
Did Blacks evolve from a different hominid than whites?
Im not sure I buy the whole we all came from Africa narrative

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The "out of Africa" theory is wrong. Nobody really knows but the Africa theory is dead. Will take a while for academics to admit it because no Jew professor is going to admit they spent their whole life studying a big nothing burger.

We wuz Hyperboreans 'n shiiiiiit.

If they were that different it'd show in the genes being a lot more divergent.

Modern (((science))) is a jewish religion. It disgusts me. Honest science is dead.

wh*Tes are direct descendants of apes

No, at some point we came out from Africa, that's just how it is, but Africans back then weren't exactly like niggers now, for example Hofmeyr Skull discovered in South Africa is very close to European upper paleolithic skulls.

>Did Blacks evolve from a different hominid than whites?
Yes. Carlton S. Coons laid it all out.

Blacks carry the genes for ever race on the planet, that is why they are so culturally rich and have the moral fortitude to not pursue global conquests. Whites are mutants who lack the melanin gene (responsible for proper brain function and physical prowess). Whites aren't human, there genes are full of holes and junk DNA.

Interesting but I'll believe it when we find more. European ape is unheard of.

You use all six arms to type that?

You're getting too good at cuckposting over there. I'm worried.

you are an idiot. it's called the out of Africa THEORY and these days with the recent discovery of a tooth in Germany and remains in spain that both predate any African finds and thy both have NONE of the african haplogroups (A and B)

So, no... we did not all come out of Africa at one point in time. And you forget the times we are talking about... Africa was not even Africa, the world was very different.
ANOTHER ONE there are many Europeans and especially RUssians who share NOTHING in common with Africans, i.e. They have NO AFRICAN HAPLOGROUPS IN THERE GENETICS

pic unrelated

No your cuckold nu-male dad types for me while I fuck his wife (your whore mother)

We are descended from African haplogroups you moron, so doesn't matter where they come from, we, they were in Africa and some point and then emigrated.

that's not true, Russian have I and R1a haplogroups most commonly, you can trace both of them eventually to African haplogroups.

Pic related? you are really ignorant, those are remains of Indo-Europeans invaders that are only 3000 years old, how are they relevant to this discussion dumbfuck?


The original Homo sapiens was what you would now consider a Central African Black. When this ancient race of Homo sapiens expanded from Africa into the Near East, they intermixed with the local Homo neanderthalensis population, creating hybrids from which all non-African modern humans originate.

However, after the initial mixing with Homo neanderthalensis during the early Stone Age, there has been another big migrational wave from Africa into the Near East, diluting the Homo neanderthalensis DNA in the local population, effectively creating what you may nowadays consider "Arabs" or Semitic people in general.

Fun fact: cognitively, Homo neanderthalensis was the superior race to the original Homo sapiens (whose only "redeeming" factor was higher fecundity, thus outbreeding the poor Neanderthals). One essential gene derived from Neanderthals, the dopamine receptor gene variant DRD4-7R, is correlated with increased curiosity, exploratory behaviour and mental flexibility. It also makes you more prone to depression though.

Weak multiregional theory will probably come to replace strict out of Africa theory as more time passes. Carleton S. Coon wrote about this in the 50s but the reality will probably not be as strict as he theorized. There's probably a lot more gene flow between the various groups of homo erectus that spread out throughout Eurasia three million years ago.

You may still genetically trace Indo-European genomes back to an African origin, however, you have to consider that Indo-Europeans had thousands of years to evolve in a totally different environment than Africa (eg. the Siberian Mammoth steppe and the more temperate regions of the Pontic-Caspian). This does not even consider the influx of Neanderthal genes which more or less makes Europeans, Asians and Native Americans a distinct sub-race of the original Homo sapiens.

I recommend reading the publications of Sven Päabo and Haak et al. for further clarification on ancient genomes and human evolution.

It's part of the national curriculum.

True, there may still be unknown ancient genetic introgressions hidden in our genomes besides H. neanderthalensis and Denisovans. Quite interesting for example that the genetic signature of an unidentified hominid has been found in African Pygmy populations.

Oldest Homo sapiens fossils rewrite history of humanity
Evidence of a hominid 5.7 million years old found in Crete, much older than Lucy

Maaaan, junk DNA is found in any mammalian and it is actually no junk, most of it regulates the activity of other genes. What you call junk are higly active switches for proper genes. This "junk" DNA has actually driven our evolution since our mammalian lineage diverged from the dinosaurs. Learn your genetics, man, before you post uninformed bullshit like this, you sound like either a complete moron or a troll.

Great Scott, I crashed the thread with SCIENCE...

Evolution didn't happen, user. Take the red pill.

it's okay, some people read it

Thx, m8...

>Im not sure I buy the whole we all came from Africa narrative
we didnt come from kangsland
openly known thing , never subjected to scrutiny until the jewish 6 gorilion died and academia got turned around
same with genetics, iq and so on.
there is a reason they "created" a new racial term
white race never existed before, there were diferent kinds of europeans before the great jew wars

are arabs black ?

