ITT: We post the country we hate the very most in the whole world.
ITT: We post the country we hate the very most in the whole world
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I hate Sweden too, Swizerfriend
gib hans island clay debmark
fuck this country
you got 20 seconds
Good thread.
still 2nd though
Do it again, Germoney
Fucking integrationist shithole. Nothing worse than integration of immigrants. it’s a common mistake on this board to think that Switzerland works. Switzerland used to be German-dominated state with French minority and literally oppressed Ticino Italians that knew their place before the 1960s. It was a proper Germanic state. The average native Swiss is not rich. Banks, few individuals (many of whom are not native) and corporations are. Switzerland is everincreasingly socialist diverse shithole. nu/pol/ thinking Switzerland is good is part of the problem and a clear LARP. Full of Portuniggers, Albos, Serbroaches, Greeks and Itwlians. Naturalized several nogs and gooks by voting as early as 1980s. Could have been homogenous, but no. Now some fucking subhuman naturalized tamil (descent of toilet cleaners with australoid blood) lectures the native races about possible African infiltration while wearing the SVP badge.
The only good option - kicking out Ticino(or better yet cleansing it from Italians) and repatriating non-Germans/Northern descendant French. Secession of the German regions is a good option too
You have no right to criticize us.
The only correct answer... Stop the needless division. We have a common enemy.
t. onibler mwamba de silva
Name one bad thing Israel did to your country in the past few centuries. I dare you
Why tho??? Switzerland no :(((
Because the cross on your flag is bigger than the cross on their flag.
It's a sort of penis envy.
>One bad thing
>Only one
Typical Jewish mind trick. You know full well how hard it is to pick only one.
I've been to Canada, and it's really not that much different than the US when it comes to day to day living, but all Canadians do is talk shit about how Canada is better than the US.
If that isn't bad, most Canadians live near the US border because 10 miles north they would be freezing their dicks off with the Inuits and Eskimos, way to get great by proxy you fucking leeches.
If THAT isn't bad enough, they come to the US for vacation and shopping, we're talking thousands of them flooding northern states all year round to do shit.
Face it Canadians, your country is America-lite, you're boring, not funny, you leech off America and worst of all, you're all so damn proud of it.
>but all Canadians do is talk shit about how Canada is better than the US.
Because it is.
No, you just don't have even a single one to name. I'll alter my question to fit your autism then: name anything bad that Israel did to the UK in the past few centuries.
United states of ameriKKKa
The whole fucking continent. From the muzzies in the north to the niggers everywhere else. This place should be nuked, and the sad part about that isa nuclear wasteland would likely be an improvement over that place currently.
it isnt. Germany sucks too, so dont try and pretend we care about your opinion,muzzie
Maybe you haven't done much to the UK, but you've been nothing but a burden to us.
Go away, Ameritard in Canadian exile.
your country is filled with pedophiles you moron
>Killing British soldiers in Palestine whilst the UK was in the process of assigning land for Israel
>Getting us involved in WW2
>Crashing our economy and currency to make a quick profit
Canada is better than Germany in every way,but the USis better than both. No one cares about you Germany, you're a land of muzzies and cucks. We killed or recruited all your best genetics, and now you are nothing but Soviet rape babies, Turkish guests workers, and muzzies.
Go away, Ameritard in Canadian exile.
this, but only their head politicians and white trash. middle class and qt girls are cool
Don't bully my Dad please.
Not real Canadians. But yes they're faggots. Special snowflakes becuase the country and people are so underwhelming and uncreative they beat the same tired bullshit that's not rooted in reality. Creativity here = "progressive" leftism that's been tried and failed elswhere
Israel's continued existence as Jewish ethnostate has significantly increased tensions in the middle east which has increased tensions worldwide due to increases in globalization. Globalization that is condoned and supported by Israeli leadership. So, despite being a xenophobic and nationalistic nation by nature of the views prescribed to by many of the Israeli leaders and people, brought on in part by the history and traditions of the Jewish religion, your countries leadership continues to call for and support reform in other nations that make the entire world more likely to despise xenophobia and ethnic-nationalism.
I may be retarded, but let me banter in peace, sir.
This. Fucking monkeys really are better off dead and not bothering the rest of the world.
Well you are our bitch so it doesn't really matter does it?
Which go right to jail
>>Killing British soldiers in Palestine whilst the UK was in the process of assigning land for Israel
The only reason you did as you promised since WW1 was because we made you.
>>Getting us involved in WW2
There wasn't an Israel back then cunt, and nor was it Jews that made you join the second world war, read history moron
>>Crashing our economy and currency to make a quick profit
Not our fault
Try harder
Tl;Dr, make up your fucking mind, Israel.
Are you gonna be racist or not?
Doing one and saying the other just makes people unironically hate you.
Sweden and Canada for their cultural-marxism and cucked populaces. The UK for its Orwellianness/open tyranny. Fuck the west in general though.
Tensions in the ME were always there retard. After the UK and France left, if you will see the borders of the middle east, they just drew straight lines, without any consideration towards different cultures/ethnicity there, which is why there is always one or two civil wars in the ME.
The land of Ivan. All they do is shill on pol 24/7 using proxy as well as they keep dividing Europe since like forever
> Globalization that is condoned and supported by Israeli leadership.
>So, despite being a xenophobic and nationalistic nation by nature of the views prescribed to by many of the Israeli leaders and people, brought on in part by the history and traditions of the Jewish religion, your countries leadership continues to call for and support reform in other nations that make the entire world more likely to despise xenophobia and ethnic-nationalism
We don't support globalization retard
Obvious answer is Israel.
Even if the most deleterious jews are the one infiltrated in every goddamn western country government / bank / media, jews living in Israel are just quite irrelevant.
