Which shall be used to repay 7 bn of illegal taxes levied on the nuclear industry and 7bn for refugees/asylum seekers this year.
So we will have a completely balanced budget. Yeah!
Which shall be used to repay 7 bn of illegal taxes levied on the nuclear industry and 7bn for refugees/asylum seekers this year.
So we will have a completely balanced budget. Yeah!
Other urls found in this thread:
>he’s ethnic Germans but still pays taxes
Moron. Get on welfare and spend it in Poland
This is 2008 levels of delusion...
It's physically impossible to have no deficit in the modern world with half the electorate being gibmedats or minimum wage breeders.
But it works in Germoney! We are the best!
Pay your NATO dues, moneybags.
Can't you just build a big hamster wheel on the power plants and let the refugees run on them until they die? Seems like a win-win to me.
Maybe you should be paying that in reparations to Poland, you Nazis.
Still waiting on your NATO bill.
A. no source
B. you are delusional if you haven't learned yet that the Jews in charge are lying to you.
How can the offspring of the offspring of Nazi Germany's population be held accountable.
You guys are laughing and memeing about Germany but either Poland is serious or just wants to send a message to Mother Germany that they cant pressure them into accepting a million refugees, either way this is a first step in the "your ancestors stole from Native Americans pay up" "Your ancestors kidnapped Africans pay up"
if this grabs traction I can't see it being a positive as far as race relations in general go.
if this board wasn't a slew of random conservative sentence fragments and was capable of rationality I would say to side with Germany.
Germany just has to say No and ignore the issue. When the world asks Japan to please please please stop killing whales what do they say?... What jurisdiction does Poland have over Germany?
Meanwhile you can literally feel the road you drive on crumple away under your ass.
Goddamnit, go fuck yourself, Schäuble. I hate you so much.
Germany is like Haribo. It's a nicely looking package on the outside. But it's very plastic,tacky and essentially artificial. You have become americanized. You take pride in your country and I admit it Germany is a great country but you never mention the Germans. You should be proud of your people not of the country they live in.
At this point paying taxes is synonymous with attacking your own culture and people and committing collective suicide. Think of that Hans.
Really activates the almonds, doesn't it? (((Who))) could be behind this?
Those machines would never recuperate their cost.
>Pay your NATO dues, moneybags.
Within NATo we agreed, as a full NATO member and second largest budget contributor, to move towards 2 percent spending by 2024. If by 2024 we have failed in this commitment, I think you are in your right to kick us out of NATO.
Until then, fuck off and thank us for contributing to your wars with German soldiers and billions of reconstruction money in Afghanistan, Syria and Iraq as well as Libya... all places you trashed and left as breeding grounds for Islamists, thank you very much. We are now cleaning up the mess you made by investments and goodwill tours.
i'm jelly
here is your source
google is your buddy
>But it's very plastic,tacky and essentially artificial
It is sugar, gelatine (made from cow and pig bones) as well as natural flavors. It is not unhealthy, just a lot of sugar.
Glucose Syrup, Sugar, Gelatine, Dextrose, Fruit Juice Concentrates (Pineapple, Apple, Raspberry, Strawberry, Orange, Lemon), Citric Acid, Fruit and Plant Concentrates (Nettle, Apple, Spinach, Kiwi, Elderberry, Blackcurrant, Aronia, Grape, Orange, Lemon, Mango, Passion Fruit), Flavourings, Glazing Agents (Vegetable Oil, Beeswax, Carnauba Wax), Fruit Extract (Carob), Invert Sugar Syrup.
Any chance you'd give us back a few bob? You hungry cunts.
Have you ever driven a car in another country? German roads are literally gold plated. They are unbelievably well maintained.
And yes, the schwarze null will safe us. Each year we continue growing and balancing the budget is one year were we end up having more money to spend on Germany and less on laying interest. We literally do not pay much interest on our debt at all... because we are such a financially stable country. If we were highly indebted like Italy, America or Belgium, we would be fucked for decades, always living paycheck to paycheck.
This way, by 2025 our debt to GDP ratio will be below 40 percent and interest paid will be next to nothing, meaning all the money we get in through taxes go straight out back into Germany.
Compare that to the US weee it is estimated that interest rates will go up to 3.5 percent again and interest on the 25 trillion plus debt will be close to 1 trillion per year ... money America has to tax people and cannot invest in its people.
