No 50 metre long mass graves at Treblinka.
No homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz.
The Holocaust is a Jew lie.
No 50 metre long mass graves at Treblinka.
No homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz.
The Holocaust is a Jew lie.
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IDK who can still belive the 6mil story...where some killed yes 6mil I dont think so
What about Oradour-sur-Glene? Do you deny the fact that the German army murdered an entire French village to frighten the Resistance into submission? Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against an army destroying communist insurgents, but massacring an entire village of civilians? That is barbarism.
But muh masturbation machines.
>Do you deny
No. It was bad. However as unfortunate as it is, I believe there is something in the Geneva Convention (Or was something) that allowed such actions, like terror, to discourage partisan action. It's still barbarism but there is or at least was something that allowed such armies to use massacres of villages as legitimate deterrent tactics against those resisting an occupying force. It was probably taken out after WWII though or at least adjusted to make massacres of civilians, no matter the reason, explicitly illegal.
No, that can't be right. I read somewhere that the brass wanted to court martial the culprits but they all eventually got their tickets punched on the Ost Front so there was no point.
The first episode of the World at War has a bit on Oradour-sur-Glene. Doco is a must-watch. It was made in the 1970s by Thames Television, so it isn't hysterical about the Holocaust like the History Channel and anything made about WWII after Schindler's List was released.
I'm not a National Socialist, but I hate communists and kikes as much as anyone. You just shouldn't fall into that trap of pretending 'The Greatest Story Never Told' is the last word on what happened in WWII. The Third Reich had its own share of war crimes. Not on the same level as Stalin, but still enough to make you think twice about totalitarian ideologies.
The Germans were famous for their retaliatory actions against villages they suspected of harboring partisans who murdered German soldiers. In Italy, in France, Lidice in Bohemia and especially on the Ostfront. However I am pretty sure there is a rule or was a rule somewhere that allowed for such actions. The men responsible for Oradour-sur-Glene were probably planned to be court martialed because they went too far. But their sentence was probably to be left until the war ended. If you want to know more details then the Wehrmacht Crimes Bureau probably recorded it. It was based in East Prussia and recorded not only war crimes committed by the Allies but also by their own forces, both those in the field and in occupied territories (Concentration camps as well) In fact if I remember correctly, some soldiers were court martialed at Auschwitz for being too brutal towards the inmates.
Thanks for the reminder user. I know, but it's nice to remember.
>What about Oradour-sur-Glene? Do you deny the fact that the German army murdered an entire French village to frighten the Resistance into submission?
it never happened, it was actually an Allied bomb that killed them.
> Auschwitz had 15 crematoriums
So wait according to this pic 1 crematorium could only cremate one body at a time? Is that true? Then how many supposedly gas chambers did they have? Why would you ever need more than 1 gas chamber of cremation is your bottleneck.
>muh 6 gorillion
According to this pic a planet sized gas chamber could only cremate one body at a time!
> simple math
6 year war
6 million killed
1,000,000 killed per year
2,740 killed per day
Germany has ~80 large cities (minimum of 100,000 population, median population of 200,000), lets assume each of these large cities has a camp dedicated to killing jews daily.
2,740 / 80 = 34 jews killed per day per camp.
So we have 34 jews a day being killed / disposed of in a city the size of Boise, Idaho, or Rochester, New York. Sizable cities to say the least. Doesn't seem like simply math disproves it.
The holocaust doesn't just take the concentration camps into account. And most of the people didn't die from gassing they died from starvation and firing squads.
Ever hear of My Lai? That is one that came to public notice.
Although, this is subjective history and it causes Jews much pain and mental anguish(more pain than a simple boot up the backside) if this subjective history is disbelieved; so for heaven's sake please believe this subjective history to keep (((them))) happy!
Makes sense to me.
Except it is entirely about the camps. Without the camps the "orchestrated, racist, genocide of Jews" didn't happen.
The fu k is a metre
But didn’t people did in work camps?
I’ve visited a few camps, they were real nice and organized, like a resort.... not sure what the Jews were complaining about.
I get the Zycklon-B-MUH-6-GORRILION theory is nonsense. But this is not enough to put my mind at rest and make my sympathetic to the precepts of National Socialism.
We need to get to the bottom of exactly what war crimes the Third Reich committed in its use of execution squads on the Eastern Front and in its suppression of partisan militants.
I don't trust what (((Daniel Goldhagen))) has written on this subject, but David Irving has been pretty willing to acknowledge the extent of the killings.
bumping for jewish fairy tales
Echoes go around the last name
you are a complete mentalist.
All the concentration camp names are pretty good girl's names in a trad household.
Say hello to my daughters Treblinka and Dachau
Yes people died in work camps.
Often from Allied bombing, Typhus, Syphilis, and at the end of the war simple starvation as the allies bombed all the roads and rail lines leading to mass starvation across the Reich.
The general idea is that a partisan, i.e. a civilian that engages in military actions against an army, does not have the protection of the Geneva convention in the same way commandos or anyone that does not display colors of war has no protection. Subsequently anyone who assists a partisan, (by hiding him for example) is part of a partisans military structure, which is the same reason why bombing civilians, who provide material aid via factories, is permissible. If the germans could trace a partisans actions back to a village and the village refused to hand over the culprit, that village was toast. Generally soldiers were incredibly pissed off when one of their friends was murdered by some civilian "coward" and in their impotent rage enacted revenge on the next best target of their wrath, which in case of the Wehrmacht often led to disciplinary actions for acting without orders. It is the same thing the USA occasionally did in Vietnam, with the key difference being that america never had to unconditionally surrender, so any "warcrime" could not be brought to a trial. Given that the only "international" court claiming to have the universal right to judge any nation is in the firm hand of the USA via it's puppet states in the NATO, a "warcrime" is merely a propaganda term that lives off the general ignorance in regards to international law, warfare conventions and post-WWII power structures.
