>he doesn't play the most redpilled game ever made
what makes it redpilled? I bought it a long time ago but never got into it.
Anyone know if the new WWII game will be any good? It doesn't seemed SJW'd to shit and I'm considering buying it.
DCS is better
>he still plays videogames
I play it! 1K hours on record, playing Altis Life, I&A and Zeus!
SQUAD is better
yooooooo, you should teach my how to play that game yeah? I'll be working third shift one of these days stocking shelves, that would be good with your counter clockwise timezone. so you can tell me what your mastery level knowledge has to teach. Okay sounds good, so what is your stream name so I can add you? I can teach you about fallout new vegas in return, how to get 100 in every stat, how to get 1 million caps, I can teach you shit. When you have that many hours, you have a lot to teach. Keep me posted okay. I don't own the game but I'd buy it if I could have a real drill sergeant there ready to teach me the ropes, me being the young man. I need some coaching you hear me? Hit me up bro.
ive been wheelchair bound since birth
is that game good?
>game exists on steam
>most redpilled game ever made
Yeawh, if you're new to the game, be prepared to die a lot
Squad's still in Alpha mode. I play it, and it's pretty good. Can't wait for the UH-60M Blackhawk to be released, and the Britbong faction to come out.
>be me today
>playing Squad in Thunderdome
>it's Al Basrah
>Rushing for the transport truck
>retarded roach places an IED on main
>blows it up
>kills entire team of 36 players + multiple vehicles
>admin had to restart the game and ban him because of it
I used to play it. Trailer park servers were dope
It's clunky trash.
does it have any players?
I play this all the time. I play on APX with all kinds of mods. Half the server is from /k/ and the one commie in the server is typically ignored for being a fucking weirdo over the mic.
I've got bout some where close to 2100 now.
its pay to win. First game i ever played when i got steam - it's shit
the australian server has a very loyal playerbase, you dont need anymore than 400 on at a time to have good fights around the map. american/europeans reach 800+ during prime time
>Altis life
Fucking beggar.
No they were not. It's 99% snipers.
so am i just going to be shooting at a few people or are there going to be large battles? 400 people doesn't sound like much
ot really, weapons are side grades, and new players now get cert grants ever BR levelup till BR 15. I would like to know what parts you considered pay to win. Only one I could agree with you on are vehicles.
Get good u fuckface.
pick one
Fuck off you hobo, I run my own LSD business
Doesn't get anymore redpilled than this one.
Modded sp only.
Also sage, fuck off faggot this isn't Sup Forums related
Hahah, oh boy. Kind of new polacks came on our server. Play with tsb now. Use to love insurgency but some of the stupid bullshit apx coders/mappers did and how it was a circlejerk turned me off.
>arma 3
I'd rather cut down commies with an mg42 on red orchestra 2 tbqh
What a waste. You could have mastered a skill in this amount of time.
>all these games to play
>i only play siege
This. The campaign was bugged as all fuck and the multiplayer just kept crashing on me. The movement is awful. The AI is godawful and just goes prone wherever, and is just generally retarded. The guns are all unrealistically hard to control. I can sprint 50m in real life and then shoot accurately without my gun swaying all over the place, and I'm not in shape at all. The multiplayer is full of fucking larpers. The game simulates real war without any of the adrenaline or risk to make it interesting, but with all of the suck.
Arma 3, dayz, squad and dcs
Arma 3 , Stellaris , R6 Siege , Mount & Blade warband
>not playing with the eldest Sup Forums ArmA group, BromA
>I run my own LSD business
What mods?
Yeah it's true, my LSD business runs around the island, securing the convoy and fighting off hobos trying to ram our trucks with their SUVs. Police is a problem too, but still, roleplay is important in Altis Life
mate, 1,500+ hours? If you used that time on anything, it takes 10,000 hours of practice to become a master surgeon, composer, writer, anything. I spend a few hours playing Witcher 3 but christ, you are pissing yyour life away..
Fuck, I love ArmA. ArmA II is the best fucking game ever. Thanks for posting user, it reminded me that I need to travel 600 miles back home to my GTX 250 and play ArmA.
newfag detected.
you've barely touched the game
How it is somehow redpilled?
I say this as someone who's played BI's military games for over a decade, and have been very active in the modding community for most of that time
You mean Tf2, right?
anyone who plays video games is a faggot, no questions about it
it's not nu-Sup Forums uses the word redpilled to describe anything they like and cucked anything they don't
lazy nigger get your ass up and save the white race
2,000 hours? how much White human capital we are wasting. You could be rich and have a yacht and have a yacht and a harem of 6 whores. instead you have 2,000 hours on Arma 3..
