How did you discover Sup Forums?
on Sup Forums
Clicked on the board in 2012.
moot made a new board and called it Sup Forums, i checked it out
I'm an ex-plebbitor, came here when they banned based r/European
>found out there were Neo-Nazis on the internet
>checked it out for the lulz
Been luling for the past two years now.
I've been here since late 2006. Never really left.
redirected from a nigger hate thread on Sup Forums
Heard about it during the election cycle, when I was just an ordinary civnat Trump supporter. The place disgusted me at first, but still the anonymity complete lack of censorship appealed to me. Now I'm practically addicted.
Sup Forums sent me here in the before time.
Started on Sup Forums then some how I ended up here
Heard all the people I despise bitching about the 'sexists on Sup Forums' during gamergate. I found a new home.
>I've been here since late 2006
>implying Sup Forums existed in 2006
Get the fuck out, /new/fag.
Through pol newa forver
You have to go back.
I don't actually remember
Had a friend who talked a lot of shit. After like a year of knowing him he mentioned Sup Forums and pol
I meant Sup Forums faggot. Not this board exclusively you double nigger.
reddit, 2010. havent been back since
started coming here from Sup Forums during the zimmerman trial and never returned
My friend who was obsessed with collecting rare pepe's.
Make me faggot
its been so long i dont even remember
the curator of the troll factory told me, since then i'm spreading here russian propaganda
Based Russian.
I knew about Sup Forums every since the inception of Sup Forums. It was popular in IT circles and used to have worthy threads. A couple years back Sup Forums got absolutely INFESTED with gay/trap shit to the point where I couldn't ever go back. I tried doing some javascript filters for keywords but wasn't too successful. I realized Sup Forums was ruined by (((them))) posting their crap daily to make young men mentally ill.
Some news story brought me back to Sup Forums and one day a light bulb went off that "There is no fucking trap shit here!" and I was all excited about Sup Forums again.
Get in here. Playboy Magazine published child pornography.
First came to chins from geocities. Lurked some. Then I went away again. Then came back. Then went away. Then came back. Now I'm here.
moved from Sup Forums 2bh
came over from Sup Forums when its started becoming home screen general.
I was apart of the original think tank that came up with the concept of Sup Forums. It's amazing to see the way it's grown from a couple of sentences on a piece of paper to the monolithic propaganda center that it is today.
Around early 2015 via Encyclopedia Dramatica
I wouldn't go back if you held Luger to my head. I revisited that shithole as a part of that tranny raid recently and holy shit.
>r/socialism is now a default sub
>so is r/latestagecapitalism
Gone are the times when r/t_D literally had a sticky that antisemitism is NOT a bannable offence.
There was talk about this place on other chan in 2011.
I had a dream that told me to come here.
I've always heard stuff about Sup Forums, but only when I started browsing hiddenlol did I come here. Sup Forums was and still is the only board worth visiting here in Sup Forums
Came on Sup Forums about when the nudes happened came to pol a bit later
What kind of comics would they have in papua New Guinea?
Cave paintings?
remember coming to Sup Forums in 09'
eventually found out there are more boards
came upon Sup Forums, every post was natsoc flags
bunch of hitler pics
never came back until 2-3y ago when habbenings in europe started
found it funny enough to stay
I left gamefaqs for Sup Forums after I couldnt stand all the namefagging and the amounts of times i got moderated for telling a namefag to stop with their huge egos.
Then just browsed around Sup Forums. Sup Forums is and was generally shit except when there is a happening but it is also slowly morphing into a free speech containment zone for people to comment on news stories which is a good thing.
From watching Murdoch Murdoch. Got red pilled and started lurking
Heard about it on youtube in mid-2015.
I found pol back in 1986, man those were some crazy years.
I got a dayban on Sup Forums and was told to take it to this board.
I heard this place didn't censor opinions and discussion so I came to here to not be silenced and see the facts of whats happening to the world, fast forward I unironically believe Hitler did nothing wrong and jews cause most of the worlds problems
It doesn't matter how you got here, the important thing to keep in mind is that you won't be leaving any time soon.
Since moot announced it back in 2011.
