Please don’t let me down Pol. This is not a conspiracy. Corey needs your support. Robin Williams abused me and Whoopi Goldberg was a witness. Don’t let the rumor die please. It’s fucking true, I need your help. Please help me Pol.
Robin Williams abused me
Other urls found in this thread:
What did she see?
where r proofs
You were good in Matilda
Please. Help me.
It was before her career took off. A couple of years.
He was so innocent. Corey didn't do nothing.
Details motherfucker. Post in complete sentences and actually explain things ffs.
You will see Pol. We should ALL feel guilty for not seeing it. Robin Williams was no angel.
I can't, I signed an NDA. You figure it out you fucking retard. I think think that I gave you enough, with my previous thread. I don't want to die.
Polanksi drugged and rapedand sodomised a 13 year old girl who repeatedly said stop, I want to go home.
Whoopis response? "It wasn't rape rape"
A hint. It's not the real date. But it should give you a hint.
1982,Teens socialize and search for sex and romance when their parents go out of town.
> Teens socialize and search for sex and romance when their parents go out of town.
Wtf is going on Pol?
Oh... This was a different time, where it was all (((acceptable))). The usual excuse, right?
I will not expose myself. But I think that you can all connect the dots.
Terry Winsor
I just googled him and this was one of the results.
Whoopi Goldberg Delivers Monologue About Pornography: ‘There Was an Uptick in Pedophilia’
>You figure it out you fucking retard.
Stop larping you faggot. NDAs mean shit in criminal matters. And even if this was real, what makes you think an anonymous message board is going to do about some other anonymous person claiming sexual assault years ago?
It will all be exposed very soon.
All these satanists fucks better get what they deserve user!!!!!!!!!!!!
I posted a while ago. And a couple of days after that Corey announced is project.
I know the name of the 2 people that will be exposed. It's big news.
>gimme that sweet angus, boi!
They tried to kill him. Twice. Motherfuckers.
He's fucking legit. Long time of mine. He needs your support.
I told him to be reasonable, but he wouldn't listen.
You might as well pull down the whole fucking veil, its basically everyone at Hollywood
you fucking bitch ass motherfucker NDA's are for patents and formulas, not fucking child abuse cases. If there is any paperwork involved to a similar effect that means you've settled out of court. Also, you're fucking a year younger than me so grow a sack you fucking stupid FAGGOT larper.
Corey is a good guy. I love him and I think that he needs to come out clean. And he will!
Dude.. Fuck you. Would you give your entire life up? You have no idea. We don't want to die.
i believe you corey
also get off the drugs man, you look like shit desu
I didn't even know what NDA means. I just learned about it recently. Fuck off really.
I'm not Corey but I am very close to him.
W-whats that big one in the center of Ca?
>i will name pedophiles in hollywood
>gib 10 million dollars to pay lawyers and make a movie
fuck this guy, it's not like you cant cut a deal with a lawyer to pay him after the shit is over... and a movie? why not just go on a podcast and get it over with
Look at this.
The way you post is very odd. Are you doing coke?
Does it matter? She knew. And was complicit.
nobody is going to speak for us op. they'll set off a nuke before letting it happen. what happened to us will never bestopped. I've made my peace with it because if I ever said anything id be putting people i love in danger.
Why are people even wondering?
Was Robin Williams a pedophile.?
I wonder why...
It will happen. Corey said that one of his accuser was dead. It is Williams. Sorry to break the news for you.
The longer he waits to drop it all the closer they get to suiciding him. Feldman needs to just hurry up and expose these bastards before they kill his ass.
“It Wasn’t Rape-Rape”: Whoopi Goldberg Covered For Hollywood Pedophile Roman Polanski In 2009
She's protecting Polanski ffs. Connect the fucking dots user. How hard is that? You fucking retards.
He will die before that. His 10 millions target is a joke. This is why I am exposing all this.
If you know the name of two people who will be exposed very soon why not drop their names here now. After all, only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
I could, but it would expose me. I was a victim.
posting in a slide thread
Why do you think that he gravitated toward these roles in the end of his career.
Not a fucking coincidence,
So before The Color Purple took off?
>don't let the rumor die
he's dead anyways to not shit you can do about it even if he did. provide proof or fuck off
He was ill. And still accepted roles related to his illness. Why is that?
I will in time. Corey needs to go first.
you think its like the movies where the good guys win over evil. in real life the fucked up people have thought of every single way in order to shut up people and keep doing it.
Too soon.
Robin was very sick, and no one knew how sick he was.
It's darker than you think it is.
>i was abused but i'm not gonna do shit about it because who the hell knows why
what a pussy. if it's true and you have proof, spill it to the courts, but he's still dead. you want to send his rotting corpse to prison? or maybe you're looking to fuck over his innocent widow and children. nah m8, If it IS true, you're just in it to screw over innocent people. neck yourself
Robin had a dark side that few know of. It's very ugly compared to today's' standards.
they'll shame him into suicide if he names williams. no one will believe. he'll be called a junky liar hasbeen etc
>shame him into suicide
normies were a mistake
never did like Williams
Robin abused Corey. That's as much as I can say.
Just wait and see. Mork & Mindy.
i vaguely remember watching this 10+ years ago.
it was like a lower class british version of goodfellas.
This is the era when it happened. I don't' give a fuck about your opinion.
Corey remembers it well.
Jesus Pol. Are you that fucking retarded?
It's sooo fucking OBVIOUS!
just a warning bro, williams is orshipped and since he died ecently he can't defend himself and people will have very bad feelings about someone trying to smear a fresh corpse's legacy, especially one so loved as williams. he's more than bill cosby ever was, he was a legit movie star loved by just about everyone. barely anyone knows who corey is and he just seems weird and creepy as shit. and people will judge him and his motivations by his recent bizarre persona.
I'm ashamed to even post here. The evidence are so fucking obvious.
Fuck you, the truth needs to be out shill.
I'm glad he didn't get caught. That would have been a waste of talent.
He gave corey coke and poked his ol' Typhonian Tunnel eh?
Robin was also really into drugs around this time. Oh my god...
This is beyond persona. This pedophilia behavior. He might be dead but he's still accountable.
it's just a warning of how i see things unfolding if that path is what happens, i;m not a shill just warning you if you have legit connection to him to perhaps warn him of how it may go down so he's at least mentally prepared.
Lets all get together and lynch his corpse.
No one escapes justice!
But what about Jonathan?
by the time corey comes out the mass people will be following a different carrot. the timing is prime now. make a youtube video will go viral truth over profit
>He might be dead but he's still accountable.
you won't get justice but you have my respect
Guys, good old actor, our Uncle Robbi, was a... faggot.
Can you point on the doll to where I'm supposed to give a fuck?
If he fucked a kid in the ass he needs to be known as the guy that fucked a kid in the ass
Did Robin insert himself into Corey's prime young angus multiple times violating his sacred innocence?
he definitely has that look to his face, and his last film was about a gay old married man coming to grips with his sexuality. i wouldn't be shocked if it turned out to be true, but i dunno if most people would accept it.