>78 complete days spent on a game
mah nigga
i hope it'll be good. it definitely doesn't seem to be politically charged like wolfenstein 2
>clearing a room full of commies hipfiring an mg42
My grandpa would be proud
I don't even play the game very much.
Most of this is accumulated through just having the launcher open in the background for some short testing, while I'm spending far more time with mod tools
Absolutely fuck all
>you could work in your freetime!
Aren't you a good wageslave.
same, either R6S or some rally game on my simulator.
You guys buy anything on the Halloween sale? I got Dirt 4 and WRC 7
Sorry Man,
Atleast you still got vidya.
My heart truly breaks for people who are paralyzed from neck down. Especially if it's from their own dumb asses fault like that british kid who was cliff diving in Spain
Hardly an excuse to play that filth. It's not like you're retarded right?
>playing RP games
Overthrow and Antistasi are based.
>anyone who play's video games is a faggot
Say's the user posting on an anonymous mongolian archery imageboard...
> he plays games
Is that a sale on Steam?
>he plays games
You could have worked 2000 hours! You would have an amazing 30,000 euros!
A yacht! A mansion! Luxury hookers! Fast cars!
Fuck that shit, wageslaving gets you nothing.
>I only play Siege.
Me 2
Addictive as hell.
This game ruins lives.
too late mate
My current favorite WWII game is Red October-Heros of Stalengrad. Been playing that for years. Thinking of getting the new one too.
>Not playing Sup Forums, the videogame...
> pasty gamer cheeto-assassin pretending he'd turn down 30k
oh boy, now that's a good one
you're just some fucking arab betabux anyways, don't worry I don't actually think you could've worked anywhere
Yeah im playing assetto corsa rn.
Already played 50 hours of siege this week.
Was gonna get Dirt Rally but assetto corsa is the only racing sim that has interested me ever
>most redpilled
>not this mod for Hearts of Iron IV.
Pic is from my new UK game.
day of infamy is hands down the best ww2 game ever made in my opinion and does the diversity right has blacks in buffalo soldier battalions and indians in british army frontier 12th regiment so fucking mint man. Germans are incredible too. go look at youtube vids streaming it etc. best fucking fps out at the moment in terms of something fresh, which is a feat considering its set in ww2. the maps are fucking insane im pissed i didnt have the cash to buy it on sale whne it was 50% off. so fucking cool man. It's made by the people who make insurgency think insurgency gameplay and feel to the guns and stuff but in ww2. so fucking perfect.
actually im buying dirt rally rn lol
Too bad it's shit if you don't run ranked or with people you know. Not very accessible
>not playing dota where everyone shits on niggers and muslims
What are you doing Sup Forums
I still remember the swamp. OH GOD THE TANKS
You need to change your life australian.
I play it every Sunday
Who /KOTH/ here
>Not reviving pubs with your medical drone
>Not duking it out at the school with 20 guys
millenium dawn with some submod ?
No excuse
You realize if you dedicated that time in to any other hobby which requires you to be physically active you could be making money off it.
Pottery or whatever. 10K hours?! You would literally be a pottery master.
>British kid who was cliff diving in Spain
Is this the Anglo supremacy we so often hear about?
absolute casual
they took down the official KOTH servers so i got a refund.
>tfw destroying a full israely deck
Ha, Not playing rimworld and putting every non-white/gay in the starvation room.
also if youre here, fuck you faluja_medic llllllllick my nuts
>there are people who don't play Terraria
holy fuck you guys are gay.
No just normal Millennium Dawn.
Turned Britain Fascist as you can tell by the flag.
It's fine for me. New expansion looks great. it has the potential to certainly be the best HoI as time goes on.
Shame that PDX are such cucks they won't put PoW camps,gas weapons,concentration camps or civilian death toll ledgers into the game.
Do you have a racing wheel to simulate the driving? You're not thinking of driving with a keyboard are you..
>letting games change your entire philosophical and political ideas
I play criminal niggers and terrorists in videogames
thats the flag of facist britain in MD ? thats a weird choice of the mod maker
You do realise that those servers weren't run by BI themselves?
They just hosted them to get telemetry data on PVP gametypes, and the people who did actually run the games for BI, still host their own servers
Yes, although the sale tailored for Horror games you can get all the STALKER games like 75% off
Doom's and the Witcher 3 are god tier experience too