They have nukes, a huge navy, massive army (6 gorillion+) and a society geared towards total war. This is Vietnam on steroids. China is not going to help btw.
How can North Korea be Beaten Militarily without Nuclear Warfare?
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hit their nuke sites off the bat. Reinforce the DMZ. Contain them and knock out key infrastructure. Within 2 weeks they'll be eating anything. That'd be my guess as an armchair general.
Or just hit the nuke sites, airfields and anything that can threaten the south and let them deal with it.
Can't the west just build up an elite unit to infiltrate NK and assassinate Kim?
Look up the Bay of Pigs and operation Eagle Claw. This is what happens when sharts decide that real life is a comic book
>Make false flag
>blame on north korea
>attack Kim's regime directly with a revolutionary movement or something
>kim threatens to strike back if close to defeat
>US goes ahead anyway
>kim says one more chance
>US continues attacking
>Kim orders the EMP satellites to activate
>entire US energy grid goes dark
>country descends into chaos
>millions dead
>united states defeated
u giant fags realize that trump is just trying to fuck north korea over so that china can turn them into a giant sweat shop to make (((them))) more money, right?
I'll have a look, thanks senpai
north korea isn't going to do anything, they may be brainwashed but im pretty sure they'd kill kim quietly before going to war with the US or South Korea. It's like the whole thing about shooting a bear and only making it angry.
Release feminists into their university's and wait for a while
The large majority of their weapons are technologically out dated. I remember reading that they can't even pick up old stealth bombers on their radars.
Also they have a food shortage and food becomes even more unavailable during war which would cause civil unrest.
Annul the 10% of foreign Japanese debt.
Pay off anyone who'd vote against Abe taking out Article 10 of the constitution.
Gift subs and training to them.
Invite Japan to NATO.
Drill the Philipine army.
Drill the South Korean army.
Promote war heroism as sexy to women.
Wait for the Kimster to make a wrong move.
>"I had to do it"
How about negotiating with them?
Sign a peace treaty ?
Stop war "games" on their border ?
They dont have a huge navy. Their military is antiquated, they dont even have the ability to put a nuclear warhead on a missile
I doubt millions, the UK, NZ, AUS and many European countries will send aide immediately.
>China is not going to help
Just like the last war then..kek.
A lot of their equipment is museum tier and that shit doesn't last forever, they might start off strong but they'll quickly falter as they just don't have the equipment to go for an extended war.
(You) 6 months ago
>BRO they dont even have working ICBM'S LMAOOO
nano technology
They can drop one from a plane though. I remember in 2001 some people from the middle east manage to get a couple of planes into US airspace and flew them into tall buildings...
you do understand that NK still exists solely because if shit hits the fan hundreds of thousands of South Korean civilians dies in the first days of engagement?
And if their power grids get taken down too? It wouldn't be difficult.
>not mentioning bestest ally israel
Kys antisemite
Two American nuclear bombs didn't knock out electricity in all of 1940's Japan. Ten North Korean nukes couldn't cut the power on the west coast alone.
Kim's gonna die.
Their military tractors are cutting edge m8
your country is fake
The US completely assfucked and annihilated Korea before.
It was the full Chinese army that fought us to a standstill in the Korean War. That's probably the biggest risk, but North Korea is a blight on the world, I can see China letting it slide for some of that fat, fat econmic benefit
>get a couple of planes into
Are you fucking retarded? They didn't get planes into US airspace, they hijacked planes already in US airspace. I'm sure the Norks will be able to discretely smuggle a nuclear weapon into the US, secretly load it onto a commercial airliner, and then hijack said airliner once it's airborne.
Fucking idiot.
>Gather all Anti-Missile systems available to NATO and its allies
>Protect Seoul
>Paratroopers take out some of the artillary
>Make the first move by landing at the coast and directly invading Pyongyang
>Move north through DMZ
>North East coast landing to keep China from taking the territory
You can't. The HCK (huge cocked Korean) will always be superior to the effeminate mongrols to the west. You're even slaving for the Jews WILLINGLY and acting as if that is a privilege.
