If there is a redhead on screen, she will be with the nigger romantically by the end of whatever you're watching. It's so cliche it's boring at this point.
If there is a redhead on screen, she will be with the nigger romantically by the end of whatever you're watching...
Other urls found in this thread:
Thanks for spoiling, cockmunch
>date almost exclusively redheads.
>propaganda makes niggers think redheads are constantly thirsty for BBC
>deal with my GF constantly getting hit on by niggers.
Had a nigger beg her for money and then hit on her.
>watching systemic propaganda pop-trash for the drone population
>watching Sorosflix
I just had a ginger gf myself, she said she would never date a nigger. It never happens in real life, it's just getting absurd that Jews can't stop putting it in media to the point where its expected at this point. Like how constant do they need it to be.
Good point
Do you know what is the worst? The nigger characters are always very artificial, they just put one nigger to not look racists. 99% of the time he is the only nigger in the school.
My redhead gf says she is not attracted to nigs at all never has been.
Her dad is super racist so he must've planted some good redpills
BLACKED things
*blacker things
Wait are you serious? Why this is even a thing in murrica?
??? There are lots of blondes and gingers in canada..
Our immigration comes in massive numbers and do not integrate therefore not too much mixing happens outside of toronto. The whites here are still pure. (for now)
I can confirm redheads i have met dont like nogs
I mean the readheads and niggers thing. I never seen it.
bc popular porn is slowly but surely sneaking into regular programming. eventually they’ll show her red bush being penetrated by jerome, and by then you can watch it on perfected VR headset.
it’s a wonderful time we live in
every redhead deserves BBC
average whitey pecker: 5 inches
average bbc: 7 inches
irish are not white so its not really racemixing
>watching Sorosflix
> confirmed
But...I downloaded it illegally.
>Self reported
yes both of those. so? both probably smaller in reality but diff is same
How about you go to africa and pull down their pants and prove it.
Porn has brainwashed me into thinking redhead grills are into nogs.
I love them so much, when they got a crush on you their checks blush and eyes turn blood red. Its always been easy to tell if a redheaded really likes you.
>it's the episode of anecdotal evidence by user on how there is no racemixing actually in the 56% land
el o el
Is there actually racemixing in this show now?
I watched the first season cuddled up with my gf, and we plan to watch this soon. PLEASE TELL.
What fucking show is it?
Stranger Things. Started out as a pretty harmless 80's-themed semi-horror series about kids playing D&D and summoning a demon.
desu this show has a lot of good meme potential. Like how the bad guy in this series looked like pic related flooding a nice little American town with foreign creatures.
Wasn't gonna watch it anyway
Also pic related was literally the best at everything and hated niggers and race-mixing but got (((stabbed in the back))).
Ginger is an anagram of nigger..
I had a feeling this is where it was headed. Fuck this show. Not watching it anymore. Easy fucking peasy.
Also the nigger hangs around with a bunch of multi cultural friends.
I mean do they think that we never actually went to school ourselves? Everyone knows that with a few minor exceptions, the racial groups segregated themselves on the playground.
Niggers hang out with other niggers.
Whites with other whites.
Asians with Asians.
It’s automatic, instinctual.
Why are you still watching (((TV))) anyway, are you masochistic?
It's unironically a yank meme that comes from porn. They get the palest (redhead) women with the darkest niggers in porn and they're trying to spread that through other forms of media now too.
The Scots are the most ginger people in the world, not the Irish. Irish are second.
>you're watching
Stop doing this
REALLY made me think.
Rate the reference
easier to just walk into his moms bedroom
Indeed. I don't pay for any of this garbage but that's what it all is, fucking garbage. You're right user, I'm fucking done with all of it.
>just wanted to watch a cute show with my gf
>didn't particularly mind the black character, because he's one out of a dozen in the show
>now this
Why cannot I even have this simple pleasure?
What show is this?
stranger things
stranger things 2
I thought Ashkenazi were #2 and Irish were #3. Nevertheless, if it's "pretty" red hair... it's likely Scottish.
This is a leftists fantasy for as long as the two races have been known. They have them date on t.v.now, before they used to have slaves fuck them in the US, and before that, even as far back as the 800s ad, red haired women were enslaved by white men and given to niggers and sand niggers.
Turn on the TV today
>Every commercial is niggers, front and center
>Every corporator circle jerk commercial (eg: Exxon helps the environment!) will show a bunch of niggers, rice-niggers, ink-niggers along with a bunch of white whores and then like a quick millisecond flash of one white dude.
>New products like that ridiculous "RING" thing you hang on the door shows white people robbing a black guy's house.
>All commercials for some tech product like 'internet monitoring" or "insurance" is "some fucking cunt" schooling a doofus white male on how to use technology.
>NFL halftime has some "token female" that is supposed to to be "one of the guys" and just winds up spoiling everything is said with the irrelevant bullshit that comes out of her mouth.
>Female newscasters are nothing more than parrots that wear dresses the color of skittles and repeat shit that the smart guy in the wheelchair said while gasping for air.
>Political thrillers now are about the "strong woman" who saves the day with all her intellect and cunning. Cape shit is about how a 100 pound cunt overpowers some 350 pound adversary with her pussy power.
Fuck all this shit. The propaganda is so blatant at this point, I can't watch TV anymore. Women ruined TV. Niggers ruined the malls. Life is fucked. I'm a hermit.
majority of the white women I see with niggers are redheads
my wife didn't believe me at first then she started to notice it after I said something to her.
