Americans are not properly cleaning their ani
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Posting in the most retarded bait thread ever.
>Three famous niggers use wetwipes!
Obv bait is obv.
>Not taking a shower after every bowel movement
If you aren't a retard you can shit without getting it all over your ass.
If you aren't a retard you can wipe your anus without smearing the shit all over your ass.
If you aren't a retard you can do this without using excessive amounts of toilet paper.
Just sounds to me like the majority are retards.
Why aren't Americans properly cleaning their anuses?
Wet wipes!
As a plumber I would love to give the author of that article a good beating.
why the fuck you don't have bidets in America?
Clean your anus paco
It's like getting peanut butter out of shag carpet
I've been doing enemas for a decade so I can do butt stuff come at me.
That's what showers are for you loo.
Alex The Celtic Rebel told you so.
>t. dr kellog
I think it is dietary issue. If you eat properly shits shouldn't even take 1 wipe.
I'm sure the plumbers will love all the extra work when idiot Americans take his advice.
Wash your ass after taking a shit, and then wash your hands with warm water and soap, scrub under your fingernails, you repulsive degenerates.
>(((Wet wipes)))
Our sewer system has trouble in processing wet wipes due to the fibrous material not breaking down in water, this results in blockages. Imagine what this would do to septic tanks...
Not cool dude
>A 10-tonne lump of wet wipes and fat has been removed from a sewer in Chelsea, west London.
>The toxic lump of congealed fat and household waste – known as a fatberg – was 40 metres long and so heavy that it broke the 1940s-era sewer.
>Repairing the damaged sewer is expected to cost Thames Water £400,000 and take more than two months, the company said.
And get estrogen straight up the ass like the euros?
Installing a filter at a easy to access point to block all wipes there must be to difficult for them to grasp
Clean your anus properly
As a 194cm giant of a man, I always take fat ogre shits. I've stopped the toilet up without ever using toilet paper before. We can't all be manlets and take petite womanly shits, lad.
If I got shit on my hand I wouldn't be okay with just wiping it away with a dry piece of tissue before continuing as normal so why would it be different on my ass.
I'll never understand people who are okay with just dry toilet paper.
>most home bathrooms have sink in close proximity to toilet
>wet toilet paper slightly
>ass is clean
I didn't think this was rocket science but apparently I'm on a whole different level.
>not using wet toilet paper after the primary dry wipes
This is why you dirty faggots need islam
Because your hands touch all kinds of things including your face and other sensitive areas whereas your ass sits in pants all day. But I wouldn't expect a retard who can't even wipe his ass properly to grasp the difference.
>Getting opinions on public health from gossip tier news source.
Fucking kill yourself bong
I'm going to be honest, bidets are the way to go. I had one at the place I stayed at in Japan and it was really nice. Just buy one that links in to your toilets water system. Try and get one that heats the water, though.
Im okay with it because I time my shits before my showers.
wet wipes are cancer, they completely fuck over the sewage plants, hundreds of millions of dollars are spent every year clearing wet wipes out of our sewage plants because Ameridumbs can't into bidgets
>Simple basic hygiene is too hard for 50% obese country
Stop the fucking presses
>Americans are not properly cleaning their ani
The plural of anus is "anus".
Then yer not just using dry toilet paper m80.
So it's okay to improperly clean shit as long as it's not a contact point? Okay what if you got it on your leg instead of your hand, will dry wipes suffice there?
>if i dont eat processed food i shit clean
You're just a mCcuck eating faggot
We already knew this
>Amerifats have to walk around with smelly, shit-encrusted anuses because their 3rd world sewage systems can't handle wet wipes
Ladies and gentlemen, the most powerful country in the world.
I agree. Promoting wet wipes and not instantly disclaiming that they need to be thrown in the trash should be a finable offense to the city to pay for sewer repairs
-pipelayer reporting
No i shit like 5-7 times a day.
I will never wash my hands or ass ever.
This is pretty much the only real option. Walking around literally full of shit doesn't make you a better person.
>194cm giant of a man
You could have just said you're fat
If that ever happens I'll get back to you. For now, I'll continue NOT getting shit on my hands and legs because I'm not a retard.
Wait, you people don't use wet wipes and walk around with shit encrusted assholes all day?
Way to miss the point you mental midget.
In the past 10 years I ass licked over 100 ladyboy asses in Thailand and never got any STD or illness. Either their asses are clean or it's the chilli they eat.
>No i shit like 5-7 times a day.
You must be morbidly obese to produce that amount of shit.
You fat disgusting cunt.
>next time youre bench pressing the only thing keeping the leftover fecal matter of 100’s of others entering your anus like a black cock are some flimsy gym pants
we are a very stubborn people, can't into metric system, can't into celsius, and can't into bidets
73 inches tall at 194 lbs.
I just shit after every meal and also when I wake up.
If you eat like a pig, you will shit like one. Eat fiber, exercise and be healthy and you will not even get dirty after toilete.