Build a Disneyland a McDonald’s and a Coca-Cola factory in NorK.
>convince China to completely cut off NK's trade in the north by threatening to block all Chinese imports to the US
>set up a naval blockade
>at first sign of aggression hammer infrastructure and military equipment with conventional explosives
>wait three weeks for their country to collapse in total isolation
That was difficult.
the main reason the US was able to push the norks back north was because the norks didn't expect the US to intervene so they basically drained their energy in the first phase of the invasion
But then, Ching chong land came to help
China begging South Korea and the United States to let China deal with NK is the only reason NK exists. China likes having the little buffer. NK posses no military risk, to anyone. It is a political risk.
Seul (25mil souls) gets wiped out in first 24h with conventional explosives
>Who cares, right?
rods from god
Fuck Kim
LOL you're delusional. The Koreans assfucked you yanks and they'd do it even harder if there was another war on the ground.
How could the best military in the world lose against some rice farmers? Idk as Vietnam.
As long as America isn't in any actual danger they won't use their entire military.
>have commerical airliner identical to the one you're going to hijack
>load said commerical airliner with ability to unleash bombs
>hijack real commercial airliner
>have identical commerical airliner with nukes take hijacked planes flight path
>fly this nuclear airliner into US airspace
There is a massive volcano on the borderline between North Korea and China.
It erupts after the East Japan had a big earthquake. Its the historical theory.
As you know, Japan had a big earthquake 6 years ago.
This is the reason, the volcano erupts.
t. 1 chinese out of 1.5 billion
The US exterminated 20% of NK population and 90% infrastructure in 3 years.
A reduction of population of this scale in this timeframe can *impact* a nation's ability to fight.
How do you propose they deliver those "conventional" weapons?
>Invite Japan to NATO.
North ATLANTIC Treaty Organisation.
yes but again, there wouldn't have even been that many casualties on the nork side if they knew the US would get involved. the invasion began after US congress decided not to send economic aid to korea for that year
Pay of pigs was literally JFK being a pussy and bailing out , changing the of the grand plan created by the maestro of WWII.
If they were that smart they could load a nuke onto a missile and be done with it. Stop pretending they are anything but savages with an unlimited number of hostages.
There is a country 渤海国 Balhae in the continent area in 698–926.
The country collapsed. The reason is unclear. One of reasons is maybe the massive eruption in 10th century.
The East Japan had a big earthquake before the eruption. It's a same type of earthquake 6 years ago in Japan.
Isnt North Korea tiny as fuck?
The US probably has enough heavy bombers to literally carpet bomb them back to the stone age
Vietnam atleast had a long coast and massive jungles, perfect for guerilla warfare. While NK is just Plains/Hills/farms/cities
In 1950 NK was the industrial side of the peninsula, had all the tanks and guns, the South was Podunk. SK could abort the north planned parenthood style. Sell the left over parts get & US tax payer subsidies for it.
yeah, plus they'll literally starve in two weeks once their supply chain is distrupted. only bad part about war would be if north korea uses nuke and , of course, the initial artillery bombardment of SOEUL. which we all know already.
I'm hoping war will start soon. I need more excitement
The main problem is that north korea is completly in reach of conventional artillery. The cities in the south like busan can easily reached by rocket artillery, northern parts like Seoul can even be reached by anything, even mortars. And the north has a lot of artillery.
They also have chemical and maybe biological weapons.
The could kill millions of south koreans and cause trillions in damages within the first few days of a war.
Thats a too high price just to make some fat kid stop ruling an insignificant part of the world.
they have AA. plus you can't win a war just by dropping bombs
the north koreans have the largest special forces all trained in asymmetrical warfare. jungles aren't necessary when they could easily disguise themselves as an ROK soldier or ROK civilian
i mean south korea is in reach of north korean artiellery. duh.
