North European Were Slaves In Ancient Rome


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>implying that soldier wont be dead by 22

And eventually we took over their empire and went to the moon.

And so were so southern europeans and literally everyone else they made contact with...

As were they under many Barbary Slavers, as were they when sold to Arabs.

We have zero reason to be guilty over the Atlantic Slave trade, I wish people would stop fucking bitching about it. Some fucking Ants take slaves from rival colonies, some monkeys steal dogs to use as nightwatchers, it is a part of nature to use forced Labour.

We were amongst the first to demolish it.


Centuries later


and guess what? We still carry the legacy of democracy and republic

and the constitution

Niggers are the only former slaves to not create their own modern civilization, I never thought of that before.

Portuguese Jews were the ones that made slavery into a business


liberal arts = retards who cuck themselfs and raise nigger ofsprings
what a goddamn coincidence
Oy vey

Why is that man trying to give her and her family apples.

whats his endgame?


An apple a day keeps the dentist away. Something the brits never bothered with.

because they'd ask for gold to gamble away or cider to drink.

Hmm, not sure but does Liberia count?

I've actually seen that piece, it's fucking nuts.
I don't know how they thought that would be a good thing to show people.

Apparantly most Liberians have tasted human flesh at some point in their lives. Disgusting place.

>implying this is a tracable DNA type
Pretty sure 23andme is a troll site and you either get different results every time you send your DNA or they identify the same DNA and re-sent you the first randomized DNA result

So were some Greeks, iberians, and even fellow italians. Anyone who got in the way of Rome was at risk of getting sold into slavery once defeated.

Pretty sure they only determine it based on similarities to populations so why wouldn't Sardinia work?

t. Kanake

Yes and then North Europeans raped and destroyed your empire. Twice when they sacked constantinopoli.

Fuck i wish the white man would wake up and take hold of its true destiny, we should go to Africa and genocide our way from cost to cost. in 200 years there would be cities there as nice as any in north america. the world would become a better place, a cleaner nicer place. we must build the world into a better place by force, it won't happen naturally. these people are fucking animals that should be culled. even wolves cull their own, and are we not more predacious yet.

Romans were just lucky that the Mongols had to go back home to attend a funeral and select a new Khan.

It wouldn't be hard to do.

This isn't even centuries later. This is recent mixing lmao.
>20 percent ME/NA
This probably means he had a pure ancestor from that area, either as a grandparent or a great grandparent. Who got cucked I wonder.

KEK, Amerifat thinks he's in inclusion with the North Europeans

I apologise for my compatriot's ignorance of history.

I think based Hermann wants a word with you

I am white, blonde with blue eyes contrary to your brown hair and eye slav-mongrel phenotype


Oh? I was under the impression that the barbarian tribes specifically the Goths and Vandals were sacking Rome around 400 A.D. and eventually carved out the European territories for themselves.

Where am I mistaken exactly?

>white, blonde with blue eyes
So is Scarlett Johansson and Leonardo Conti, doesn’t make her any less of sandnigger mongrels

And ethnic Russian stock was and is unironically Nordicist ideal

It's far more complicated than that. Even for centuries after the fall of the west, the barbarian rulers that subsumed the western half of the empire paid the eastern byzantine emperor to recognize and grant them roman titles, putting themselves under his nominal rule.

The Romans actually made BLACKED porn?
Were there any Hebrews involved in that endeavor?

You aren't mistaken, this is a low quality bait thread.
The roman expansion was stopped by an alliance of Germanic tribes in what now is west Germany, led by Arminius(Hermann). Romans never made it northern Europe, they never dared to set a foot across the Rhine ever again.


464747th ((thread)) this month

then the whole of europe twice ww1 and ww2 (jewish boogalo v1 and v2).

They were a symptom of a larger problem, not the source. If you think they were the primary cause of the fall of the Roman Empire, I encourage you to read literally anything related to the topic.

You were part of the Roman Empire silly burger.

>some monkeys steal dogs to use as nightwatchers
did you just think you could sneak that one in there and no one would question it?

>The Romans actually made BLACKED porn?

Not, but the Romans brought the Jews to Europe and Judaea was an equal member of the Roman Empire