> be me with wife + kid, in the mall the other day
> my 2yr old waved and said hi to some 30 something redhead that was going down an escalator,
> the redhead bitch just looked at her, rolled her eyes, and ignored her.
> then like clock work she sits down next to a nigger.
> few minutes later we sit down on a bench
> and older white couple passing says hello to my daughter, says how cute, etc, like most people
majority of the people who ignore my 2 yr old girl are nigger females and coal burners, everyone else at least waves back and a lot of people even come up to her and say hello.
so many bitter white women out there.
It's by law. Even if the creators don't want to put a black person, they have no choice. there's a quota and if you don't fill that quota, there's legal consequences.
My god you faggots will bitch about anything.
>therefore not too much mixing happens outside of toronto
this is what Canadians actually believe
kill yourself
>woman who willingly participates in an interracial relationship having no love for children
Who would have thought.
i think he needs some ice for dat
>White women were 12 times more likely to be murdered by their spouse in an interracial marriage, as compared to a same-race marriage. White men in interracial marriages were 21 times more likely to meet the same fate.
Fuck yourself there heebstein
The soulless unite.
Fucking so true redheads always getting BBC
It's probably because a random white kid is more similar to her than her niglet mongrel.
I know the feel bro. I can't look at anything the same anymore. Whenever I even try watching something on kikebox I can usually only ever last a few minutes before being triggered by some blatant anti-white/anti-western, degenerate propaganda. It's fucking everywhere being driven into the subconscious of the masses, and the normies don't realise it. The Jews completely own our culture in every way.
O you didn't know you would have to give the right side of your TV to the Niggers for reparations?
It's the Jews. We're just about at another shoah.
I guess it makes them happy, so whatever.
I know what I'm calling )them( from now on.
Irish and Scots are genetically identical because the Irish derive from the scottish highlands.
Gingers are almost extinct. Plus all of our old anti irish propaganda still floats around and fucks them a bit. Kikes are trying to push them over the edge and wipe them out.
So Sansa will eventually get blacked.com?
>Feels bad man
I like how, after defiling herself with her black fetish in 2007, there is absolutely nothing left in or of her. She looks like a stalker drone from half life 2. No beautiful glowing straight hair, no beautiful peachy skin, just death, pain, and exclusion.
are there any dindus in GoT? i didnt watch beyond season 2 and i dont remember
Actually scots derive from irish. Scotti are what the romans called the irish raiders who invaded pictland and founded Dal Riata
Irish are objectively the furthest ethnicity from chinks and niggers. The defeniton of white in genetics is based upon how distant you are from Ireland so I fail to see how Ireland is not white
Why do Jews hate us so much?
In the books, no. In the show, diversity quota is a thing, so yes. You should have saw the black merchant in season 2 that stole Danny's dragons.
Apple just released the iPhone X yesterday. apple.com
dont you have some shamrocks to pick paddy boy?
It's just a joke post lol
Youre talking about modern history Im talking about the ancient migration of the celts. Ireland and Scotland are so close theres been migration between them for thousands of years.
Im aware but literally every single time gingers or ireland is mentioned it just turns into an ireland is not white thread.
Well ginger is an anagram of bigger. So it makes sense.
Nigger. Fucking autocorrect.
I was on the edge of Soroflix for a couple of years. I'll tell you what killed it for me.
I thought House of Cards was going to be Sopranos-worthy TV and that last season I saw was how the Stronk Wymmyn wife took over everything and the male figures were portrayed as weaklings. The vice president character was portrayed as a sniveling weakling in the face of the Russian president.
Then I gave up on Archer too. I thought it had so much promise, and slowly they kept pushing that "Strong Black Female" shit so far outside the envelope that it ruined the entire show for me. They made Archer into a retarded babble ape.
Its the nature of Jews to destroy their host nation. This is why no one likes Jews. They always push too far until the nation is destroyed or they get exiled/killed. As to why they are going full out against Europeans, it's because Europeans have always been better than them and they know it. They hated Europeans in particular since Romans conquered and humiliated them.
>season 2 directed and produced by (((Levy)))
You expected more?
>House of Cards
Don't even bring up this shit. They've made the most cunning and ruthless politician into literal cuck and a sniveling beta loser.
She's going to watch it, and gush tears when they finally kiss. Guaranteed.
Well i guess were all saxons
House of cards was fucking good, then they had to pander to sjw and ruined it.
Haven't watched the recent seasons of archer. Stopped when he was cia contract.
not really grills can sense that she doesnt have chemistry with the kang. she has more with his owner mike
There are, though most across the Narrow Sea
>doesn't have chemistry
>kisses him, instead of him kissing her, illustrating her uncontrollable desire
You've been under a rock for this whole 3rd wave empowerment thing, where women act like men, haven't you...
The genetic connection between the Highlands and Ireland predate Dal Riada by centuries, but how do you back up your statement about Irish descending from Highlanders?
The isles were settled after the ice age by people moving up the Atlantic coast from their refuges in modern basque country. They would necessarily have arrived in Ireland before Scotland.
Danerys already embraced the man who raped her and held her captive. They're Arabized people. Both Khal Drogo and Hizdahr zo Loraq were brown, and married her. So...
>12 years old
You sick fuck.