>Soviets knew it was a coup [Page 3]
>LBJ was behind it [Page 5]
>Jews involved [Page 64]
>CIA infiltrated media, church and missionaries [Page 3]
>There were over 40 journalists working for the CIA in the media [Page 17]
>CIA-NBC connection confirmed [Page 2]
>two shooters, one escaped [Page 3]
>Missing file [Page 2]
>Rockefeller Commission: Oswald was an agent of the CIA or an agent of... [Page 4]
>Ruby and a communist police officer framed Oswald [Page 2]
>Oswald was a communist [Page 2]
>Oswald was never in Mexico [Page 38]
>people appearing in the Elena Garro scenario may have been CIA agents [Page 4]
>claims that Dallas Police were John Birch Society, Ruby shot JFK and then Oswald to tie up loose ends
>FBI knew about Ruby
thread theme:
John F. Kennedy Files Release General /JFKG/ - dindu 2.0 ed
Other urls found in this thread:
it's a conspiracy
Russia says Johnson killed Kennedy, Page 5
30 pages missing
Tippett meant to kill Kennedy and be killed afterwards, Page 3
Tippett together with Rubenstein and possibly Oswald, Page 2
Multiple shooters and bullets
Cuban exiles apparently planned on killing cuban government officials
Third for dead kikes
useful info on ruby here
I've been at this for over 30 hours now. I'm a machine
what was that taken with, a pollack polaroid?
>JFK in CIA akimbo stance
Is it a sign
Is this all part of his master plan?
>brother crashes plane
Were they both in on it? Is it all one big time traveler's meme? That's a big meme.
alex, i'll take time traveling aliens for 9000
single page of film converted to photostat scanned with a modern scanner
They were following someone. Wish I knew more
I've been following this /jfk/ thread since yesterday and literally no smoking gun yet, justsome 12 year old edgy user posting "DA JOOOS!" every few posts
So what? We've basically got it confirmed that it was a CIA coup backed by the vice president?
You even read any of the files? There's a ton of this stuff and it takes a long time to go through it all. We have enough information to point to an inside job
the truth is out there user
you're right. let's talk about it more.
Has the timing of these releases got something to do with appointing the head of the Federal Reserve?
Anything is possible user, no coincidence either they will announce arrest monday regarding the Russia probe. The storm man
Starting to read through some of the redacted stuff and I'm seeing a lot of the word "quantum". Weird shit. Quantum assist? wtf mates
Why is it in bravkets? That seems strange to me kek
Why indeed. Perhaps they came up with it.
JOHN BIRTCH SOCIETY ("never the Jews it's the Illuminati!" t. Alex Jones) met with Ruby and Oswald.
Rabbit hole goes deep, anons
Low energy today
This cant be Bush Sr. because clearly stated that he doesn't remember where he was when Kennedy was killed.
lmao did he really say that?
Those digts
This document does not prove, or even support, an assertion that Oswald was "never in Mexico." In fact, it supports the triangulated established fact that he was.
I shot JFK - Interview with James Files 2003
Yup. He claimed that many years ago.
Read this
Fuck yea! S H R I K E S Q U A D
what a twat
doesn't he realize how suspicious that makes him look ? not necessarily linked to jfk's death but clearly hiding something
do you think Bush Jr remembers where he was on 911?
The reptile brain is ruthless but not always the smartest.
Incompetent CIA niggers let the real shooter get out the country right under their noses.
same deal with Campos?
Looks like CIA niggers run Mexico too, how convenient, all the drug production and such.
Shrike the kike
So this just opened pandoras boxs about what those kikes and cia niggers are involved right?
So the CIA and Cuba did it?
I really don't follow given the multiple sources of interest and individuals at play. And why would CIA even collaborate with cuba in the first place after bay of pigs? The drug trade that feeds CIA operations wasn't even that strong yet to warrant their cooperation.
Anyone find anything on the secret space program yet? Guessing those won't ever be released.
fresh inspiration
That is correct
Not a chance
What secret space program?
this guy breaks down the bush angle
bretty good
any more shrike maga birds or just this one?
Holy shit it's Milo
This actually doesn't prove that - the dude doesn't finish the golden question and there is no reply - but there is at least one page missing from that report which has the end of the golden question and the answer; despite the document numbering at the bottom saying it's the last page.
Frustrating, but the fact that any pages are still missing or being held back relating to that question is pretty damning.
Cliffhanging the one answer anyone still gives a shit about.. >:[
Shrike the kike
I was wondering something. With so many things redacted, why was the the whole Jew and Ruby stuff not? Did it slip through the cracks or did they figure that without the bombshell confirmation they got plausible deniability?
Christ, the sliding...
to deflect from cia
It's only a matter of time now...
At this point you either believe
A: It certainly looks like the JFK assasination was a conspiracy, but in reality it was not.
B: the JFK assasination was a conspiracy.
The real retards are the ones who state that Oswald "obviously" acted alone. And the ones who call conspiracy theorists on the issue `stupid`.
Same thing with the Moon Landing - I believe the moon landing happened exactly like the official narrative say it happened. But i will never call someone with a different view `stupid`, because mostly they'r just not.
some user posted this list of good finds >>>
this contrary to putting the theories to rest seems to implicate the CIA further. not that I have even a hint of an issue with this, the CIA is a rogue entity.
Maybe I missed something, but I do not have time for a full analysis.
The recording quality is so terrible that I could only make out a few sentences.
It seems like a lecture.
Mixed Russian-English speech, In the beginning they speaks about somebody Chaliapin working in the first department; certain Vyacheslav Kuskov was responsible for shadowing embassies.
