It's THE HAPPENING. The big lie. The one giant conspiracy that ties everything together. It's all coming down and we get to be alive to see it. /comfy/ as fuck.
Do you guys realize the magnitude of what is happening?
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I completely believe this, yet my depression has reached depths I could never imagine. The light must be close.
thats strange, i have been oddly depressed the last week with absolutely no reason for it
>The one giant conspiracy that ties everything together.
this is what rural and suburban retards actually believe
one big conspiracy theory that removes all complexity from the world and confirms their ideological biases
I completely believe this, yet my depression has reached depths I could never imagine. The light must be close.
I wish you well. Have some friendly vibe
which fucking one
>one big conspiracy theory that removes all complexity from the world and confirms their ideological biases
JFK, or the Mueller thing?
also this Stop being flat
Trumps gonna expose JFK - 9/11/Vegas and a lot of other shit.
Btw op is a faggot, and nothings gonna happen
ok, yes, but now without bullshiting
what is going on, and don't live in your fantasy.
not a fantasy.
It'd be pretty funny if you yank cunts went all civvy war 2.0 and got invaded by the united nations which lets the kikes go all one world boogaloo on your arses and then forces trumps wall down and free migration for everyone as a result of your racist wars and ways.
Though to be fair that's unlikely to happen as the elites already have alien level technology over us pond scum normies so if you do go tits up over there my bet is you'll soon see a taurus scroll with black triangles flying out of them. Good luck :)
united nations can't stop squables in tiny 3rd world shitholes without tucking tale and running away. how in the fuck would they stand a chance in quelling the best armed civilain populace in world history with the strongest military in world history?
Confirmed not LARP
Quad confirm. UN are faggots
OK, but you seem to have no clue and no reason to believe this other than the fantasy that Trump will change everything and swamp the drain
Why don't they cram a few more hangers on into that photo?
What the fuck is that?
>UN winning against armed us population
It's not a conspiracy when they tell you about what will happen.
Thread theme song...
Just your body being Pavlovian conditioned to all the happenings that never happened.
Norway spiral.
flat earth?
quads dont mean shit here but im still gonna check you
>how in the fuck would they stand a chance
That is a high energy plasma discharge.
That it's happening in the atmosphere (and not, say, contained in a high energy plasma physics lab) is incredibly disconcerting
Is it that Satanic pot bellied vampire paedophile Communists are running everything and trying to reduce the population down to 500 million?
we're all going to do it
Uh... physics?
Here. Have fun with this as a starting point.
Do you hype bullshit for a living?
So whats up?
Kek, this
Read the thread and still don't know what's happening
Quick rundown?
a Sup Forums round table would probably end in us killing each other in an argument over who is and isn't white
That's a missile system test. It flies up and starts spiraling around instead of flying over foreign territory or having to make other turns mid-air.
Or, ayyylmao whatever.
Your article has to to with culminated beams of light. They're making "helical light spirals", not "planar light spirals", and they don't look like that video.
why are all americans so goddamn brainwashed to think their country matters when the jews are infesting the living hell out of it
>bought into the missile system test
>high enough to have zero drag
>still has minutes of fuel left to burn (instead of the normal 58 second)
>what is a starting point?
Just a portal to hell. Don't worry CERN will have permanent ones opened soon enough.
The light is taking your newfound understanding, finding men irl that share that understanding and forming communal, local brotherhoods. Gym, shooting range, food drives, needle cleanup, etc.
Have you ever discussed the jq in real life with an intelligent man your age? The freedom in those conversations instantly lifts you both up to a new level.
Stop shitposting and join Nord Front, GI or any ethnonat group ASAP.
Quality of life has to get really bad before we get an actual happening, and we're a far cry from being there, sadly.
Only jews and slavs make this argument. Everyone else would be killing eachother over being called a mother fucking faggot.
Is that the Death Star emerging?
This, actually. American populace makes it impossible to conquer America without their consent.
Only way America can be defeated is through a civil war or a conflict that divides militias.
Civil war will only make the US stronger
Especially since the weak left would be crushed
What are you talking about? Someone give me a quick rundown please.
>and swamp the drain
This is what happens when there's too much shit to flush. He had to know there was gonna be a clog.
>It's all coming down and we get to be alive to see it.
let's say trump exposes Hillary for collusion with Russia and bribery on the nuclear one deal as well as exposing the FBI and CIA for Kennedy related happenings. Then what? hillary goes to jail for like 5 years and an extra 1% of the country sees how corrupt the Dems and CIA are? whoop de fucking doo... even if she went to jail for life the left would just say he's targeting his opponents, let's face it pol; none of this will even happen realistically and even then what do we gain out of it? a month or two of the general public being aware of what is actually going on? yea cool. I'm not saying I wouldn't LOVE these things to happen but I just don't belive that it will change the actual way this country works.The American public has been a passive parasite on its own awareness for as long as the US has been around. Higher ups will ALWAYS control the masses and they will ALWAYS have the upper hand, Hillarys tech guy is a perfect example of this, the dude is given immunity even though he was a pawn in her game. The CIA made sure we were like this right after Kennedy was killed. JFK was Americas last chance and they took that from us. This is just how things are now.