Yes, but:
1. US and SK probably have a lot of intelligence on artillery sites and will know where to target at start of conflict.
2. Man of those artilleries and their ammuniation might be duds or inoperable.
I've posted this a few time in the past
>Man of those artilleries and their ammuniation might be duds or inoperable.
i think they have a 25% dud rate based on that shelling in 2010
NK would lose fairly quickly, but might take out a good number of people in first few days. They ain't Israel a la Six Day War
the thing i dont get, is why dont we just hit them with a fucking emp and invade ourselves. We probably have the technology to do it. (((they))) false flag an attack, emp nk, and kill kim and his army before anything even happens.
Insh'Allah, this is what will happen, senpai.
The problem is that a low yield nuke such as the norks have can be launched high into the atmosphere and detonated above a target region of several thousand square miles, and it will have a disastrous effect on the power grid without causing any direct casualties.
Read this:
>China is not going to help btw.
But China is going to help. They will help North Korea if the US start the war.
it depends. nk could capture seoul if it striked first in a strategical way similar to the first time they did. it's too close to the border to be able to prepare itself and fend off a full-scale nk blitz
this isnt a hollywood movie
Yfw nk becomes koreafats
NK has no intention to genocide SK, they want Korea to unite... under their ruling of course.
They know they are the same people ethnically. Just with western "degeneracy" added.
1) Attack North Korea
2) Seul is dead
Their intention is staying alive. Taking entire south korea hostage is their strategy to do so.
need to establish a coup
most NK citizens hate living there
just search all the videos of separated families of NK and SK and it's fucking depressing
all because of Russia, China and Japan we have to deal with this shit
They can be beaten easily using conventional weapons, as long as we preemptively strike all of their nuclear weapons systems. I doubt they'd try to use a nuclear weapon anyway.
The problem is that they have plenty of conventional weapons in range of and aimed at Seoul.
So, we'll defeat them with no problem, but South Korea will take some punishment.
If North Korea somehow won, what would happen to the pro gamers there?
they would get draftet, like all young south korean man in such an event and then die in the war.
Herro Faggots,
Mahr nam is Kim, and I rearry rearry hate every singre one of you. Arr of you are fat, retarded, no-rifes who sprend every second of their day rooking at stupid ass piccures. You are evurthing bad in the worrd. Honestry, have any of you ever gottern any nukrerar raunch ratery? Ri mrean, Ri gress irt's frun mraking frun orf peopre brecause of your own ape golf-trained president, brut rou arr trake to a whorr new rever. Thris is reven worse than jerking off to pricures on US first rady.
Don't be a shranger. Just hrit me with your best shrot. I'm pretty much prerfect. I wras captain of the Hwasong-14 team, and strarter on my ICBM team. What sprorts do you play, orther than "jack off to naked drarn japarese preople"? I also get straight A's, and have a branging hot girrfriend (She just brew me; Shit was Fire & Fury). You are arr faggots who should just kirr yourserrs. Thranks for ristening.
Pic Rerated: It's mre and my britch.
I still can't grasp why burgers allowed the planes to enter NYC in one piece.
Because they started from NYC and you need at least 10 minutes to get jets off the ground.
Excellent quality shitpost M8.
>massive army
thats a understatement their standing army is larger than america and russias put together. if you count every man 18 to 40 (americas current age range for serving) the n korean military is bigger than all of america + russia + EUs militarys put together
it is fair since they are required to receive military training. basically all of them have military training even the women but just the men and just in that age range would be a fair fight vs the west
they started in boston
>with shit weapons
>with very little nutriion
>with shit training
>with no actual combat experience
>Contributing in any meaningful way that doesn't make things worse
Even if the JSDF became a legitimate military force tomorrow, Japan would need years if not a decade to get used to the idea of fielding an actual army. Also, the second that glorious Nippon does something even remotely morally questionable, SK is going to throw a fit to end all fits and now you have two of your best allies wanting to kill each other for 500 years of shit-flinging after it's over.
Also, the vast majority of Japan's debt is internal. 10% of nothing doesn't help out a lot.
Lol no, Duterte doesn't give a fuck about this and as long as Best Korea doesn't directly target them, they never will.