Your North is very rich, richer than our East, so no.
I would seriously move to Germany if they didn't have that rapefugee problem.
What is the point of money in Germany? Even if you have a 100 trillion surplus Germany has lost it's future. Almost half of children below 12 are of non-German ethnicity.
Do you really think those non-Germans will be able to keep the German tradition, infrastructure, economy, etc. alive? They will destroy the culture, inject their own barbarism and let all the infrastructure and economic pillars decay much like in South-Africa. Germany is doomed and no amount of economic prosperity can match the prosperity brought by your very own bloodline and kinship.
This problem is blown out of proportion by the media.
There is actually a very interesting development lately. Because the police and deportation force focuses on criminals and it is about 10 percent of the illegals who commit larger or small crimes, we have seem a significant decrease in illegals crimes this year... the bad apples are at the end deported or locked away and the 90 percent people who are harmless (some of them want to integrate and some even have skills) remain. Of course not all bad dudes are gone, but quite a lot have, Also, the large camps we had in 2015 and 2016 are mostly gone, so the crisis is literally over, even if most on Sup Forums do not want to accept that.
what are you, racist and sexist much???
haha, based
You could get a top 3 space program with those 7 billion.
Give it all to poland for reparations kraut.
So you think the only problem that refugees brought was crime? Not the fact that Germans will be a minority in their own country in 100 years? We only used the crime, rapes and terrorism that refugees brought as a way to win over Normies. The big issue was and always will be demographic changes. My God you Germans are retarded. You just don't get it do you?
go fuck yourself Nigel
Germans don't think about common sense issues neither do swedes.
We brits do and in return the (((creatures))) that run the country enact 1984 legislation.
>Cleaning up our mess
Nigger we wanted it to stay a mess wtf are you doing?
>some of them want to integrate and some even have skills
Integrate into the welfare system? And what is "some" in numbers? Also, is there strict border control, so things don´t repeat when the next wave of immigrants arrive in early summer?
Jaja, köder härter, Schwuchtel.
Btw I'm not British, thank God. You guys are fighting it for most cucked country in Europe along with Sweden and France. I think it showed that flag cause I was using data.
>google is your buddy
fuckface, you give a source here or you are full of shit, period. Lurk moar. also, the operative word just from the title of article is "COULD..."
Also, archive, no one wants to give reuters click shekels.
These are solid projections and in line with the last 3 years of German performance.
Until the Bundesbank finds out they "forgot" to count a few billion euros of loans.
>Almost half of children below 12 are of non-German ethnicity.
Why do people continue to post this bs.
Here are the actual stats:
3.64 million kids aged 0 to 5 (thereof 1.38 million kids with migration background)
of thr 1.38 million here is where they come from:
EU-28: 388 thousand (majority Poland, Hungary, Italy and Romania)
Other Europe: 220 thousand (mostly Serbia, Ukraine, Russia)
Turkey: 192 thousand
Africa: 82 thousand (2.5 percent of total)
USA/Canada: 12 thousand
Other Americas: 21 thousand
Middle East/Near East: 178 thousand (52k Syrians/Yazidis/Kurds, 25 thousand Iraqis/Yazidis/Kurds, 7 thousand Iran and 52k Volksdeutsche from Kazahstan)
Other Asia: 85 thousand (thereof 24 Afghans, 11k China and 10k vietnam)
200 are “undeclared”, mostly Jews from ex-Soviets and other Volksdeutsche who moved to Germany after the Soviet Bloc died.
Having said all that, the parts of the immigrant population you can notice from their exterior is mostly the Turks, the Africans, Asians and Middle East people and they make up less than 10 percent and many are racemixed with Germans.
Out of 1 million migrants in Germany there were like a few dozen that were competent enough to get high paying jobs. Germany is fucked in the future.
>These are solid projections
coming from a greasy kike not only afraid to show his flag, but with a commie one? no thanks, I'll wait for the report and assume it's anti-AFD, anti-Brexit bullshit until and unless I read report.
No, the refugees also cost quite some money. But all of it is spent in Germany, so it is literally a jobs program for liberal SJWs and other unskilled social workers and catering people as well as German class teachers who don’t really need any education at all.
