JOIN reddit.com/r/ALLAHWAVE/

Submit req to moderate the sub. I will accept you brother, inshallah!

We'd like to thank r/islam and r/politics for helping us create this progressive platform in the name of ALLAH!

Submit your creations and links in the sub. Please help us spread the message of Allah far and wide!!!

Other urls found in this thread:


to late.
fashwave is the final form and no one will take your shit serious.

I'm updating css rt now. I hope anons can submit some more shits in it.



Why are you trying to get people back on plebbit? Numbers declining rapidly?


It's for a greater cause.


WTF is this shit.

Oh my

This: youtube.com/watch?v=Rdp9ytDi35M&list=PLaqKwTH7ScjOlCShMqrishxjaDq5Qcxgf

Peace be upon these sexy bitches

Does that mean I can start having Butt-Sex with Children and animals?

The original ALLAHWAVE song is the original unedited version of the Fire Timeple song in Ocarina of Time


It was changed in later pressings of the game due to Islamic chants.

Fuck off

fuck me i've never seen this

is this arab anime?

Instead of bitches twerking you should use gangbangs and simulated rape porn. Gay porn would be funnier but I don't want to watch that shit.

Lmfao Allahwave is top bantz, but seriously you have to go back! Reddit is more a honeypot than this beehive.



reddit is down the hall left. mudshit culture is to be ignored and reduced to, T E R R O R I S T S, not friendly mocked.

They're not gonna blow themselves up on their own; you have to poke them to make them evolve into terrorists.
