>girls are easy whores
>girls have too high standards and demand too much
You seriously need to make up your mind Sup Forums if you want to discuss if the way society is developing is good or not.
The modern woman
Other urls found in this thread:
they are whores for chad
Try again brainlet
Bobby didnt care. He just wanted to be accepted
>>girls have too high standards and demand too much
I have been browsing Sup Forums for over 5 years and I have never seen anyone make this case here in my entire life.
again a german with his BBC fetish
How is that even remotely contradictory?
What kind of a retard do you have to be to think someone being a whore and having high standards is a contradiction?
Stop being a low IQ fag, then talk about what you want to talk about.
girls have too high standards and demand too much of the many men they fuck
>literal retard
It doesn't contradict each other. Modern women are whores who will spread their legs easily for anyone with a thick enough wallet or cock, but it doesn't mean they will stay with them or even get married.
im not german and i couldnt be bothered to point Czechia on the map
Browse more then. It's a common complaint about low quality women. There are an insane amount of 5/10 looking women who think they're entitled to a man who is over 6 feet, has a good job and has a benis over 7 inches. There are men just like that, but if you're not gay you're not really going to care that some ugly short men think they can land a 9/10 model.
nice girls exist
If I'm a woman and fuck only the top 20 percent of men, I both have high standards and am a whore
>lacking basic geographic skills
you must be american then
>People have different opinions
>pol is one person
it's literally next to germany
>very first word in sentence
Sup Forums is literally a circle-jerk
Name a space that isn't anymore.
>>girls are easy whores
>>girls have too high standards and demand too much
>You seriously need to make up your mind Sup Forums if you want to discuss if the way society is developing is good or not.
Holy shit. How can you be so fucking retarded?
>Girls are easy whores
When they are young and good looking, they fuck around without thought for their future.
>Girls have too high standards and demand to much
When they are old and saggy, they demand the prince they have 'always' wanted. But no prince has ever slain a dragon to rescue the town bike.
No prince ever comes calling, so she buys cats instead.
>fag kills himself
boy that trailer sucks considering its a comedy
Almost everywhere else. The world isn't black and white like you retards unironically believe.
>Sup Forums is literally a circle-jerk
It literally isn't. If there are major disagreements, endless arguments, it's anything but.
Faggots like you see two right wingers agreeing on something, and automatically you think it's a circle jerk, but if you were in your native habitat of reddit, you wouldn't notice the limp dick left and the lack of testosterone that oozes from every post.
People naturally surround themselves with people who have similar interests and opinions. Not a binary issue you monogaloid.
i got 6 figures in the bank + drive an aston
im a khv virgin
money doesnt even help the autistic. its all about the chad face.
Yeah and then they learn how to speak and it all goes to shit
Sex is for making babies. All intercourse that does not result in reproduction is mutual masturbation. DNA is immortal and the individual serves no greater purpose than to succumb to their deepest programmed desire to reproduce so that DNA may continue its path toward becoming a supreme entity which can withstand the forces of a universe that destroys all that exists on the physical plane. Only upon achieving the form of an immortal organism of the highest intelligence will it achieve the state of godhood with the ability to manipulate this realm. People say immortality is impossible because of the heat death of the universe. This is false. The immortal shall arrive, given time, and he shall be master of this domain. Probably, it will be a result of genetic engineering as DNA achieves a state of being whereby it can directly and intelligently direct its own evolution. We as humans are such an expression of DNA where this is possible. If not, then it will be left to another species to do so. We appear to be the most capable of fulfilling the destiny of DNA. When the Lucifer entity arrives, there will no longer be a need for women and he will bring about the true universal utopia, beyond that which mortal minds can imagine. Do not value yourselves so highly. Value the coming of the truly perfect being and the truly intelligent design and construction of the perfect universe. This is something we all inherently strive for, even without being conscious of it. Succumb to instinct. Breed. Begin implementing CRISPR- Cas9 immediately.
What ever
White will be minority after that white women also lose their power
Because Black and Hispanic women hate white women
Are you confident, though.
Low standards for fucc high for marriage. I suggest foregoing the W*men meme and just wait for robo waifus and artificial wombs.
>make up your mind about two completely compatible ideas
>56% face logic
>The world isn't black and white
There is Two world , First world and Third world
You are heading to Third world
Based Pepsi. Although seeying what anonymoose turned in to is quite sad.
>The modern woman
Not a good fit for a Neandertha like yourself, we get it
>girls are easy whores
>I need a girl who's never seen a dick before so she won't know how tiny mine is.
Lose some of that belly and your dick will appear bigger.