But only started browsing the board regularly thanks to the 2012 election cycle.
was googling for shemale porn few years back and got a link to here.
From /r/the_donald of course!
Daily reminder that Sup Forums belongs to reddit
1856? Those Victorian memes were they best
> isayoldchap,isyourcollarstarched?noitsstifflol.engraving
Last year in April when I was walking home from work I was walking down Drottninggatan in Stockholm and saw the corpse of the 11-year old girl who had died in the terror attack. I also saw lots of scared people running all over the place. Discovered Sup Forums that same night.
I was here day 1 GROUND ZERO. Sup Forumsirgin, they ruined our vidya and it became personal
People will get rifles and make bombs when it gets bad enough. Its not bad enough yet. No one in Ireland wants the return of the IRA. Will happen on its own if immigrants get too rowdy.
something something blame ebaumsworld
I originally came from bodybuilding.com as miscer then heard about how Sup Forums hacked everyone that visit the site automatically then I came here to see the fuss is about then in 2010 Discoversd /k/ as my homeboard then moot created Sup Forums and been here ever since.
seaching gay niggers american cuck faggot waifu aspergers retard total irrelevant political meme discutions
not discovering Sup Forums through knowyourmeme.com
r_td had a threada bout it b4 when there posts could use the front page of the internet
so I clicked it and someone started posting image sabout you guys and it was super funny so I googled it and started posting too
got myself a big anime folder and everything. no I won't post it all
lol how do i greentext guys?
80's memes were awesome. The music on Sup Forums was better in those days too. I'm a fossil fag. I know
From reddit years ago. Been larping as a Nazi ever since.
>tfw you idiots can’t tell difference anymore
my rommie was a miscer
that board was funny af
literally only place outside here i'd consider as 4chanesque or a substitute
Through HWNDU Season 1
Strangely enough around here we have a lot of European comics like asterix and obelix tin tin
From /vp/
>>thank you friend, upboated
Came here to laugh at dumbass racists, sexists, capitalists and conspiracy theorists when I was an enlightened leftist liberal intellectual at university
Got curious and tried to understand why you weirdo nutcases believed the evil things you did
You all know the rest of the story
>tin tin
based pepe guineia
Ayy papua new guinea has the lowest average IQ in the entire world :)
That time moot changed Sup Forums's CSS to a communist theme for April fools
Think it was in 2012?
Started going on here after years of browsing other boards when Trump announced he was running
I was a dude weed lmao one human bean type who got baited into coming here.
the rest is history
Jew detected
shrike time!
>be me
>drunk and try to type /gif/
>type Sup Forums cause drunk
Found out about it from a random roastie. Roasties love Sup Forums
>helped a person greentext, AMA
I kept getting banned on misc, and it’s no longer funny now.
pakis brought me here
newfag here
was aware of pol since about 2010
friend directed me here after discussing why antifa sucks
back to lurking
can you even triforce?
zimmerman trial
good times
my tinfoil hat fell off once and the jews told me to come to Sup Forums
I was trolling 420chan one day and they told me to go back to Sup Forums
>Made papercrafts for years
>accidentally a letter one day
Migrated in 2009 from FJ, lurked for over a year before even considering posting. Fags these days don't bother trying to learn the way things are done, start posting pretty much immediately. They stick out like a sore thumb and shit the place up.
Started browsing Sup Forums when I first moved here. This quickly leads to Sup Forums.
Then GG happened.
From some documentary(don't remember name) about Scientology and how 4 chan went after them
#gamergate #biggestdealever #ethicsingaming #janitors #ronpaul2012
sup fellow pedes
nobody lurks anymore, they just hop to and from Reddit
That's the rerest pepe I've seen in monaths, mind if I steal it?
I think your talking about the other Guinea
>lurked for over a year before even considering posting. Fags these days don't bother trying to learn the way things are done
everyone would point at you and call you a newfag, cancer, etc the moment you would ask something
anyone who wasnt shaped by the tranches of Sup Forums won't understand
>tfw relic from a bygone age
Go ahead kurwa-bro.
Sup Forums scrolls
i-is this a meme flag?
I took a break for a week