England's muslim population will be 30% by 2050.. Good bye England! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah
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England's muslim population will be 30% by 2050.. Good bye England! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah
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>An American posting this
Fucking hell
Will they wake up?
On local facebook the discussion is the need to build new houses.
One guy said "the houses are not for locals they are for immigrans"
cue shot down and called bigotracistnazi by the white townspeople.
>One third
so this is how it ends.
after all those crusades
all those souls lost to christian religious persecution and those sacrafice for protestantism
in the rain..
time .. to die.
>melting pot
What the fuck, why are we being called this? I fucking hate that term, I thought it was an American thing.
Why is this funny to you? This is going to happen throughout Europe, you laugh at the destruction of your race?
I'm convinced 50% of Burgers are shitskins, HWNDU has shown me as much.
Who cares as long as everyone follows the law and respect each other?
Fenian from N.I Here. I am not even going to take the piss, I am going to be serious here.
Lads, this is our future, every western nation (slavs might avoid it) and this is nothing to laugh about. I shit post a lot about Britain but its all just banter. I do not want to see this happen to any country other than Israel never mind any white country.
If you laugh at this you are laughing at your countries future. You are laughing at Britain splating on the ground as you fall.
i hate that fucking term too.
Britain is so cu-
Once i have saved up £50K i am going to move to some bankrupt rock that cant afford diversity because it simply does not collect enough taxes.
even have a contingency plan for if i cant find a job, (prepper)
Iceland maybe if it doesn't suicide
>Following the law
>America will be less than 50% white by 2025
*breathes in*
Oh my god, affordable housing is literally white privilege. Shut the fuck up.
>melting pot continues to grow
is britain's land getting larger in size due to climate change or something?
I know we are fucked but an American has no place to tell any other country they are fucked
You know not all foreigners are Muslim right?
It already is user.
I'll probably kill myself desu. Can't stand living in a country like this. I think Sup Forums has contributed significantly to this.
they try their best to make it diverse,
but some decent working people sneak in.
Dont worry they will "fix it"
52% talking shit again lmao
lmao you're country is fucking shit regardless of immigrants. Just go through all the absolutely garbage policies your govt put forward in the last decade and realize you did this to yourselves.
I didn't do it.
he isnt wrong the main reason for crappier immigrants is to swing votes so the mistakes cannot be corrected
And we are next in line, guess what happens when WE run out of gibs
You voted to elect a govt though, and left them unchecked when they damaged the country. Brainlets are so fucking retarded they think changing the govt without punishing the old one that fucked things up will lead to change, when in reality it's just a merry-go-around of 'THEY WE'RE SHIT IM VOTING OPPOSITE PARTY THIS TIME!'.
If you don't vote that's even worse lmao
I voted against this every time I have had a chance.
Voted UKIP in every election my town always votes labour and even if every third party voter backed the cuckservatives it still wouldn't swing it
so i help a visible third party
The damage was done before I was even born.
Fucking burgers talking shit about Europe hahahah Jesus Christ,just look at your own country boy.
30% of the population of which more then half are other europeans like poles,romanians,bulgarians.Head up brits,defeatism is cancer.
I don't think so. I looked at the article and said "non-white". They must have lumped Poles and Romanians in with English, Scots and Welsh.
Traditionally England is a Muslim country ruled by Islamic Jihad Warriors, what's the problem?
England isn't the only country in the UK
>30% by 2050
It feels like 30% right now desu
in the 1940s the labor party was saying
"World peace will happen when all of the races mix"
"Because potato"
in reality a homogeneous genepool wouldn't be the result anyway due to different ratios literally everywhere.
and it would mostly be limited to...
"developed places"
yet some "Old Labour" people think this is a recent thing.
50% of 330 million people = 165 million WHITES
England only has 65 million people
we still win
Spics > Muslims though
look at my map,
most of America is strategically unimportant for immagrants
It's d&c shilling. No more wars among whites
Do you think Britain is another word for England?
What about Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales?
it doesn't matter user. you will all be wearing berka's soon enough
have fun on the roof FAG
It's jew propaganda because melting pot implies both cultures "merge" in a way but we all know mudslimes just carve out nogo zones and discriminate against non-Muslims
Yeah, but he isn't getting 15 years in the slammer for looking at that
Not every ethnic minority in England are muslims and what does it matter.
People forget how quick prevailing attitudes change withing nations.
30% vs 70% is still a good deal especially since native Brits are more likely to join the police force, military and intelligence services.
england has not learned how to be multi-cultural. jews are going to play a huge part of that. it's a huge transformation for england to take, they are now going through multi-cutlural mode. its something that must take place or england would not survive.