>the way society is developing is good or not
The basement-dwellers might be a danger to society if they ever came outside, but there's little chance of that happening
>We are legion
>Exploit us
this and more people are moving into third world status
Fun fact: its not women who demand too much, its men. Men degrade and meme other men out of competition. Take the manlet (wristlet, chinlet, hairlet etc.) meme for example. I've had pretty much success with girls despite being only 172cm tall. A total suicideready manlet. I've got a job, but no girl has ever asked me how much I earn. Also they never asked me how big my dick was, before they saw it themselves ofc.
I think the problem is that even though most people here too are completely normal and viable husband/lover material, but they're nervous to approach women. I mean I speak for myself here, I'm no chad, and am usually kinda nervous to meet a girl for the first time (especially when sober). Meeting girls is scary, because you know you will be inspected, rated and judged. It is much more comfortable option to back off, give up and not even try, while blaming some artificial obstacle you couldn't have bypassed anyway, such as a few centimeter difference in height or penis girth. I think we are the problem really, we memed ourselves.
They will whore for chads and pieces of shit, but often have high standards when trying to settle after their 4th mixed race kid, each from different fathers.
Essentially ride the cock carousel with anyone then find a prince charming alpha to settle with, when in reality only a beta desperate cunt will take someone like that.
Sup Forums will tell you that if your wife isn't a virgin then she is a degenerate whore but this is wrong, the one nigh standers and whory types are whores, if she was in a couple of long term committed relationships before then it is fine.
I agree that men are to blame. But for an entirely different reason.
Have you heard the saying "a hole is a hole" I am sure you have.
But have you heard the saying "a dick is a dick" before? I bet you have not.
Good looking or successful men are always willing to date down. Maybe not for a LTR but at least for a fuck.
This allows average or below average looking women to ignore their kind "looksmatch".
If men had standards as high as women have, the top men would do a lot less fucking and the bottom men would do a lot more fucking.
Synthesis: "girls give too much of themselves to high-SMV men and not enough to low-SMV men"
This is what betas are subconsciously feeling when they complain. And they have the beginnings of a point: in this age, reproduction and sex (and even coupling and love, thanks jews) have been completely decoupled, so the preference for high-SMV men is merely a holdover from a lost age.
My antithesis of the above: return to the lost age, and the dissonance goes away. Get TRADPILLED
Coming soon
i dont know what women in norway are like.
but in australia women under 30 all act like entitled princess. got bitten by the feminist bug really deep.
One time fuck and dedicated relationship are very different things, you fuckless faggot
>Since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the definition has instead largely shifted to any country with little political risk and a well functioning democracy, rule of law, capitalist economy, economic stability and high standard of living
> The term usually suggests poverty and low level of industrial development and thus it is the opposite of the term developed nations.
First world is West Germany and Japan
Third world is Dominican republic and Brazil
A majority mulatto America will start to resemble Brazil , Dominican republic
>There is Two world , First world and Third world
and one criteria is enough to tell which you belong to:
>do you flush shit paper?
one criteria you fail, korea.
If my grandmother had wheels she would have been a bike. If your solution is to make human beings completely abandon their natural inclinations and preferences then you're basically a fucking Stalinist already. Humans are a sexually dimorphic species, it's a fact and it isn't going away, and only progressive faggots want it to. I don't ever want to see anyone on Sup Forums unironically whine that women aren't like men or vice versa. It's pathetic.
I think that's not true either. I think everyone's equally judging and dislikes being judged themselves. A lot of people on Sup Forums just wished that girls which liked them didn't meander or make it difficult to tell attraction, and they also wished modern culture didn't rot away what makes people attractive likw loyality, truth and actual feminity. Girls don't know how send signals as much as they use to, and ironically enough I'd say they fall more into beggars aren't choosers. These girls want people to come up to them but don't offer much themselves or don't show off natural ques (Unwanning attention, seeking anons validation, being around whom they like, etc) it takes two to tango. A guy ain't going to flirt with a disinterested woman.
As-salaam aleykum
its not the men that are the problem.
its the women. they've really become toxic over the last couple of years.
i hear middle aged women complaining about them aswell. men generally dont know what the fuck happened to the women.
i know what happened to them , 3rd wave feminism.
>I want a housewifu who's not careerorientated
>I don't want to pay alimony
Ignore them, they’re unable to find a suitable mate and thus project their insecurities. The average Sup Forumstard hates white woman for race mixing, and harps about muh Asian Waifu, guilty of the same crime they damn their women for. Are most women worthless whores? Maybe. But most men are numale cucks. Very few people here are worthy of the woman they feel they deserve. If you want a 10/10 Aryan wife, you better do your best to be a 10/10 male, not an obese neckbeard shut in who watches anime all day, otherwise why would she possibly choose you?
Are the women in your country getting blacked like the women in the country next to yours?