Simply put, if germany had won, everybody but them would have committed warcrimes. Winners are eternally innocent.
Some died of overfeeding after they were liberated.
Should the Allies be forced to pay compensation?
I'm not saying what the Americans and Brits did in terms of bombing cities does not constitute war crimes and I am not saying that the Allies were morally superior to the Axis powers. I am just saying that I think we need to be clear that the Third Reich was willing to murder civilians in cold blood.
Hollocaust happened 100%. Stop to falsify the greatest german feat
Ha, you did a really, bad job of it, to the point that no job was actually done.
Not contesting that in the slightest. As I explained, the bombing of civilians aren't technically warcrimes as per the geneva convention. Anything that is somehow involved in warfare is a valid target for attacks. The problem is that the geneva convention was conceived during a time were warfare was still considered separate from civilian live, which after the industrialization and massive increase in mobility and logistics, is no longer the case. If your nation is at war, every single member of society is technically a valid target either directly or as collateral damage. The nazis actually were rather smart as they anticipated that they, after conquering an area, would find themselves in a state that they called "Nichtkrieg" (not-war), a state that is neither conventional war yet also not peace, in which nationalist insurgents would harass and sabotage them while hiding among the populace. To combat that, they came up with the Nacht und Nebel Doktrin (Night and Fog doctrine), which is a way to terrorize a populace into obedience. It was so successful that this doctrine, after the nazis fled to south-america via the rat-line, formed the basis for many south american dictatorships to stay in power. Ultimately fighting insurgents is always done by fighting the populace, as it was done since ancient times, and anyone who occupies another nation must always be aware that they are going to have to kill innocents. Pretending that it is possible without spilling innocent blood is just a blatant lie. There is no "clean" war, the very nature of the thing forbids it. In this regard the modern american army in Iraq and Afghanistan is to applauded for their attempts to minimize the killing of innocents, often compromising their own safety to achieve this, and yet all they have received in return for their sacrifices is more violence and scorn.
The holocaust lie is only the beginning
>923 and 33 are the two most important numbers in free masonry
>Illuminati founded in 1776
>United States founded in 1776
>1776 is used to calculate 923 in free masonry look up what this means yourself
>The last eclipse like the one we just had was in 1776
>9/23 is 33 days after the eclipse
>The next one is 7 years away
>Tribulations in the book of revelations last 7 years
>Revelations written by the free masons
>Revelations is not prophesy it is an eyewitness account of cyclical event prob caused the floods in the bible and Epic Of Gilgamesh just a theory
>The pyramids mark this exact date not just the Egyptian ones but all over the world including Antarctica
>Free masons built the pyramids
>Israel founded in 1917 because of the faked holocaust in order to fulfill biblical prophecy and match the dates precisely for 9/23
>Mayan calendar ended in 2012
>Polar shift in 2012
>Antarctica is Atlantis home of this knowledge and technology which they are desperately trying to cover up
find all the answers here
Well said Fritz
Well, the way the (((Allies))) made war was really uncivilised.
they are waking up brother lol they need time
> Holy Holy Holy
> Holocaust all mighty
> early in the morning our smoke shall rise to thee
> Holy Holy Holy
> Auschwitz all mighty
> God in three persons, blessed trinity
All kneel and worship the immortal chosen people of this earth. Beg for crumbs from His table for He hath sacrificed six million of His own holy lives for your sins.
The rendered fat soap
The lampshades of skin
The pillows of virgin pubic hair
The Holy Chosen Jews have swallowed all the evils of this world, all the poison gases so that we may live and worship at His feet.
You forget they did not start right away, it took a while for them to get ready, even (((they))) said that. At first.
39.36 inches
> pontious pilot
we all know the Chosen Jews were willing "victims"
> germos were nothing more than pawns in Gods grand plan
>massacring an entire village of civilians is barbarism
>the romans would disseminate villages all the time
If anything, exterminating communities is a sign of civilization.
"Work will make you free". It was a work camp. Literally a camp to teach jews to work for their country or else leave it. Because they are terrorist revolutionary backstabbers who kept sabotaging the country they inhabit and simultaneously refuse to leave it. It was a work camp. For working. You'll know what you'll see written on an actual death camp? "We'll fucking kill you".
There are objectively gas chambers at auschwitz of a design meant for killing human beings. The fact that they were erected by the soviets after liberation as a propaganda tool doesn't deny their existence.
The OP specifies "homicidal gas chamber" tho. It invalidates gas chambers which are not homicidal, such as those for gassing clothes and those for propaganda, since neither have killed.
There are 10th generation survivors that are overeating to this day from that very genetic disposition. You're damn right they owe reparations to those who were, and are still, struggling.
Also, LET. THEM. IN.
Polish cities didn't get destroyed
Polish elites survived
Hundreds of Polish civilians didn't die
Germans didn't burn books
Poland didn't get pillaged
>thinking we unironicaly deny the Holocaust here
Top kek. How new are you?
Holocaust Denial is just a meme here, we're only "denying" it for shitposting purposes - for satire, to scare of and shock normies and newfags such as yourself. We know it happened (gas chambers, crematoriums, 6 million etc.).
You do realize that there isn't one (1) Holocaust denier standing today that hasn't already been BTFO - whether they were caught lying or completely misrepresenting their sources. From Irving, to Cole, to Rudolf, to Mattogno, to Faurrison, to Zundel, to Weber.
Even Eric Hunt has retracted most of his claims.
Irving doesn't even deny gassings anymore - have a look at what he say about Operation Reinhard.
Please lurk more before taking obvious bait in future.