As title. Why does it seem whenever there is a woman's protest about anything, it is either naked, or wearing/signaling their sexual organs in some way? Whether it's topless day, free the nipple, femen bullshit, pussy hats, or just about *anything*, it is ALWAYS focused on sex. Every time. And in the rare cases they're not flashing their genitals, the protest itself is heavily focused on sexuality, such as ending "slut shaming" or bringing down misogyny or some shit.
>"Nipple pride!" >Nipples are blurred out Also, they do this because they know it's all they have to offer. All that tough talk about not being sex objects goes out the window when they realize objectifying themselves is the best way to get attention.
Jacob Edwards
They are inherently r-selected. For r-selected species, like rats, rabbits, etc., everything revolves around sex and reproduction. After all, that's their genetic survival strategy.
That's also the reason, why r-selected people always insult, or try to insult, their opponents talking about sex related things. Like "having a small dick", "virgin", and so on.
Once your realize this, you can't not see and hear it.
Luis Thomas
For the same reason they post slutty pictures of themselves on instagram, for the attention.
Brayden Brooks
>Women who protest are ugly >Ugly people are more likely to frequent nude beaches Simple supply and demand. They give it away for free because no one wants it in the first place.
Easton Phillips
Women are degenerate.
Aiden Russell
Why do fat, ugly women always take their shirt off when they get into a fight? It's a declaration of their willingness to reject society's norms i.e. that they don't give a fuck nomo'.
A woman's identity as a woman is based upon her possession of a vagina and the lack of strength found in the female form. She's not defined by her choices, she's defined by her circumstances. It's a position defined by its weakness. For a woman to reject the norms of her society, this is the greatest possible declaration that they are independent.
Owen Foster
>Why Do Women Always Protest Naked? Their bodies are the only thing they have to get attention. A proper, reasoned argument doesn't need to be naked to be valid.
Blake Morris
>Why Do Women Always Protest Naked?
The same reason why fucktards post sexy images as clickbait.
Jace Wood
Trips speak truth. It's their only selling point.
Nathan Butler
dubbatrips has spoken, it is true. It's inherent shaming language which means nothing, there is no argument
Cooper Butler
Get in here.
Ryan Lopez
Cuz it's threatening to people
Ethan Scott
It's the rule for women to be heard.
Tits or Get The Fuck Out
Matthew Robinson
This. They just can't pass up the opportunity to attention whore.
Nicholas Lewis
THEy know their sex organs are the only thing interesting about them
Oliver Reed
Generally speaking, women acknowledge their sexuality as a source of power and influence over men. When it comes to a protest in the polictical arena, the display of a woman's naked flesh is an implicit signal that this political cause is so hip and cool women are willing to get naked to draw attention to it.
It's a superficial and gauche way to drum up support, but it fucking works.
Matthew Edwards
by the same female logic politicians should get their genitals out in parliament when protesting against the opposing party's policy they are just attention seeking whores
Hunter Howard
Why? You already know the answer, but you're afraid of the answer. I'll tell you why. It's because women know deep down that their bodies are the only things they have to offer of value. No one, not even other women, will pay attention to them otherwise. And yes it is attention that they're seeking. You don't understand or want to understand or believe because you're a man, and you're looking at this through that lens. Stop it. Women understand women; that's why they hate each other.
Christopher Bailey
They have nothing else of value.
Ayden Watson
Because their bodies is their only value.
Gabriel Adams
Because deep down they know better than most women that their bodies/looks are the only thing of value they possess
Jordan Howard
You're telling me that women are defined by their vaginas not their personality so therefore showing off their vaginas is the best way to stop getting people to define them by their vaginas?
Tyler Morales
>Place themselves in a circumstances that make them 1000* more likely to be raped (and in the way they fantasize about) >Police / Society prevents it >Proves she doesn't need society
Nicely done.
I think we're opponents in the Atheism thread?
Andrew Wright
It's all setup by the same people (CIA, some elite group, soros?) It has to be some kind of distraction or psyop and they figured out this was the most effective way to do it.
It makes people look. If they just used their voice they would be 100 percent ignored. They hope they your eyes will eventually move from their tits and read their message on the poster.
Bentley Young
I mean do they really think men have a problem with topless women?
It's older women that want it to be illegal for young nubile 20somethings to walk around barebreasted.
Xavier Perry
>Why do women always protest naked They're exhibitionists wanting attention
Justin Bennett
Because women aren't interesting outside of their sexuality.
Anthony Green
If this isn't mental illness in it's late stages, I dunno what is. It's against the law. It's like their making menstruation a part of their strategy. They do it for shock value and as a deliberate affront to civilized society. t. a woman (No. You can't see mine. There are too many out there who are 'out there' already.)
Owen Cook
Women are sad and dumb creatures.
Josiah Parker
Shock value.
The off the top womyn only protest agains white older gentlemen who were raised to be ashamed of the bodies of opposite gender.
Andrew Cooper
Because sexuality is the only thing most women have going for them. What, do you expect them to make rational arguments when they protest or something?