Yes. The storm is coming and it's coming big. Brace yourself lads. Our courage will come to a test
>my face when it took an image board site full of NEETs with Google less than a decades worth of shitposts to bring down the plans hundreds of years in the making of the richest and most powerful elites on the face of the Earth
>American populace makes it impossible to conquer America without their consent.
"much guns will save us!" no they won't, and you know why? Because of the ones overthrowing the US arent using force, they're using money, power, and emotions. Its already started and has been going on for decades. I love guns as much as the next red-blooded American, and you're partially right, nobody will ever take the US by force unless it's a biochemical or nuclear attack. But the chance to defend ourselves from the elite has long passed.
It's a failed missile test.
The missile is on a parabolic arc, and is spinning. Part of the missile has broken and it leaks fuel as it spins. This fuel spreads outwards from the missile in a spiral pattern. When the missile reaches sunlight, being at a higher altitude, the crystallized and reflective rocket fuel creates brilliant hues visible to observes on the ground who are in the dark.
That's literally all it is. It's a common failure method and you can find dozens of videos showing the same thing in different countries, also including simulations that show what's happening to the missile.
It's electromagnetic in nature.
I shit you not. The grand solar minimum is upon us.
can't tell if shill or actually dumb enough to believe that cover-up
>the chance to defend ourselves from the elite has long passed
That's where you're wrong. We're spilling all their beans and they're scrambling to shut us down. Once all the pedophilia related stuff comes to light, we'll be marching on Washington and hanging the pedos as traitors. Dog bless.
I said "without their consent". Eventually you'll get cucked into anything. The enemy is not dumb. They would never let a revolution happen. They'd rather improve things a bit until you goys calm down.
The unabomber was right and we're past the point of no return.
Cover her tits. Seriously.
my bad, it's actually swamp gas reflecting light from venus
Uncertain times ahead. It's been a privilege shitposting with you, gentlemen.
How to combat these effects?
The pedos in Washington are much much more powerful than the directors and executives of Hollywood. They're the ones running shit, They're the ones pushing the narrative that pedophilia is just a sexual orientation and not a mental illness, all while trying to normalize it. Even if they die off they will have already put new people in place to run their agenda. It's past the point of no return.
This is what an intercontinental ballistic missile launch failure looks like
>put new people in place to run things
we'll already have the rope. just as easy to put two bodies in the tree as it is to put one
same dude
>File: 1488128126093.png (1.42 MB, 990x666)
What does it mean????
>put people in place
their children
they're banking dynasties user
remember when OCCUPY WALL STREET was about taking on the 1%? Then somewhere along the way it became some big noise about trannies protesting white people. Meanwhile antifa is more than happy to accept donations from billionaire George Soros.
At 0:03 it sorta looks like a benis :DDD
>Oy vey Goyim stop being so restless and just give up already
The gates are open
The flood is here
The blind eye has turned
The shift is split
The wall will be built
But enemies are within
Only to be destroyed
By themselves
As always
The enemy
What specifically is happening?
slightly more collaborative future?
less waste on the yx genome side of things? (including energy and materials)
from diapers to pull-ups? YAAAAA!!!! We're all big kids now!!!
Not what he's saying. People are armed here, much more so than the un is the point. I didn't think that's too big of a leap.
get high on weed and eat alot. avoid alochol and avoid contentous people.
>this advice for solar minumums is thousands of years old
learn economics. manage your own nations future.
>get high on weed and eat alot. avoid alochol and avoid contentous people.
Add in exercise and having a dog and I'd like to join your cult. But serious question, how does the alcohol play in to this?
>learn economics
99.9 percent of everyone won't so please be more realistic wth your sage advice.
Same here, wtf
>But serious question, how does the alcohol play in to this?
It's bad for the usual reasons but especially during solar minimums because it depletes your electrolytes and fucks with your synaptic activity which is already reduced during the minimum
Checked and good luck with your depression
How is weed beneficial during solar minimums?
It gets you more high by increasing the activity in the reduced activity period caused by the minimum... I don't want you guys to miss out.
>thats strange, i have been oddly depressed the last week with absolutely no reason for it
Fuck, same here. I've been depressing just at the thought of how time flies away, which is very unsual to me.
Think I'll try meditation but thanks.
lmfao same here, i think its just polacks being polacks tho. its like millenial woes's fan base and shit. fucking were already broken.
The ones with real power have names we do not recognize. Everyone else is just a puppet playing a role on a stage.
Yeah this is it mate, the next few months will echo in eternity.
pls post again without gay meme flag for a pretty decent screen cap
aye gents, me too. keep pushin we're almost there. and if we are not? fuck it everyone gets to die one day, dont quit before that.
Guys....guys seri...Guys seriously.....guys it's......seriously guys.... ITS FUCKING HAPPENING.
don't worry user we will save you too. once we drain our swamp