It's over, Catacucks

It's over, Catacucks.

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Fuck off with your stupid subcountry.

get back in your sticky

do they even have an army for independence? otherwise spain can just crush them

>two weeks ago, catacuck I know was constantly citing Gandhi and telling me that certain victory is just around the corner
>haven't heard anything of him since the central government told them to fuck off

>Saucy Sandcunt Del Sandringham

that name has got to be a joke

They have better, my dear mountain Jew. They have liberal arts majors and migrants.

I wonder how does it feel to have this women arbitrarily selected to be your new leader after you fought for your Independence?


figure of speech

I know the yugoslavia comparisons are getting played out but the croats didnt have arms or an army to use them either until weapons were smuggled in after shit started hitting the fan.

4 years later they were a US trained effective war machine

It's only a "figure of speech" cause they don't actually have the balls to fight, stupid fucking leaf


>trying this hard to argue semantics
What's the point? You knew what he meant.

yeah that's what I meant you dumb retard


You have fought for nothing yet, maricon.

Because I think it's funny that he used the word "fight" when the Catacucks have done anything but fight. Why does that get you buttblasted?

Catalan separatists are communists

Well that's what I was pointing that out, you absolute cretin

Catacucks BTFO! Wrathbulls victorious once more!

Hardened Catalonian rebels right here.

b-but it's just a (((figure of speech))), user

Who's going to smuggle in guns for the Catalonians?


Because you're factually wrong. You know you can google the definition of fight? One of the definitions of fight, is: "struggle of campaign against." A fight by literal definition does not have to have a physical confrontation. I just don't understand how you can speak English, but not understand that language is nuanced. I don't understand why his correct use of the word is comical. Maybe your humor just escapes me.

Did Soros fail? What about his 18M?

how the eu handles this will be interesting. wonder if it will affect anything.

Wait, so before you were saying it's just a figure of speech, but now you're saying it's literal? Make up your fucking mind you fat retarded 56% shitskin burger. There was no fight. There has been no struggle. Unless you count standing in the street waving a Catalan flag a "struggle". Why are you clutching at straws so hard?

I never said it was a figure of speech? How are you going to tell me I'm clutching straws? I'm holding on to the LITERAL definition. If you could please link me to my post where I stated it was a figure of speech, please do so and I will retract my statement. But here's the thing. I wrote the fucking posts, I'm very aware what I posted in them, and no where did I say it was a figure of speech. I, being an intelligent adult looked up the definition. You, being an idiot; ignored the definition and proceeded to put words in my mouth. Good argument, except none of that happened and you're a downey with reading comprehension and an immigrants grasp on the English language. In fact, if a ESL immigrant didn't know the definition of a word, they would probably google it and educate themselves. Let that sink in. You're actually worse off than an immigrant in your native language. You're actually dipping in to low tier IQ now friend.

You were agreeing with the sentiment of the Canacuck, i.e that it was just a "figure of speech" and saying I was playing semantics erroneously. Then you said I was actually factually wrong. Like I just told you, the LITERAL definition of "fight" and all of yuh nuanced definitions of "fight" do not apply to the situation of the Catacucks. There has been no fight and there has been no struggle. Stop reaching. Nothing about the definition of "fight" applies, no matter how much you want to try and extend the definition to make it applicable. Get that through your thick retarded shitskin skull. There has been NO FIGHT. Neck yourself, cunt.


How come nobody updated the wiki? They were only a country for about an hour and a half

>This can't be happening! I'm in charge here!

1. take part in a violent struggle involving the exchange of physical blows or the use of weapons.

Does this apply to the Catacucks? NOPE. Retarded burger BTFO

2. struggle to overcome, eliminate, or prevent.

Does this apply to the Catacucks? NOPE. Waving flags in the street does not constitute a struggle. Retarded shitskin low IQ burger BTFO again.


a violent confrontation or struggle.

