, croats, slovenes, russians, dalmatians etc. but slovaks didnt because the entire idea of slovakia came from czech hipsters who wanted to make their own thing in the 1800s.
>Wallachia and Moldavia... Transylvanians
Romania at it again doing namedropping
>Idea by czech hipsters
We are nothing like czechs , you are in a bigger denial then I though . Go research Great Moravia and Samos empire. I truly hope there are some people in Hungary today we can cooperate with . Because with fools like you der ewige jude will make us fight each other first chance he gets.
>We are nothing like czechs
Of course, you dont have a history.
Slovakia is great.
They must be doing something right over there because you know (((Hollywood))) hates them with their slanderous representation of Bratislava in propaganda movies such as EuroTrip and Hostel.
Hungary is the country that does not belong in that region. Hungarians are descendants and rape babies of Tatars, Ottomans, Mongols, and other horse people. Hungary is the only country in the region with a significantly different language and customs.
Slovakia was in the center of Samo's Empire, the oldest known Slavic kingdom.
It is a shithole though.
The only really great thing there is the nature.
Bratislava is basically the only actually developed and funded part of the country and even that is slowly turning into a liberal shithole full of foreigners like Prague, not to mention the fucking traffic of 200k+ people traveling in and out of city every morning/evining and weekend.
Every capital is a shithole because jews migrate there and form all those liberal and cultural marxist circlejerks. Just look at London, Berlin or Paris, formerly world cities turning into africa tier shitholes. Or Vienna and Budapest if you want to look closer. I saw unironic red banners and anarchist flyers in Vienna, what the fuck.
Also, bratislava is a huge source of inferiority complex for slovaks. Just imagine, walking through your capital and see how everything beautiful, everything historic and worth preseving was built by austrians and hungarians.
Slovaks are good people. After you peel away the Trianon butthurt, we Hungarians love you.
Looking at our history sans Trianon, what I see is long lasting cooperation and even brotherhood between the Magyars and various North Slavs living within it. You existed in Hungary for 1000 years. Think about that. That is your history too.
Yeah , agree with you 100% . I can imagine Trianon might be hard to swallow , but it is the only way we can move forward and cooperate.
czechs are not slavic. just today we had article about it.
only 35% of czechs have slavic roots, another 1/3 is germanic-celtic, 10% vikings (we wuz), some from siberia and south europe and ofc jewish :)
we wuz aryans an vikangz?
>are people whose nation is literally generic ''Slavs'' Slavs
Great question, really fries the neural network.
''Slavic'' is a culture, mostly. Only real undiluted Slavs are Poles.
Magyars are not mongols friend. They are descendants of Scythians. The Magyars weren't random barbarian retards stumbling into central Europe. That whole operation was deeply calculated. The military tactics they used were advanced as fuck. Sun Tsu shit. Thats why Bavaria and Moravia got rekt so fast. Even the Byzantines got owned.
Yea man we are brothers. Dude the Kingdom Of Hungary was a badass fucking state, and we build that shit together. Magyars, Slovaks, Croats, Germans. It was awesome.
we have germanic culture
Some comments are pure gold.
>Bilej Rom existuje ,Tmavych cechu beha po zemi taky dost .Divim se ze cesi potom trpi predsudky a nesnasi odlisne ,pritom jsme vsichni z masa a kosti ....Musime se hotl hodne ucit od West
>To máš sice pravdu, řada z vás jsou celkem dobří lidé, jde ale o ty vaše geny, které vždycky nějak vyplují na povrch, i u těch slušných. Rádi se mlátíte a rádi mlátíte jiné, obzvláště, když se opijete. A to není předsudek, ale osobní zkušenost. A skutečností je, že většina vašich je fakt nepřizpůsobivá...nepracující, nepořádná, líná, ukřičená, "dyškrymynovaná", sprostá, demoliční, s pořád nataženou rukou....státe dej a stát jim dává, zatímco na bílé stát kašle, pro nás bílé má hlavně tu práci a buzeraci. Proto ty nepřizpůsobivé nemáme rádi. A nemáme rádi osočování, že jsme rasisté, přitom je tu diskriminace na ruby. Jinak jsme až moc tolerantní, čehož je v maximální míře zneužíváno.
>soon to be conquered again flag
>Since we have no direct documentation about the Slavonic tribes, their names, or their political organization between the 6th and 7th centuries,[3] nor any concrete records from the following 150 years,[3] there is no historical evidence of any connection between Samo's kingdom and the ethnogenesis of the Slovaks.[3]
did you just link to something that torpedoed your own argument
Hey SlovakBros, my grandma came from a tiny farm town in the east called Zalobin which is in Zemplén County. Always wanted to go back and walk on the dirt my ancestors did. Any of you SlovakBros know if this town was mainly Slovak or part Rusyn too?
Why are Hungarians always assholes on Sup Forums? Its hard to take them as brothers i dont believe them.