>coming from a greasy kike not only afraid to show his flag, but with a commie one? no thanks, I'll wait for the report and assume it's anti-AFD, anti-Brexit bullshit until and unless I read report.
I hide my flag because my shitty internet provider makes me show up as a fucking burger, and I really don't enjoy that. I can pick whatever different flag, it doesn't really matter.
We have 10 million non Germans in Germany. Most of them have jobs. We have huge amounts of Eastern Europeans.
Of the 18.5 million people with immigration background as of 1.1.2017 14 million were from Europe/Americas and only 0.7 million from Africa (half from North Africa were the skin color is lighter). There are also 2 million Volksdeutsche from Kazahstan and other Soviet Republics in those 18.5 million.
We do not want unstable Islamist shitholes at our European borders.
If you have not noticed, the shit that you did in Libya, Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan has cost a lot of loves by terror attacks in Europe.
Our North is British territory, nothing to do with the Republic. You didn't screw the Brits, you screwed the Republic.
How did we screw up anything? Explain.
What is this like a 40bn fall in just 3 years? Fucking hell Germany pull it together.
That's because you dumb assholes invited them in and arrested people for saying it was a bad idea.
Muslims enslaved us, time to pay up.
Whadyamean? We are paying our debts like the Lanisters.
If we arrested anyone who said it was a bad idea we needed to arrest our own government. The Bavarian part of the Merkel party has literally been saying its a bad idea and most never happen again from the moment it did happen.
This. We should all go full on Varg and force the collapse as soon as possible
We thought you would do the rational thing instead of just gaping your ass for a pack of crying Ahmeds. We didn't bomb the shit out of them and set them on a path to live in stone age conditions for decades because they're nice people.
We didn't actually want you to become the fucking stone age country Jesus H Christ it's impossible to deal with you idiots.
Actually, America knowingly destroyed these countries to weaken Russia and Europe. This was the whole plan ... build up American sources of oil and gas and weaken the remaining key players in this world. The idea the wars in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, Libya, Syria, Iraq etc, were somehow fought for oil is liberal propaganda, these wars were fought as deliberate stabilizations to fuck up Russia and Europe and maybe even china.
>Have you ever driven a car in another country? German roads are literally gold plated. They are unbelievably well maintained.
wat? two weeks ago I drove 2500km to spain and back, not a single traffic jam (except paris)
last week I drove 400km on german autobahn and was in the perfect mood to kill somebody
you got no idea how run down our country is
Jesus fuck how gullible are you
I wonder were they got the money?
Germans are the best slaves ever.
Yeah, sure... I call bs. Yes, we could make our roads a bit broader, but our infrastructure is god-tier compare to Anglo countries or Eastern Europe or Greece. Things just work in Germany, they do not in Spain or England etc.
and a completely unbalanced birthrate
or not
NZ has a surplus mate
and every single one of them has to go
the mixed ones have to be shot
you are going to be dropped off in the middle of sibiria together with mrs. Claudia roth
and only then, we might make it to planet mars one day
How the fuck u already got catalonia flag
This shit is reddit tier . Leave cuck threads all day . Have catalonia flag ready in hrs
You are bullshitting. You want to shoot Volksdeutsche, Iranians, Russians, Poles, Austrians, Serbs, Italians?
You are a fucking meme flag moron. Go to the local East German police station and do yourself in.
How so? Explain. We have a declining birth rate, what’s the problem?
Just shut the fuck up you absolute embarrassment of a german. You've got your head so far up your own ass you actually believe the nominal intentions of your treasonous government, and judge society by statistics and cliche egalitarian shit. As long as they're not in the criminal statistics, they're just people! You are a disgrace to your country and are actively shitting on the graves of your ancestors.
>only 7 bn for refugee gibs
wasnt it like 30+ billion in 2016?
>not having projected debt bellow 20% by 2021
I thought that too, but that's just an outdated opinion
same goes for trains btw
dammit OP listen to this man
When did I say it's a problem?
i'm all for it
Balanced budget is nice but when balanced by oppressive level of taxes its not really a good thing.
before you report me to maas and ursula
I was joking
I am also drunk
I am very tired
The entire infrastructure in germany is royally fucked. Everyone who pretends otherwise is trolling or simply retarded.