Does this apply to the Catacucks? NOPE. Retarded shitskin low IQ burger BTFO once more. Timre to neck yourself Tyrone.

>be rich catalonian
>pretend to be some third world country seeking arms
>have boat
>suddenly armed catalonians

What happened in Croatia was a smuggler got ahold of an end-user certificate or EUC ( from the headquarters of the Nigerian army, the certificate needed to purchase arms from countries

>The Nigerian certificate, from the preceding June, lists 15 categories of weapons, certified 'for the sole use by the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria', including 500,000 Russian Kalashnikov AK-47 rifles, 200,000 Israeli Uzi sub-machine guns and 10,000 Russian RPG-7 rocket launchers.

This was then smuggled over the border to Croatia on Trucks, Donkeys, Boats, any way they could.

What do you mean there was no fight? You're ignoring facts again. Catalonians campaigned for independence (by simple logic that means the campaigned against being a dependent state). The simple act of campaigning against something by definition makes it a fight.

Look, stupid. Just because you didn't include ALL of the definitions in your post doesn't make you right. It makes you even more stupid because you tried to omit factual evidence to support your own argument. Here's a screen shot, with the definition on the third bullet down. It must be hard to be as dumb as you. At this point I actually think you might be trolling. No one can actually be stupid enough to argue against facts right? That's why they're facts.

Most catalans don't even want to be independent.

Did I miss the troops moving in or something? Where is this fighting?

Don't be as dumb as the Brit dude. A fight doesn't have to involve physical altercation. Please see . That is a screen shot when you google "define: fight". I've provided the literal definition. I've provided the means to look up the literal definition. There is no possible way to spoon feed you any more than this. It's up to you to educate yourself. No one can force you to be smart if you want to act like an idiot, but I've provided the means to do so, if you so wish. If you want to remain uneducated, that's your choice. But accepting ignorance through laziness is nigger tier.

>What do you mean there was no fight?
See you fat retarded shitskin. You're reaching as far as you possibly can to try and apply the word "fight" to the situation of the Catacucks, using some obtuse third-party associated words to try and justify it. The top 3 definitions of "fight" do not apply to the Catacucks. At some point the actual meaning of "fight" is lost when you have to resort to including "quarrel" or "disagreement" or "differ" or "agitate", which is what you're trying to do in desperation. It's like saying "I fought to walk to work today despite the rain". It's so obtuse and so loosely connected that it's not even pertainable. Like I said, you're clutching at straws, cunt.

This is a (((fight))), according to the fat retarded shitskin burger

western “democracy”


What happens to limp-wristed Catacucks when they try to (((fight)))

The (((fighting))) warrior spirit of the brave Catacucks

I don't know man. I can't make you believe anything you don't want to believe. I've provided actual facts. Like, the actual definition. I can't do any more than that. At the end of the day you're factually wrong. You're arguing against facts. What you posted as "evidence" is weak evidence, because you clearly ommited stuff that goes against your argument for the sake of argument. That's weak as fuck. If your argument can't stand on its own without manipulation, it's not a good argument. Call it what you want, but at the end of the day it's still a fact.

that Hansel is so hot right now



>We want independence
>yurop pls help

I have to say. I hate globalists and even though Catalonia is a bunch of faggots I was rooting for them. Just to watch the globalists fall. But what do you know, these liberal faggots can't even secede properly. Why are there no right wing secession movements? Why are none of you so-called White Nationalists actually advocating secession. All I see here is hate on secessionists but there will never be a white homeland unless you secede and create it.

Hopefully, a Spanish tank will run his faggot ass over.

Are you one of these people who would rather fail instead of asking for help and achieving your goal?
Also notice how they ask Europe for help and not the EU.

Holy shit dude, I can't wait til Richard Spencer hears bout this.

What's the point of being independent if you can't do it independently.

Europe = EU

They don't need an army if the spics are not willing to shoot unarmed people.
We beat the soviets by singing at them basically.

Will be interesting how those nigger genes play out.

how long did it last this time?