Much respect to this girl. She's actually been raped, and has the right to say #MeToo. And she knows that there is no "rape culture" in America.
Much respect to this girl. She's actually been raped, and has the right to say #MeToo...
Other urls found in this thread:
1000 cock stare
Neber forget bobby
She does look very rapeable.
That's not an appropriate thing to say.
This is Sup Forums you should expect people to say these things, Ashton.
I'm not her. I just think she's the best conservative YouTube waifu.
She's only saying these things because she's a rapist.
>That's not an appropriate thing to say.
1. They're "/ourguy/" or "/ourgirl/"
2. They accuse you of Jewry.
3. They promote the agent like no other thread. All day, every day. Nothing organic to it.
4. They say, "At least agent is doing something – what are you doing basement dweller!"
5. They accuse you of being scared or a shill.
6. They defend the eceleb within seconds using many IPs to control public perception.
7. "reported"
8. Everyone who rejects the "based Jews!" lie is automatically the same person.
9. Mis-use of the term "redpill" when everyone knows the first redpill is out of the Matrix controlled by Jews
10. "He/she wasn't always redpilled but now they're full 1488!"
Know the signs. See the floods. Recognize the repetition. They have the numbers, we have the memes. They steal the memes we have the dreams. They turn them into nightmares, we have the chaos. They can't fuck with the chaos… they're controlled ops. Never trust an e-celeb.
>she's the best conservative YouTube waifu.
No way, breh.
Can't compare.
i want to push her into the water, rip off her panties, and thrust my cock into her repeatedly until i cum.
So you'd thrust once?
that's weird, you're posting best conservative waifu and yet all your images of Julie are showing up as other girls for some reason
here's one
Julie a cute!
definitely more than once, but it won't take much. her pussy is probably tight so it'll grip my cock really nicely. while she's spluttering for breath in between her screams, i'll be grabbing her soft breasts under her bikini. im hard just thinking about this
She has a chaturbate account
>slutty enough to have bikini pics on the internet
Nah, Lauren really is best girl.
Weird ugly face and awkward sperg. Was never hot.
don't even lie
>She's actually been raped
Boo fuckin' hoo.
The hypocrisy of Sup Forums at work: sperg about certain "e-celebs" because MUH WAMEN but go all "much respect to this girl because X" at the same time. Pathetic.
god i fucking hate her.
i would never trust this autistic whore.
Stop promoting a new roastie every other day. #Enough
>those wide hips
>awkward sperg
>implying that's not the biggest part of her appeal
the "hot" ones are shit because you know their political opinions are fake
would Sup Forums wife a girl that was raped?
>Awkward sperg
>not attractive
What are you some kind of normie?
She's an anti-racist alt-liter. The trash is where she belongs.
I have noticed her channel popping up here and there, seems nice.
Ancaps are literally autism spectrum retards, though. You'd have to be to hold utopian and anti-science views like that. Also, she's simply not particularly attractive while the first two posted ITT are.
Why would anyone hurt her, she's so cute and lovely.
She's pretty hot. I like her little videos.
I wouldn't mind. Especially if she wasn't drunk at the time, or put herself in a provocative situation. Even if she was, I wouldn't mind really. As long as she's not like that anymore, I don't mind that she was raped.
>She's an anti-racist
She's a woman user of course she is. Women who are unironically racist are either very manly or larping because they know it will get them attention.
racism is for men
No one in her family respects her.
Rape is a social construct.
But is raping traps gay?
People do not like their families for political reasons, man this is very sad
stop posting pics i have blue balls
it literally hurts
also idk how i would feel about it, it would make me furious
it's another "young white blond girl doing right wing youtube videos for shekels"
stop making threads about yourself
Because she is an edgy teen parroting her (current) edgy boyfriend. "love your country, hate your govt"?? This is something a 14yr "patriot" would say.
And she idolizes this freak too BTW.
>anti-racist means just being not racist
Nope, she's actively against any form of white identity and doesn't see the threat non-white immigration poses to freedom-based values. She's anti-science and a literal subhuman sperg with a malformed brain.
where are you getting these?
Can we please stop shilling this dumb bitch every other day Jesus fuck
Her tits looks so nice in her new vid. I wouldn't rape her because I would be afraid of getting caught but much respect to the guy who raped her.