I instantly think of blacked when I see this pic.
What women want the post
Women want a man who isn't jealous, ever. Even when she tries to get a rise out of you, this is courting for women. They want to know if youre desperate for her or that youre worth being desperate for
A man who makes more money than her (or acquires assets greater than whatever she provides)
A man who isn't out to impress her. this turns off the female so hard.. the guy whos trying to be a stand up comedian on a first date isn't getting points.
being funny is a meme. being funny is fucking easy (especially for conservatives) it helps... but what a woman is looking for is a Leader.
yes it helps to be taller than whatever girl youre pursuing.
find a female that allows these categories to be obtained .
also they want someone who is a bit taller than them.
i doubt it, there families would disown them. then they'll have to deal with their fathers.
>girls are easy whores
>girls have too high standards and demand too much
It's that , in general, the one that will be an easy whore for the lowlife will accuse a better man of not being perfect enough
Sounds like a shitty mentality. I understand the whole desperation think is a judgement to see who's interested in you but realistically that's exteemely fucking shallow and the market has changed, there's much more then local girls. On both sides people have a massive option to choose from, so when a girl plays hard to get it just seems stuck up or superficial.
White women are the pinnacle of human trash.
The men are getting blacked.
christcuck detected
I've found that mediocre girls are the worst about being picky, especially if you try to hit on them with a friend that's a chad. The hot girl will give a mediocre looking guy a chance if he's interesting or successful in some way.
>being this gynocentric
And what do i want? i want an equal which does not care about a lot of this stuff.
You want a GF whos taller than you?
Who makes more money?
please sir.
No problem with either of them.
>I've found that mediocre girls are the worst about being picky
Same, it' why I don't bother with girls that are below 8/10; girls that are 7/10 or below won't even give me the time of the day
Oh please. I've been on both sides from life of the party player to huddled in the corner incel.
Since I am not a chad(175cm, childhood cancer, asthma), the amount of mental work needed to portray the confident dark triad is exhausting but it does pay off bigly.
I had to act in a way that was off putting to even myself, but women seemed to dig that shit.
Most guys should not have to be the life of the party and act like a shitty person to have qt 3.14.
> girls are whores AND have high standards
> horny girls have an endless supply of chads to be whores with, which is why they have high standards for men
"girls won't sleep with me because they have high standards and won't sleep with a neet faggot therefore girls are not whores" OP your premise is wrong.
>praising lucifer
You're confused
user please stop projecting
This is pretty much it.
>don't say sorry
>don't compromise on what you think. If you want tradcon she will bend and attempt to. If she doesn't your behind already.
what's her name user!?
Stop wasting time on slide threads and get in here. Playboy Magazine published child pornography.
Right around the time women began to complain on TV that "Air Conditioning was Sexist" was about the time I knew it was time to yank civilization out from under them.
It's simply really. Beta men supporting government is what creates the whorishness we see in women today. It's time for all that is civilized to collapse. I welcome the reset. It reveals true Female Nature for what it is. Once we go back tribal, women will take any fucking man they can get or face death.
Ur mom
>the standards and demands that girls have are too high because they themselves behave like easy whores
Jesus fuck this bait
FOR FUCKS SAKE FAGGOTS what women really want is a question as old as time and women will always switch it up just to exercise the pussy power. So you really can't win. Work on yourself and a girl will choose to be with you.
I love this one.
This is what she gets if shes virgin tier otherwise bitch needs to realize what she wasted and come to terms with her own mistakes.
One more thing
If you dont act jealous she thinks you dont like her anymore and goes and sleeps with another dude.
Riiiiight, I'm a cuck because I could give two shits about what women think of me. cuck
I don’t hate white women. I haw blacks and Muslims.
it's not just that. OP is ESL so he doesn't understand the statements. They're whores because they're easy to fuck but have high standards/demands if you want them to hang around. A 23 year old expects to be hooking up with at least a millionaire and that to be somewhat open so she can fuck other guys when she is too fucked up to not close her legs around other guys.
stop watching porn
I'd give anything for an actual feminine woman, but they don't exist anymore. Not here at least.
>You seriously need to make up your mind Sup Forums if you want to discuss if the way society is developing is good or not.
It's both true. They are easy for a superficial fling or superficial sex.
For anything meaningful they demand you to be better than Ronaldo.
Of course they wouldn't give up the dick carousel except for something really good.
No contradiction.
i just returned from a business trip from asia and had a one day stop over in bangkok
i would rather wife any of those street hookers who despite living a shit life always a smile on their face then even some of the top tier white women that run around in europe these days
i have had it with the entitlement and bullshit of western women and i will not save any of these cunts from the consequences of their choices once the wall hits them in the face.