Why does Communism not work?

Why does Communism not work?

You already know

No bump or (you) for the lackey of the Jew


mother fucker I don't know and I want to know

1. end stage communism never was implemented.
2. the ussr was trying to implement it but it collapsed because they couldn't compete with the west in an already captalist dominated world.

Because people have unlimited wants and limited resources

Because taking economics class tends to fuck it over the whole idea

because it can only work if peoples didnt have ambitions etc , communism would work perfectly only with a hive mind race were individuality is non existant

It lacks Chinese characteristics

Competition is discouraged because alternative ideas go againt the government idea that took 5 years to implement because of bullshit and red tape.

Capitalism works because it's survival of the fittest. The downside of capitalism are monopolies that kill new ideas by running at a loss until the competition is dead or buy it and dissolve it or just kill them with legal fees.

Competition is the name of the game it's why war time brings so many new inventions.

Values exist

>. the ussr was trying to implement it but it collapsed because they couldn't compete with the west in an already captalist dominated world.
The USSR went from being an illiterate nation of rural peasants to winning the space race in a matter of decades, its achievements are astounding. Reaching caloric intakes higher than the US at its peak, however, it failed to secure a global revolution, as the US did everything in its power to subvert and attack potential allies, usually democratically elected or with mass popular support such as Allende in Chile or Castro in Cuba or Daniel Ortega in Nicaragua or Arbenz in Guatemala, all on behalf of companies such as united fruit of course, or to sell cocaine in order to fund the other side of the Iran/Iraq war (iran) such as in Nicaragua (as you openly support iraq also giving them billions of dollars in aid) or to slaughter 20 million people such as in indonesia again on behalf of your business interests against the wishes of the population, all of the above situations being POPULAR PATRIOTIC movements that were destroyed by global capitalism

Because it goes against human nature.

says the guy who no doubt supported trump


Because there are differences between people, in intelligence, abilities etc.
Communism could only potentially work in a small group of elite, smart, honest people, of similar characteristics, which in practice is impossible to achieve

if somebody asks you for directions, do you give them directions? Human nature is generally amiable

because communists don't work

state capitalism

its an economic system these things are irrelevant to its functioning

corruption and traitors make communism impossible.
that why they execute big guys in china like monthly

because humans are not equal

It doesn't matter how much you brain wash people, you will literally never be able to permanently remove the idea of hierarchies from humanity.

Central planning kills innovation. It's also based on class warfare. It's an us vs them ethos. Doomed to failure at its inception.

Because it's ideology for elves, not humans.

well put

Did the commie seriously report my post because I announced my sage?

Kill yourself again, fucking subhuman commie.

It's a system that takes away the merit of rewards and is exceptionally succeptible to corruption and nepotism.

humans aren't ants

Because even if it works it doesn't. People aren't equal full stop. And if you try to make them equal you end up with dystopia, in which you're forever crushed by a titanium ceiling.

"Wasteful" competition is required to find and pursue optimal methods.



Infinite time preference; no regards for scarcity, economic calculation problem, tragedy of the commons. Another factor that plays in both the economic and civil areas is egalitarianism, naturally hindering people, and refuted by biology. Economically, it's the recipe for inefficiency, the antithesis of the term economy.