Good news. Can't wait til we can dress women in bags and put them back in the kitchen where they belong. Praise allah.
once we hit 1/3 white we may have the same problem Rhodesia had,
SJW's don't count as white per se
I do not think so
Whites were never a majority in Rhodesia or South Africa we were always a small minority and look how well we did.
I've always wondered why they call it a melting pot. The imagery it summons in my mind is of apocalyptic proportions with melted ruined buildings, burnt cadavers everywhere and pit that looks straight down to the fiery planes of hell and in the center the three-faced Lucifer stares up from his frozen prison.
We need to keep continuously importing shitskins and keep the population growing exponentially because we are an island of debt serfs.
The fiat system we have is only sustainable if we continuously add debt serfs into the system. Most natives are already saturated with debt, so continuously pumping black cunts into this tiny island is the solution.
Politicians will things like pensions are unfunded and we need more workers to solve the demographic problem - the truth is this only benefits the fiat system since there is a continuous supply of new debt holders.
Concert all your income into cryptocurrency and move to Eastern Europe.
that's my point Mugabe had the numbers on his side.
and SJW'S don't count as "White" in terms of who sides with who
>implying it's not up that high already
Also fuck this painting melting pot as a good thing what the fuck is wrong with the world. We are losing everything.
there wont be a diabetic death,muslims always means open war.
SJWs count as white to the non-whites, though.
>just in town buying books about Richard M Nixon
>bus swings around the corner, unloads
>about 30 people get off
>all black, muslim, Asian
>look around me
>headscarves, strange hats, not a single other white person
I'm not even in London
It's already too late.
The worst part was the english woman who walked by me. One blonde child, two half black children. What on earth is she doing.
(((melting pot))) + (((diversity))) + (((multiculturalism))) is great goy.
they are still useful idiots who can be cannon fodder as their lives are meaningless to them.
And its basically their religion to fight against western civilization and people do die for their religious convictions.
>Hah! This large can of brown paint contains more white paint mixed in, so it's more white than that small can of white paint over there!
Why are Americans so retarded? Is it common core?
No, he doesn't.
Don't exaggerate. It's bad in the UK and it really is turning into a police state (I don't live there anymore, I moved to Eastern Europe for now) but you're not going to get 15 years in prison for browsing Sup Forums don't be retarded. Besides shit is going to go down in the UK in the next 15-20 years anyway, mark my words.
And they will undoubtedly blame the jews for this. When without muslims the british natives will not survive.
Can you imagine /pol in 2050 ? What will be talking about? About how our countries will look like in 2100?
>melting pot
>non-indigenous invaders refuse to integrate
>strip native inhabitants of ancestral homeland
I hate the media.
lots of gibs, and the government has the printing press to keep making more money, taxes are only a small portion of total spending power
half way there already, gonna hold off learning the language in case it suicides though
Same near me, during weekdays I see old people and niggers, slimes, indians and chinks wandering around my home town.
It's not too late though, it's just going to be very, very ugly to fix it
have you got your copy of the quran?
> muh falkland
They will be talking about "Can you believe white people used to be a majority?" Or "Why do you guys hate whites? I've never actually seen one?"
Doesn't the same media hate Columbus and the Europeans for doing exactly the same thing to the native americans?
currently 5% muslim but with babies will likely grow faster than other ethnic minorities so could be higher than 20% by 2050. UK will be pushing 15 - 20 million muslims by 2050.
wtf captcha
civil unrest prior to 2040-2050 in france/england
undoubtedly ethnic cleansing of christians, beheadings, burning of churches. it how islam operates.
the countries will be in ruins with white minority and we'll be enslaved or genocided by 2100
Have you seen your own demographic projections retarded burger? Caucasians will make up 50% of the population. Christians will make up for 30% of the population and so will the Muslims. Go to Pew Research Center and you'll see the projected change.
Yeah, and can you imagine the migration in 2050 and 2100? People in Africa will be like "yo, why we have to live in our cramped shitholes, when there is so much unpopulated space? The only things that live there love to suck our cocks and give us money for fucking their daughters."
Falkland Islands is Muhammad's clay now
There is still time till 2050.
Brits can handle this.
in certain areas,
but keep in mind the bulk of these newcomers will not fully branch out leaving some areas less molested,
Besides the wallet rape to pay for this!
That's how they justify what they're doing.
I think this includes Europeans as well
A Mohammad in every home, when I am King!!!!!
Muhammad's for all!!!!
>melting pot
When did Columbus go on Amerindian welfare and vote for the Indians to jack up taxes to pay for it?
fill me in please
come home, white man
USA will be white minority by population come 2034 mate. You have nothing to laugh about. Its already white minority by birthrate as of 2013.