>a thread on Sup Forums
>involving shit
>India is nowhere to be seen
my mind is officially boggled
Terence Howard also thinks 1x1 doesnt equal 1.
A lot of bitter manlets shouting their projections in this thread.
What happens if you eat like a monkey? Do you become a Brazilian?
Wait, what? This story implies that toilet paper does not clean your anus well. That means if you use toilet paper that includes you, regardless of geographic location. It's sad that I can't tell who's trolling any more and who's actually dumb enough to believe something stupid like this.
it's always been that way
That's normal. Indians are afraid of shitting techniques. All they know how to do is squat in a field.
I had a Luxe bidet installed on my toilet. I gag at the thought of everyone smearing shit around their anuses with toilet paper around me.
Why is that Brazilian shopping at Wally?
The absolute shit state of the USA right now.
Once a beacon of light, now a flashlight to shine your way to the outhouse.
Use a bidet
they don't exist in america
if you asked an american about bidets, they'd wonder why you were talking about the previous vice president
been using wet wipes and toilet paper like my whole life. Wipe the bulk of the shit out with the paper and clean your hole completely with the wet wipes. Didn't realize basic hygiene was so revolutionary that fucking nigger celebrities are being credited with it.
>take shit
>use toilet paper
>use toilet paper again
>problem solved
Why is that Amer*cunt shitting at Wally?
>they'd wonder why you were talking about the previous vice president
Lost it there....fuck you man, my beer all over my screen
You become a carioca. Brazil isn't Rio de Janeiro. Fuck those monkeys.
Meanwhile I'm a burger who over rides stupid wet wipes by using a bidet.
pic related
Who cares if there's some micro layer of shit on your anus after wiping? A tiny amount of greasy bowel fluid is constantly being secreted from your anus anyway, which contains bacteria and shit.
Better start carrying wet wipes with you and apply them every 15 minutes.
Looks Brazilian to me
Sometimes I wet my TP, I'm way ahead of the ass wiping game
But wet wipes can be flushed it says so right on the package
only do that after a messy shit where it would be a waste of toilet paper / wet wipes to even attempt to clear the devistation.
everyone should be using wet wipes, they actually clean with moisture not just smearing shit around your arse. sure use toilet paper to clean the thick of it then couple of wet wipes to finish.
or better yet, get a bidet or toilet hose douche attachment and save yourself a fortune on wet wipes and paper.
Who said americans had no culture!
If you live in an older house, the pipes might be too narrow for those still. They don't breakdown as much as TP and I had to get a plumber once like 8 years ago when I first moved in because I had that issue.
The past few years ive been having a mud butt problem that I don't remember having prior. Is this just what happens as you get older (No buttsecks)
I bet your asshole looks like scarfaces nose, you're walking around with bits of white fluff all over your asshole and you don't even know it.
You know with simple plumbing you can set up a
Here's the real reason, and wet wipes won't help unless they come attached to some sort of curved stick.
But user, it has SafeFlush Technology™!
Are you telling me SCIENCE can be wrong?
>not having a bidet
I honestly pity the rest of the world for this. Only Spain gets it right aside from Italy
Might be a gut flora problem. Eat some kim chi or underripe (green) bananas and see if it improves
No, it's what happens when you don't eat enough fibre to match your dietary habits so your body cannot formulate solid shits.
You can shove a hose up your ass with minimal effort. That doesnt make it a good idea.
The fuck is fibre? Is that anything like fiber?
yes, it's the correct way of spelling it.
Humans have been around for literally 10s of thousands of years before the invention of baby wipes or the bidet. You can argue all you want over which is better, but if you think this matters or will affect your life in anyway you are retarded or have the immune system of Freddie Mercury.
Doesnt that build up immune systems though? I mean yeah its disgusting but a sudden stoppage would cause outbreaks of sickness
I had this problem, and i have it again.
It temporarily fixed itself when my stomach was nuked with antibiotics to help clear up an h pylori infection, the h pylori is gone, but this has come back (it was happening long ago before i had h pylori as well)
I thought maybe it was fiber, i ate lots and lots of fiber it did not help.
Killing all those bacteria helped but only temporarily. It was so nice having good easy poops ;_;
The shower does just fine. Kinda like a redneck version of one of those high tech Japanese toilets that even licks your asshole clean. You have options for dog or cat tongue or tentacle.
>wanting to be french this bad
Anglos really are pathetic
Agreed an advanced human race doesn't wipe there ass or even defecate, its true, going to the washroom is disgusting and reminds you that people are farm animals because they have to go shit and piss - I imagine that extraterrestrials have genetically engineered themselves or evolved past this existential passage inconvenience.
Washing the anus, as Eastern culture has valued, is spiritual health, like kegals. It seems unusual, but its actually very important for spiritually esoteric reasons, like for example, spirits can technically be attracted to your dirty anus, and then potentially inspire homosexual thoughts, or other things. Many people don't know this, but there's obviously secret, esoteric and spiritual reasons for having a spiritually healthy anus
Well they let a lot of blacks into the scientific fields now...so yeah? :^)