Mentioned that before, Arabs are the descendants of the guys who first left Africa (from which all others like Asians, Europeans, etc diverge) with some extra African mixed in from a second wave of migration from Africa into the Near East. May be a little oversimplified though...

Evolutionarily, Arabs are the descendants of the very first farmers in human history with some desert nomad mixed in. Europeans are more related to pastoralists (cattle herders) originally from the area around the Black Sea.

No, but they have some nigger admixture.

just again a fact thats we are different and should be seperated


>Great Scott, I crashed the thread with (((popular))) SCIENCE...

Only 20 years ago the popular opinion was that all Neanderthals were killed off by protoniggers after their African exodus. That opinion has changed dramatically in the last decade.
In only that short time, Denisovans and quite likely 2 other un-named species of hominid ancestors have already been discovered.

The recent European hominid discoveries point toward the Messinian Crisis creating a simple and logical geographic point of entry to Africa for ancient proto-humans.
Sure, there were multiple migrations out of Africa, but there were most likely migrations INTO Africa first.
There were migrations (and fucking) everywhere.

The idea that everyone “came from Africa” only exists because it was political suicide to even consider looking anywhere else for proto-human remains for the past 60 years.
i.e. if you only look for fossils in Africa, that’s the only place you’ll find them.
That dogma is quickly dying along with it’s priests.

I also recommend breeding something like endlers or guppies in different water conditions if you wanna see how crazy genes can dominate or recess in certain scenarios.

Neanderthal introgression into North Africa BEFORE migration into the Near East???

Geez, never considered that one before...

I have no time for this, what does it do ?

>my proof is that modern chinese have %5 european genetics and they carved something in threes
>to prove this i will post two turks from from the western most region of china
>a two scythian mummies
by tengri the modern white(!) supremacists are retarded
do the world a favor and kill yourself

Wew, I need to visit these regions in China. Those girls are probably traditional as fuck.

If you took males and females from a mom's fry batch and put two of each (1 male and one female) into separate tanks with separate water parameters/diet/preditors and let them breed for 10 years, the result would be fish that look nothing or act nothing alike or even resemble the initial fish they came from. They eventually start forming sub groups like endles or fancies. In the end they are the same fish but their environment and gene sequence shapes them into what they are

The one upside if China does indeed dominate globally. There are billions of them user...

>Did Blacks evolve from a different hominid than whites?
Subsaharan homo sapiens didn't mix with neanderthals but with other hominid.

It's not even a conspiracy theory, it's a well established fact that is there in the open,but for obvious reasons nobody wants to speak loudly about it.

From three candidate regions with introgression found by searching for unusual patterns of variations (showing deep haplotype divergence, unusual patterns of linkage disequilibrium, and small basal clade size) in 61 non-coding regions from two hunter-gatherer groups (Biaka Pygmies and San who are significant for admixture) and one West African agricultural group (Mandinka who are not significant for admixture), it's concluded that roughly 2% of the genetic material found in some Sub-Saharan African populations was inserted into the human genome approximately 35,000 years ago from archaic hominins that broke away from the modern human lineage around 700,000 years ago.[52] A survey for the introgressive haplotypes across many Sub-Saharan populations suggest that this admixture event happened with archaic hominins who once inhabited Central Africa.[52]

I specifically refered to the people in that pic.

Just bow to the teaching of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Save yourself the hassle and accept truth.

>I'm not sure I buy the whole we all came from Africa narrative

You're a smart little burger. The Out of Africa theory was discredited three years ago, in four or five independent studies. The current scientifically accepted cradle of mankind is somewhere around Greece/general Mediterranean area.

As to whether different races evolved from different hominids, that has not been excluded, but the timelines make it extremely unlikely that all humans evolved from a single hominid and managed to spread over the world, as opposed to convergent evolution from previously separated primitive species, given what we know of other species evolution with more complete fossil records.

>Neanderthal introgression into North Africa BEFORE migration into the Near East???

No, silly.
Hominid migration into Africa from Europe before hominid migration from Africa into the Middle East.

Neanderthals were a far later development.
Think of it like this: European Hominids>Messinian Crisis>Migrate TO Africa>Proto-Humans>Migrate out of Africa>remix with other Proto-Humans

>other Proto-Humans
who came from European Hominids>migrate everywhere (including Africa)>become Proto-Humans and Neanderthals and Denosovans and at least 2 other pre-Human species>fuck like filthy animals=humans.

Multi-regional hypothesis vs. OOA dogma.

Humans like to travel, and we like to fuck.
Why would our ancestors be much different?

All modern humans descended from Noah's 3 sons and their wives.
Those 6 people carried all the genes that produce the variety of features we see today.

He was called Gilgamesh long before the kikes stole another people's myths and history and claimed them as their own.

Africans are not fully human
The final stage of human evolution happened outside Africa, somewhere in Asia.
H. Sapiens Sapiens has been micgrating into Africa ever since, hybridizing with the earlier proto-humans there.
But Africa is very large, and the way into Africa through Ethiopia etc is narrow and difficult, so the result is a mixed population with ancient and modern DNA, physically and mentally inferior to every other human population on Earth.

They have to go back.