>Drill the SK army
We fucking drill them and do war games with them just about every single year for the last decade. There's not a whole lot more that you can do on their part outside of making them a richer NK.
Also, the biggest problem with Seoul is that once war breaks out and the North bombs it, everyone will now be /csg/ connoisseurs after Samsung and LG have more fires than they could possibly manufacture.
Their air defense can easily be jammed for conventional aircraft as well. A few weeks back we flew along their coast and they had no idea we were there.
>They haven't proven they have a weapons grade warhead. They've just done underground tests.
>Their navy is a joke, one of our carrier groups can sink their entire fleet in less than 12 hours.
>Their army is poorly trained, poorly fed, use archaic weapons, use tactics from the 1950s, and are completely untested. Our troops are salty from the ME. Their troops will have a rain of Hellfire missiles and large ordinance dropped on their heads, and they WILL cut and run.
>Their society is deluded and aren't part of the equation - they're terrified to revolt, but they know the truth, and if offered freedom, they'll take it, and leave fat boy's head on a stick in front of his burning palace as an object lesson.
>IF we get into a shooting war with NK - unlikely - our air force alone will DESTROY what infrastructure they have, and have almost instant air superiority, our fleet will lock down the shore, and our drones will blow the living fuck out of anything left. We will pound them into the fucking stone age.
>We don't need China's help.
I guarantee you we have a pretty good idea where the nuke labs and stores are, and have plans to take them out first thing. Once gone, Fat Boy has nothing to threaten with, except going over the DMZ, and if he does that, he and his troops are dead. It will be bloody, but NK as a government will literally die in flames.
>huge navy
Stopped reading there.
Iran also actively trades with NK, that's why a lot of the deals Obama made with Iran were a big problem, because any tech Iran has, NK has.
You're going to talk about this, and don't even know that we have had a mutual protection treaty with Japan as of 1960, that's the equivalent of NATO? Really? And that we have mutual defense treaties with the Philipines and South Korea already, and drill with them constantly? And that all 3 countries have significant US armed forces bases in their countries?
Really? You're that ignorant, and you're going to solve the crisis?
Fat Kid's agenda isn't war. You dummies need to get that through your skulls. The Fat Kid spent all summer threatening, and hasn't done shit except go running to other countries to whine that we're being mean to them. This was typical sabre rattling, that he learned from his father, because in the past, starting with Clinton, they'd make noise and we'd bend over and give them money and aid and lower any sanctions or boycotts or embargoes going on. That's what Fat Kid is trying to get out of Trump, and Trump ain't playing that game. This is a big game of chicken that needed to be played with NK decades ago, and Trump is going to win. Just watch.
How are these cell phones supposed to work, with no cell towers? Dude, 75% of the country doesn't have electricity or water half the day.
kinda like how the us military beat the iraqi military in the first gulf war
cruise missile strikes for days, special forces sneaking around disrupting communications and air defense, more cruise missiles, B2s dropping JDAMs everywhere, once their air defense is softened up bombers and attack aircraft flying over NK nightly blowing shit up
then the tanks and IFVs start rolling and and finish off whatever is left
>shit weapons
dumb meme
>very little nutriion
dumb meme
>shit training
10+ years of military training that's guaranteed to be more strenuous than america's military training
>no actual combat experience
doesn't mean shit. nobody in any army today has 'combat experience' of a full-scale war
Yeah, no, dumbfuck. The planes that hit on 9/11 took off from Boston, Newark and DC.
But they have actual combat experience you dumb fuck
In poland it is already 2 pm or 1 pm or something, he might already be well into his 'wodka'
>combat experience
of a full-scale war, no. you faggot. no individual in any army today has experience in a full-scale war
>and invade ourselves.
but what good would invading ourselves do when we're fighting the gooks?
They're all for show, in no way in the army ready for battle.
>shit weapons
>dumb meme
Out of curiosity but have any modern NK firearms made their way into the hands of western gun owners? I remember /k/ doing an entire project trying to find a way to make a vintorez because it never made its way to the west so they wanted to recreate it.