>Have anonymous tumblr, mostly art/music, a few red pilled posts about immigration and diversity and what not
>Decided to follow my girlfriend's blog to see if she recognizes my writing/opinions
>She's a typical brainwashed liberal who bases her views on how she feels, but she knows my power level to a decent extent as I've never shied away from expressing my views
>Follows me back and then blocks me
>Doesn't say anything to me IRL about it
How should I interpret this?
Have anonymous tumblr, mostly art/music, a few red pilled posts about immigration and diversity and what not
>a few red pilled posts
so like, complaining and criticism? negativity is negative user.
who fucking cares?
you sound like a cuck if you want even control your woman
Sounds like a high school relationship. Dump her and find a real woman.
Redpill her?
go be up front with her, then fuck her brains out and be a real man
What's control have to do with anything? Like I said, I've always been up front with her. She's just the sort of person who completely blocks out information that contradicts her childish liberal fantasies of how the world should be.
She didn't block you to avoid seeing your stuff, she blocked you so that 1) you can't see hers and 2) her friends can't see yours.
She's embarrassed that you don't fit her liberal friend's ideas of a "good boyfriend" and she is losing leftist virtue signal street cred by being with you.
Also, she posts a ton of shit on tumblr for attention (as all women do on social media) and she doesn't want you to see how much attention she is receiving as well as seeking.
She's up to no good if she blocked you dude, think about it.
I'm not even sure that she knows it was me. There's a good chance she just got offended by one of my posts. Also, blocking someone on tumblr doesn't prevent them from seeing their blog, and people can't see who's following you
he's right. she's already being blacked, you cuck.
You can see who is following you.
lol why the fuck are you doing this weird 3rd party proxy communication with her, you have to be mentally deranged to do shit like this. you are probably a narcissist, or she might be one.
have you even met this girl?
Oh I just reread the part where you said it was anonymous.
If you're sure she didn't know it was you, then maybe she's just being a typical leftist and deleting all opinions she doesn't agree with.
But, if she knows you very well, which I assume she does since she's your gf, she'd have to assume it was you. Why else would someone with your same opinions, worldview, and musical taste add someone like her.
Does she have a lot of tumblr followers? If she has thousands she might not notice it was you, but if she only has a few I would think it would be pretty obvious.
Just a curiosity thing.
This. If she is obviously shying away from you on the basis of political differences, why are you even asking? Unless she is willing to engage in an ideological discussion of what separates you, she will be further unwilling to make concessions on an interpersonal level. Bring up the issue yourself, and if she still refuses to engage, dump her.
Why don't you get some people together and start gangstalking her, street theaters and such, until she deletes her tumblr. Call in the middle of the night and recite her tumblr address in a raspy voice, leave notes and shit.
You're a fucking idiot.
>my "girlfriend" ooooooooh ok sure OP you lying underageb&
She doesn't shy away from me on the basis of our political differences though. She honestly doesn't seem to give a shit about my views one way or another. She just seems to hate any sort of conflict or heated discussion, and is generally very fragile. The high school thing isn't too far off though, she's a college freshman.
kek, you cuck faggot. Just drop her now before you catch her riding some nigger. With you fucking her, it's bound to happen
Enjoy her while she is still human, before modernity ruins her. Does she have that innocent, high spirited, good natured, optimism thing going?
No, not anymore. She has the I'm a depressed teenage girl who hates my body thing going.
Get out now. The game is up.
Damn. I guess that was too much to wish for, outside of Mormon circles perhaps anyway.
As a male, your reaction is to rationalize your girlfriend's decision. This is a fundamentally flawed line of thinking due to the female reaction predominantly lacking rationalization.
She probably didn't like your red pills destroying her protected bubble of safe (but wrong) world views so she blocked you without a second thought because she doesn't want anything jeopardizing the comfy illusion of misinformation she and most women live in.
Your reaction was never even taken into account user. Don't make a big thing about it. Continue getting that sweet poon-tang. If you see a future with her, see if she's open to some gradual redpilling, if she's not don't get her pregnant and drop her when you get tired of her.
>having a gf
How old is she? Shit like this makes me think she's a teenager or hasn't grown out of the post-adolescent idealistic phase.
> Continue getting that sweet poon-tang. If you see a future with her, see if she's open to some gradual redpilling, if she's not don't get her pregnant and drop her when you get tired of her.
The one thing that gives me hope for her is that she's constantly talking about how she wants to be a stay at home mother, raise lots of kids, move out into the country with me, and basically be a traditional wife/mother. None of this muh career nonsense. It completely contradicts her feminist opinions which I find hilarious and confusing. She once casually said something about how women are "taught to be submissive and meek" as if she was reciting some feminist slogan from memory. I gently reminded her how she's submissive and meek and seems to enjoy me being the dominant one in the relationship, and that I don't think anyone taught her to behave that way, to which she responded "yeah I guess so" and changed the subject.
She's 18
Sounds like she’s lying to you about how she truly feels. If your girlfriend isn’t completely upfront to you with how she feels and what she believes them she isn’t worth your time.
Oh lord this made me laugh.
She tells me how she feels. She's not shy about reminding me that she's a liberal. She just won't argue her points and will try to change the subject. Conflict avoidance.
Run before you haven't lost your mind.
Because ultimately her arguments are based on emotion and as soon as you try and make her actually confront conflicting ideas and look at her own, they crumble,so she surrounds herself with an echo chamber so she doesn’t face actual arguments.
destroy her and rebuild her
She blocked you so that you can't see her online nigger crush.
That's a good sign user. The corrosive nature of modern feminism hasn't taken hold if she's openly talking about children and married life as a homemaker.
If you do choose to take your relationship to the next level, you'll find the closer you two become, the more her opinions will begin to directly mirror yours.
Women are beautiful creatures but they unfortunately lack the ability to form independent opinions based from surrounding truths, even when things seem so black and white to you and I. Women have underlying traits to follow whatever dominant opinion/ideology they are most often exposed to. An evolutionary trait that comes from a woman's survival instinct to mate with the tribe she currently belongs to, or the tribe that killed every male in her tribe the next day and claimed the females as wives.
you sound like a retard op
show her this
it triggers me how many people didnt pick up on that fact that ops gf didnt know it was him.
what sort of brainlets am i dealing with here?
nice blog
This is pretty insightful. I've always known the how, but never really put together the why. I've always had the opinion that we don't actively need to "fix women"; when we fix society, women will be fixed by extension, as they're just a reflection of it. But that doesn't really give me much hope for the near future and my personal relationships. We've got a long ways to go before traditionalism becomes trendy again, especially as long as Hollywood/media Jews are dictating the political zeitgeist.