They also talks about retirement with a personal car (something to stand under the window, чтo-нибyть cтoять пoд oкнoм).
However, the meaning of this expression could change over 50 years.
Horrible quality, couldn't understand anything even after processing by noise reduction.
I also noticed that Russian speech is scenic; the person seems to be giving a lecture or radio show.
In some of redacted stuff which I posted links to I found some pretty detailed stuff like contacts of people in Cuba with a boat and details of a poisoning Castro plot, a lot of stuff also that is so redacted it is un-unredactable which I'm focusing most on right now if even one word slips through. Oh most important thing is "subversive quotes" which I quote. Whatever that means, and also coded messages on who gets to know what and shit. What does exfiltration mean?
I think I can peer through all the documents by the 4th of the redacted stuff on the off chance of finding something, there's a lot of it though
Friendly bump
You never know what you could manage to find in this redacted stuff
Mossad, Jewish Mafia, CIA, LBJ and anti castro cubans were all involved.
Exfiltrate means like you did a mission and you have to exfiltrate and you'll get picked up by a boat or some shit
Ah thx
Good info and on page 6 it looks like their is an old school shill talking shit about Ruby.
What puzzles me is why would Ruby kill someone knowing he would be put away for it for a long time.
What would force him to do that?
I made that yesterday.
>feels good
Impaling reptiles and bugmen
Ordered by
>1. Ben Gurion (Israeli gov.) → → #
>2. Operation 40 (CIA Death Squad)
>3. Central Banking Cartel (Rothschild/Rockefeller)
>4. Ngo brothers (Vietnam gov.) → → # → → #
>>Possible Reasons
>1. retaliation for JFK attempting to keep nukes out of Israel's hands → → # → → #
>2. Pig's Bay failure due to lack of support by the Navy (US Navy was ordered by JFK to not intervene)
>3. removal of US from fiat standard ala EO 11110, running against CB control (need source)
>4. assassination of Diem → → # → → # → → #
>Mossad (need source)
>>Mule (money runner / launderer)
>Mob, 50% confidence, Israeli connection, → → #
>Oswald, high confidence, CIA/FBI connection, → → # → → # → → # → → #
>>Patsy's Handler
>1. George de Mohrenschild, high confidence, CIA/GHWB connection, → → #
>2. unknown Cuban, → → #
>>Stooge / Cleanup
>Ruby, high confidence, Israeli connection, → → # → → # → → # #
>>Get-away / Support
>Barry Seal & Luis Posada → → #
>>Support / Knowing Accomplices
>FBI, 50% confidence, see → → #
>CIA, unknown confidence, CB connection, need source
>LBJ, 50% confidence, self-interest, → → #
>GHWB, 50% confidence, CB/CIA connection, → → # and → → #
>Rockefeller, unknown confidence, CB connection, need source
>JFK's wife, unknown confidence, self-interest, need source
>possibly others
>>Unknowning Accomplices
>>Bystanders that were aware
>USSR, 50% confidence, self-interest, need source
>>Primary shooter
>unknown, see → → #
>>Secondary shooter (to ensure the job is done)
>"Officer Tippet", 50% confidence, → → # → → # #
There's helluva lot of people in the know that said the only future for JFK could be a killing. These people are:
Steven Ward, Mariella Novotny Also, Mohammar Al Ghaddafi stated on public that the reason of his death was Dimona. To support this, there's similar views by Israeli engineer Mordechai Vanunu. Because of JFK requests about Dimona, David Ben-Gurion had to leave the seat of Prime Minister of Israel.
I think JFK's Dimona letter sealed his fate. he basically threaten to totally cut off Israel if they didn't shut down their nuclear weapons program.
funny how shortly after he was assassinated you had the Apollo Affair which transfered US weapons grade uranium to Israel.
oy vey
i was there too :)
>good vibes!
There's some things I spot in that shit. A guy named Popoff/Popov.
Most people look at the present situation only (let's say the last years of JFK as president).
But by looking on a greater histyorical scale, you get very big hints. Lyndon Johnson totally changed the US views on Israel. Nuclear material smuggling happened to support the jews. The very same CIA Death Squad (Operation 40) was involved in drug transport and the very first plane involved in the latter Iran-Contra affaire belonged to none other than Barry Seal of the aforementioned Operation 40.
Great job
nice, i cropped the watermark sue me
notice how not a single file has found PRESIDENT NIXON (winner 1960, 1968 and 1972) to be guilty of a single crime
crop the upper white band now or I'll sue you for real
rofl, the big red menace was a fabricated scare that allowed him to control anyone and get rid of anything against him.
Agency obtained wire-tapped conversations per unrelated investigation into leaking of nuclear secrets to a Middle-Eastern country. Conversations took place December 1962 – April 1963 in a private room at the well-known Chez Shlomo kosher restaurant in New York. Speakers believed to be highly-placed individuals in politics, banking, industry and media engaged in strongly critical discussion of the President. One was heard to say “the mick needs to be taken out”. Another, identified as a political adviser with White House access, declared the President was “out of control”, described him as a “White Nationalist” who was a “menace to all our plans”. An as yet unidentified speaker declared that President had become alarmed when presented with interim report from the Commission on Immigration and Naturalization. Reported the president had described proposed changes to immigration law as “madness” which “could lead to the end of America and the white race”. Said president had recently read ‘Mein Kampf’, was profoundly affected by it and was heard to say “maybe Hitler was right after all. Were we on the wrong side?”. In final recorded conversation one speaker – identified as a highly placed individual within the military-industrial community – said he “knew a guy” who could “get some Spics, Cubans, real hard bastards” and “put this thing in motion”.
You were saying faggit?