New flag/face of america.
New flag/face of america
We will liberate mongmerica one day
fucking hwite
That's actually a race mixed Semitic face.
Can the mods put that as our flag instead of this one?
I can't comprehend why americans are sycophants of jews and blacks.
European > Jews > Blacks >>>>>>> americans.
There is a 1/2 chance when talking to an American online that they are non-white.
Only the blackest of the black visit Sup Forums
Good one leaf pal.
Niggest one.
>but I am 1/3 irish
And 2/3 back.
We have already a mongrel meme dump thread:
you are too ashamed to even show your flag pajeet.
this is dankiest, muhest meme ever fellow je..i mean europeans
This one made me lol
You realize each argument about who is White and who isn't just proves we are indeed the master race correct? Never an argument here about who is a "real" chink or nigger. Why is that? Because you shitskins all know your real master is the Aryan man.
Amer*Cans are literal subhumans
t. part and parcel
>we wuz white n shiet
I'm 17% white so I know I'm a one drop rule and am true white america
you go my lad,
yo ho my lad
hello fellow mongrel
Where did you get a picture of my uncle?
canada is literally minority white in 2036
recent census shows less than 70% white population
>he unironically believes that there are 246 million whites in JEWSA
they've found us out
Is that even possible?
>Canada liberating anyone
I spent time making this shit for shit and giggles and it got me banned for 3 days.
Sponsored by MCD, pic related: How Trump now has to dress
3 times the amount of germany. Surly the us and a are only 3 times as big as well. Oh wait .