Did anybody see that guy posting earlier about Bayer sneaking estrogen into Flintstone's vitamins...

Did anybody see that guy posting earlier about Bayer sneaking estrogen into Flintstone's vitamins? I would've capped the post but I was on the train so completely missed it. Does anybody else have information about this? He said he worked for them and they don't put anything on the label about it but they've been doing it in hopes of feminizing the youth.

I took those things growing up, now I'm in my 30s and cant grow a beard.

I have fucking gyno. So much shit I used to eat or take as a kid had soy or estrogen in it.

>Be burger
>Estrogen everywhere in everything

No wonder you are a 56% country.

I took them all the time when I was a kid too and also have had issues like that. Seems kinda fishy that they were extremely popular among millenials and now the millenials are the most feminized generation...





Bayer is a multi-national pharmaceutical corporation you goodfornothing retard.

Did I hurt your manly breast fee fee's?

it's a caveman but it will make you the opposite of that

I'm Australian I drank a lot of milk growing up plus plastic bottles plus vaccines and I look quite pretty


Just because it has a red yellow and green flag doesn't mean its in africa retard

I ate a whole box of them because they tasted pretty good and my mom never bought them ever again

Also lol if you're naive enough to assume *any* vitamin pill has any actual dogfucking vitamins in it

It kind of does. Lithuania might as well be shitskins, they're a pretty worthless country. "Ooo look at me, we're a traditional hunter gatherer society, we ignore all progress because muh ancestors" la dee da

They must I just eat noodles bread and occasionally a vitamin pill and I live

You get all your protein and zinc from blowing men in a bathroom stall through a hole drilled in the door, maybe that's why

You fucking little shit why the fuck would you eat things randomly what the fuck you're like a little roach running around your cold Canadian house eating fucking sweet vitamins what the fucking fuck didn't your father even beat the shit out of you


Only by Canadian standards.

Woops thought it was Paraguay or some other Mexican shithole

What the fuck why would there be a hole in the wall I have never seen this in any public toilet ever what the fuck

Goy, don't tell anyone that they aren't Kosher.

Wouldn't want to anger the other Goy.

>doesn't believe in vitamins
check your water filter lad