I became interested in politics in 2015
Did I choose the worst time in history to try and makes sense of the world?
I became interested in politics in 2015
Did I choose the worst time in history to try and makes sense of the world?
Better late than never.
No hypocrisy is just being called out. Think of it as the " there is no spoon" era of politics. All of our preconceived notions of what is supposed to be is being kicked out the window. You chose the best time.
yeah, but seriously, I've felt a shistorm brewing for two years now
it's a rollercoaster that only goes up, and I don't understand a shit
Also, the LARPing on Sup Forums is distractingly hard
I feel this too, but some people still support Hillary, how can they be so thick?
Trump is not a jewel wither
it always is
and you do not choose times
Crazy times, Goys
Shitstorm is brewing since February 2014 with Maidan in Ukraine, since then there has been a clear paradigm shift.
oh yes, I started in 2014 atually, I remember the comfy maidan streams
will dump three pics if anybody wants
The only thing you need to know about politics is that there is no universal right answer.
It's just a collection of opinions fighting for dominance.
the funniest is the current mainstream ideology that says that the all cultures and ideologies are equal, except those evil nazies, who are worse than others because they say that some cultures and ideologies are worse and some are better
not like our current objectively the best ideology that says they are not.
makes sense already?
its probably easier now than it was 20 years ago.
most of the hard work has been done for us, and its easilly accessible.
In this case though, it just happens that the truth is really painful.
>my political position is more valid than the others
you're saying the same thing as everyone else.
No. You were just a simplistic retard before.
Left guy values freedom. The guy on the right is a marxist race/class agitator
well said
did i postulate a political position?
i did just describe the current mainstream position that purports that the ideology that every ideology is equal is the best ideology
how did it transform into your reply as it seems total non sequitur
Your political position is that the currently mainstream position isn't accurate.
Everybody is sick of their own kind.
My dude you are watching the spectacular degenerate horror circus of democracy. Your country was lulled into a bureaucratic coma by the post-FDR democrats and they've set about establishing the permanent civil service and perpetual revolution against tradition and FASCISTS. The rot and decay of this system is beginning to show: it's financially and morally bankrupt and the corruption runs so deep nobody can say there are many good men left in your government. So now we have the ruling class progressives and their insanity pitted against angry conservatives who hate their modern government with a passion and disagree on everything else, especially whether the constitution actually worked. In this retarded scramble for votes we have your permanent ruling progressives and their aristocratic degeneracy and insufferableness, and the generally simpler minds of the peasants and patriots. They throw symbols and poo at each other and if they had a mob behind them, they would kill each other. So the progressive flexes his muscle and stamps on the patriot, and becomes increasingly hysterical and maniacal as this doesn't work. We're heading towards BLM + keith olbermann insanity from those demons in control, and you should probably not try to understand politics from anything they SAY. It's lies lies lies all the way down from them. That guy who "doesn't know what's going on" is stuck in symbolic mode. What's going on in that picture is a patriot who honors the country from the past that he loves, facing a degenerate soyboy revolutionary cuck who thinks by sucking up to feral animals in the name of LOVE he is actually fighting some important political battle. He is just an establishment sap and we should all pity him, but even more should we pity the person who can make no sense of this.
No, but you're going to have to search wisely for information because history is being revised at a record pace now. Trust nothing written after about 1910 and be cautious about anything written after about 1850.
>I became interested in politics
Well, that's where you fucked up.
10 years from now the next upcomming generation will look the sjw and think wtf drug were they on.
>A real american vs a cuckold
Surprise surprise?
Worst? You chose the best time friendo.
Just image how liberals would react to an image like that... Their whole black & white world shattered with one .jpeg
The only thing you need to know is that the left and right are still connected to the same body controlled by the same mind.
Do you have any of the platypus=duck memes?
i pretty much started with 9/11 and even than shit was fucked but now it's just fucking ridiculess