Was he /ourguy/?

Was he /ourguy/?

99% chance of no

We have the same flag, user

he had his chance to expose the ayys but instead started another underground base

does jet fuel melt steel beams?

Sup Forums is a total shithole full of Jews and Commies now. This thread is a perfect example and it's up once a day

Hahahahahahahhahaha no way

He was (((their))) guy.

He was owned by CIA niggers and paid for by kike banks.

He's a share-holder of CIA & co

No. He was essentially white Obama.

Fuck that peice of shit. I would have voted for him though, he lowered Taxes, the bush stimulus checks were pretty cool...but yeah fuck him.


Fuck that democrat!

No. Neocon slave to israeli interests

fake the biggest terrorist attack in the usa

destabilize the east so they can all come to europe

yeah great guy , i guess


>neocon faggot that did 9/11

he was worse than the nigger

No. His father was a much better man.

Pretty much this. He was pre-Obama.

Not really. His father broke the economy, caused riots and focused in Kuwait and Iraq cos muh oil.Should have invested in western europe instead. HE FORGOT POLAND!

Hes that guy that liberals and niggers pretend wasn't just like Obama.

Fuck no he was Saudis Lil fuck toy and deserves to be tried for treason.

his daddy shot jfk in the fuckin noggin. you tell me.

He was just a puppet. I think he was genuinely spooked on 9/11. People keep forgetting about the deep state.

>Should have invested in western europe instead
Like Prescott invested in Germany?

>Bushes ain't deep state

No. He and his family are proponents of the NWO.

Fuck no

>prescott had the german slave-work and ww2 profits
>George had many smaller things, including securing investments from jfk
>jr. got the terror-war profits, which are continuing still, while also securing all the things gained from beginning of the 20th century
I consider them very successfull

His father was involved in the Kennedy assassination.