I lived in England and I can tell you, their train and local transport system is the worst. As to roads, shit tier doesn’t even describe the situation. And their housing reminds me more about little commie caves built right next to each other than real housing. The only thing they have that is nice is their parks, golf courts and coast line. Everything else is in desperate need of repair. Heathrow is probably the worst airport in Europe.
How many third world countries did you integrate into your island in the last 20yrs?
Heatrow sucks yes, but wouldn't be half as bad if the kicked all the pakis out. heatrwo really was a horrible experience
you're just sad that you did not rip the state up like we did in the 90s
>literally fire-sale the entire country to Asia just so you can be debt free by, probably, 2027.
Congratulations in your debt free country I guess. You'll also be oil free, generally mineral free, ore free, gas free and wood free.
And the politicians responsible won't be in your country, they'll be in Swiss bunkers.
Yup, congratulations there mate.
I don't know what crown debt is, but Australias debt to GDP ratio is NOT 25%..
Refugees cost more than 20 billion annually, OP.
And that's just what the federation pays the cities and counties. Add another 20 billion on top of that for the real costs.
The German constitution itself is against free speech. Just look at the very first article. "Die Würde eines Menschen darf nicht verletzt werden." Under these pretenses I could sue anyone for hate speech just because they hurt my feelings.
Euro fags jealous at competent economic management
>Heathrow is probably the worst airport in Europe.
Meanwhile that thing in Berlin still isn't finished. You are a grade A moron.
The Aussies will be Asian soon anyway. Asians are the largest immigrant group in Aussieland.
Yeah nah fuck off cunt, you brain damaged? Of course you are, you were fired out your whore mother's gaping chum bucket because she sneezed and you hit the ground head-first like a cannon shot. Get fucked by a drop bear.
Thanks for correcting the record.
Dude, you see what's going on. This "It's not that bad ... yet" attitude doesn't help. That's like burgers with their "We're not down to 56% white, we're still 61% white, fuck yeah" attitude.
There simply is no denying that the population is getting replaced bit by bit each year. There are people who are taking the bus the same route for ten years, and from seeing one or two Turks from time to time they came to now occasionally being the only white passenger. Good luck telling those people that they are imagining things.
No, you know exactly what's going on, and you know exactly what you're doing when you pick out one remark to "debunk" it by pointing out it's only a very serious situation instead of a catastrophic situation. Immigration from the third world, and especially muslim immigration (regardless if from Somalia or the balkan), has to stop now. The last we can use is traitors trying to calm down the people who realize that the water is starting to boil. "No, no, it's not like this, look, we're only at 79°, it's fine, it's fine."
It is 6.7bn for refugees from the federal budget this year.
Anyway, the 20bn is correct, but so is the 6.7bn.
BERLIN epd | Für die Bewältigung des vermehrten Zuzugs von Geflüchteten hat der Bund im vergangenen Jahr 21,7 Milliarden Euro aus seinem Haushalt zur Verfügung gestellt. Wie aus dem vom Bundesfinanzministerium veröffentlichten Monatsbericht für Januar hervorgeht, wurden allein 9,3 Milliarden Euro für die Entlastung von Ländern und Kommunen aufgewendet. 7,1 Milliarden werden unter dem Punkt Fluchtursachenbekämpfung verbucht.
Für Integrationsleistungen wendete der Bund dem Bericht zufolge im vergangenen Jahr 2,1 Milliarden Euro auf. Für Aufnahme, Registrierung und Unterbringung im Asylverfahren werden die Kosten mit 1,4 Milliarden Euro angegeben, für Sozialtransferleistungen nach Asylverfahren mit 1,7 Milliarden Euro. Für dieses Jahr plant der Bund insgesamt 21,3 Milliarden Euro für Flüchtlinge ein.
Hartz-IV is not devided into refugee/non-refugee but only by nationality, so hard to break down those numbers.
Not Even Australian and our surpluses have came back roaring
Yes, the new Berlin airport is an infrastructure building disaster. But Heathrow is an operational disaster. Compare that to well run airports in Frankfurt, Munich or Hamburg.
And it was projected to be 34 bn.
I wonder where the other 20 bn went.
We are at 90 percent and holding for kids. If that is bad, fine, but I think there is little in terms of real problems as long as we deport more people and keep the European borders shut tight.