I hate all of humanity, equally
I made this for you OP
down with the eternal kraut
>Not real Canadians.
no true scotsman
Based cheeki breeki
Speak for yourself libtard
Don't worry we like you, OP probably comes from a canton like Geneva which isn't really Swiss.
>past few centuries
Thinking the thievery, deceitful jew can sustain a country for any meaningful length of time.
How many times were you thrown out again?
And then after WWII, the UK decided it wasn't fucked up enough and decided to carve out a space for you.
Yes, I know how that song and dance goes.
So in reality, the allies made a bigger problem for themselves (and the world) by helping create your country.
So shouldn't you be thankful and not so defensive against the parent that didn't abort you?
Only one? Subvert our democracy. See Conservative friends of Israel, Labour friends of Israel, AIPAC et al.
There is no other random desert shit hole with a population smaller than our capital that holds so much power over our elected politicians.
Israel has contributed one massive positive to the world though... The grouping of 1/3 of all the Jews in one small medium nuclear blast sized area is convenient to say the least.
Fuck Isreal and Murica. They ruined my country.
t.angry autistic Bavarian
Daily reminder that the leader of the FPÖ and the AFD constantly praise us.
Of course we're not perfect or even decent but we have still things going for us in comparison with Germany
Also reminder that Bavariancucks vote for the CSU, the party which loves to be pegged by Merkel.
If only we weren't the most important canton when it comes to international relations
How is life in your irrelevant shithole though?
I don't hate Denmark but, all the Danes I've met with no exceptions are scum.
Hold on, why do you follow swiss politics/speak german?
Danes, Swedes and the Dutch are the best people in Europe.
Alright then, out of this list, give me one time it was not because of a rumor, refusal to pay tributes or by straight up hatred.
>nb4 rome
They already had conquered the area from the ottomans in the first world war, what the fuck are you talking about?
Yes, Russia is everywhere, even more powerful than a superpower, because it can elect the superpower's president. The Polish are smoking some tougher shit than even the Dutch. Arguably the most brainwashed nation on the continent when it comes to russophobia.
Put your money where your mouth is nigger. Give me a proof that we used manipulation/what not to do as you said.
Rember when we used to castrate anyone with nigger DNA in them? Good times.
I listed 400 examples of Jews being forced to leave a host nation because of their destructive influence.
>b-b-but it was the goyims fault. Anti-semites!
Poor little you, your people never did anything wrong.
Every single time was through subversion, deceit, usary or a combination. No other ethnic group has been treated that way... Maybe it's possible that YOU'RE the problem. The whole concept of "chosen people" and a God given entitlement to a bit of land that you had to genocide another people to get. All because of some ancient scribbles in a book...and constant attacks and manipulation of the west.
I know it is not inate, no person is born with that much skullduggery in their blood but how do we stop you from raising your young in your image?
I'm from Zürich, of course my canton is one of the worst Swiss-German cantons but our canton is still way better than yours.
Also Zurich is the most important canton, not your quasi communist joke of a canton.
Genevans aren't even real Swiss, the only reason you're part of Switzerland is because we wanted Lac Leman. You shouldn't have voting rights,every initiative shows that. Know your place.
shitting up our comfy neighborhood
It surprised me to hear Naveen speak out such right wing views. If actually thinks and acts like that, then he is representing the people who voted for him.
Of course, he does need to return as well, but, I imagine, he might do so voluntarily.
As I said see all those groups. Why is it necessary for them to exist? Your "country" contains less people than London. There is no Conservative friends of Rwanda.
AIPAC is part financed by your government and funds congressional campaigns obviously it will defund anyone who speaks favourably of the Palestinians.
Why is so much interest paid by the most rich and powerful countries in the world to literally a few million people thousands of miles away? Why does every Presidental candidate have to go and kiss a bit of wall in Palestine?
Why could Jews not just existed as Jews in Palestine? Why must you build over, evict and subjugate the people who have lived on "your" land for generations?
The world does not owe anybody anything. Least of all a country.
>massive lands of pure cuckholdry and niggerdom to the north and south of us
What an awful situation we find ourselves in lads
As if you're any better. I despise you people.
did the danes take away your relatives valuables when he got in there?
If it's so easy to find such, then fucking do it.
The country i hate the most MY OWN Finland please deploy troops.
soon very soon
Shut up faggot, you blame literally every protest, every opposition to Putin, every crack in the street, every common cold on CIA and the evil West.
Do you imply as if your government somewhat relies on AIPAC? You may be more reatrded then I first thought. Do you even know what is AIPAC for?
I know enough swedish to laugh at this, :^^^^^^^^^^^)
Meanwhile 50% of Switzerland is mulatto and 10% gypsy-turk
>The * in Switzerland indicates that the three populations available from this country have variable estimates: Swiss-Germans show no evidence of African mixture, Swiss-French 0.5±0.2% and Swiss-Italians 1.6±0.2%. The ‘+’ sign in Italy indicates that multiple samples were available but all show evidence of African admixture
Because I’m from the region nearby and since my parents have Swiss citizenship - I have too. I mostly use it, since BRD “citizenship” is a fake worthless paper of Allied-occupied shithole
He can’t speak for anyone for he’s not native. Just like that wyto pigu in your parliament
The salient point is this - The Jews have been evicted from hundreds of nations. Why? Is it mere coincidence? Why this one group? Is it that all these nations acted irrationally out of hatred or is there more to it?
I do not blame you for everything Chaim. Our leaders have their fair share of ills to answer for.
I remain optimistic that you will change your Jewish ways one day.
This tbqh. Sweden shouldn't take over Finland but let it be.
We are recovering
I am referencing both my country and America. We were and to a degree still are manipulated by the same forces whilst being the world power.