Serbs will have their vengeance.
Why are Croats so evil?
Other urls found in this thread:
Why are balkanroaches so shit? Why shouldn't we just glass the balkans?
Why are Serbs so full of them self's and always trying to claim land that isn't theirs (Krajina)?
Why do Croats act like Jews? Stealing other peoples land.
Austria is the new Balkans
I'm a Serb and I sage this message
Are Balkans the Africa of Europe? Can't figure out how to make countries on their own?
>Krajina isn't Serbian
Croats are literally the worst of all Serbs
>can't figure how to make countries of their own
>we make country of our own
>U.S comes and splits it
WHy isnt it Orthodox crosses? You buy those in mass from Walmart?
>tfw great country was destroyed by sub-humans and americans
I want revenge
Patience brother, our time will come
The west will fall apart
thread theme
There was just too many of them. We had to take action.
Serbians are nice. They should have annexed Croatia, Bosnia, Slovenia and Macedonia after WWI
Krajina is in dalmatian hinterland and therefore part of original Croatia where there were sears of Croatian kings. Orthodox Serb, Bosnian, Romance etc population came there where running from Turks and were allowed to settle in exchange for military service. Slowly they all come to identify as Serbs due to common religion, but that doesn't make Krajina Serbian
Croats were suburbs who got Germanized and got subverted by the Vatican.
Also, a fucking chessboard!
>be Serbia
>start a war which leads to another war which destroys the Germans
The Serbs are the Anglo's most learned student
And Serbs are city people
Serbs remind me of Jews the way they complain about Jasenovac and the gorillion dead serb babies killed there
between Serbia and Croatia, who's the good and who's the bad?
>original Croatia
A fairyland that allegedly existed 1000 years ago, if that makes it Croatian than all of this is Serbian (pic related)
+Croats are literally Serbs who defected to Catholicism 700-800 years ago, using that logic Serbia stretches from the Aegean sea to Baltic sea
In order to draw conclusions like yours, one has to do a lot of mental gymnastic
let me rephrase your question
>between Serbia and Catholic Serbia, who's the good and who's the bad ?
on this topic i would like to contribute a related finding that is bretty hilarious
900 leafs vs 2500 krautians
leafs! topestofkeke!
rural and suburban croats.