Game developers are thin skinned libtards
Game developers are thin skinned libtards
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Can't wait for the crash
Same. I made most of these posts btw... Lipstick Larry for Dyke Magazine here
These aren't developers, they're just retards who run steam groups like petty tyrants.
As a former game dev... Its them.
don't support them, torrent shit.
Have you perhaps considered that not everyone appreciates shitposting the same way Sup Forums does?
I did :^) awaiting the AC crack so I can larp as a black kang and kill jews
way ahead of you
Kike fuck off
They are trying so hard to appeal to their (((masters))). Fucking shame.
Which makes them thin skinned libtards
From what I've seen most of the people in the game are Arab looking. Egypt did have niggers at 40bc. Still not going to give Ubisoft any money.
Your flag screams Pakistan
Here's what I don't get about Sup Forums. One second Rome is white. The next they're Southern European shitskins. Romans were always different than Northern Europeans (Gauls). One minute it's defend white heritage. The next it's "let's discard half of European history because they're not white enough." Someone explain please
Everyone not Ayran is not white. Simple as that.
>autist spergs out and starts using Sup Forums memes everywhere
>"fuck off"
have you considered that maybe no one wants to be around you user?
Back to pleddit. We are everywhere faggot and we control the world
lmao, i got banned by that LA cuck boy on the AC origins forum because i said nubians, and by extention blacks didnt have a significant influence on egyptian society
Like how that guy did not die like they were shooting them straight multiple seconds. Also did she miscarriage `?
Historically accurate facts are racist
>leftist developers spergs out and starts using /r/communism memes in every big game
You flag scream 56% mutt
so powerful
Lel, someone actually saved my steam post and put it in a collage.
Aryan isn't a real category. It's one Hitler made up. Dumb fucking amerimutt.
wheres the go to now? All the places from my day got shoahd
Saved this one the other day when some guy was spamming the fuck outta the forums.
>Sup Forums is one person
kys retard
also Italy isn't white
where is your kekistan flag magapede
The hivemind is real though
It kind of is, just not quite how OP is using it
>Italy isn't white
Whatever you say
lol its funny they are total retards none of your comments were malicious they were good fun
Yes I know that, he's using it a psuedo scientific way. That why it's not real.
Niggers confirmed for retardation?
Fuck neogaf and resetera
Idk wheres urs
>we control the world
thought that was us
Your new Jewish controlled master in each, working hard to get you down to 50% white
Looks like someone's mom isn't dying in her sleep tonight.
Are you aware things happened between rome and today, like arab invasions
wow, even the cut scenes are terrible
Its a Jewish world, we just let you live in it. Be grateful.
Zemeckis, faggots. You're not done here. You have uncovered nothing.
mods pls
what is that orifice and also that substance wtf
Fuck you
I'm aware, but the renaissance was after said invasions wasn't it? Should we throw Michelangelo out?
>le ebin stronk preggo womyn can singlahdnedly defeat a troop of sickass armed Nazi soilders and their giant robot deathbeast
Are ((they)) even trying anymore?
i stopped playing warframe because i would get banned for weeks for saying things like ayo hol uh in region chat
at least she looks black and not just white feature with blackface
that's your arsehole in 2 years if you don't repent faggot
the ass creed kangz posting was so great
>tfw I was too subtle to actually get banned even though every user who saw my post knew I was from here
It's mostly a meme, I don't think people arz serious about it. To say that italians today are the romans of before is not true, at least not in the south
Where'd you get it from?
What's a good torrenting site in general?
What's the wuz thing with Ass Creed? What did they put in the game?
>see thumbnail
>know exactly what it is
I've been here too long.
nigger egyptians
>Racist words like "WE"
Well mup da doo didda
Lead dev of BF3 and Payday 2, have at him. He's an American that transplanted to Sweden and turned into a total cuck. His career is in the shitter.
>Lead dev of BF3 and Payday 2
Payday 2: The DLCfest, pay moar goyim
PayDay 2 is shitty
Anyone who disagrees, has a shit taste and should not be trusted
I just wanted to play shooter with objectives with my buddies on lan parties :(
>One second Rome is white. The next they're Southern European shitskins
>one second
try 1000s of years of demographic shifts
Play SWAT 4
>unironically using the term "shitlords"
Italy has become more mongrelized than it was thousands of years ago, just like the balcans and even egypt and turkey
reminder that assassins creed is dead and just a voidless skin of its former self, unity was pretty bad but playable i only beat the first guy and didnt go onto others. But its still fucking dead. libtards killed mass affect, and other titles like wolfenstien and far cry. But hey atleast they didnt touch dead space that would have been a fucking shit show
I haven't paid for a game in years, except for the few I bought 2nd hand for a console that I couldn't hack
Its almost as if Sup Forums isnt one person
I will after I get new friends, my old ones are married and playless now
Yeah I got it. Give me one source for how much they average Italian has changed compareg to the regional equivalent to 0 AD. I honestly shouldn't be here bullshitting and speculating
I saw Marsburgen on there and thought "Jew" I added him and he told me he was proud of his Jewish heritage.
hey fuk u
>playing video games
Good goy.
Reward good games regardless of their politics
>cesar is white with blue eyes
Feel good desu
This is distasteful as fuck
like that kike actually plays vidya
Stop buying games from Jewbisoft and Jewthesda.
Shitposting and banter. Also, Sup Forums isn't a hive mind where we all think the same about every single issue.
Just lurk moar newfriend
Fuck libtards
ac: origins is pretty fun, I give it a 7/10
I bet most of you are one of "those" people who watch people play games instead of actually playing them
>Just lurk moar newfriend
How dare you. You better be pre 2012.
This is why I don't play AAA games developed in Anglo-western countries. Bunch of pencilneck geeks develop the game nowadays. There are a few exceptions.
Can anyone tell me what I just watched?
Is that from a real video game?
Since video games are basically 20 hour-long movies now can start judging them by movie standards? That was fucking idiotic.
>Niggers found Rome
They are truly helping us exposing how dumb they are
a liberal feelgood game called wolfenstein 2
Fucking jew