Jared Taylor BTFOs Sup Forums on Jews

Jared Taylor BTFOs Sup Forums on Jews


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wow he btfo stormweenie larpers good job

protip hitler didn't have a problem with jews

actually a pretty smart argument
too bad he puts me to sleep faster than nyquil

>protip hitler didn't have a problem with jews

Yup. He's basically saying that Neo-Nazi retards who blame all Jews and who are looking for a grand unified Jewish conspiracy are acting like niggers who blame whitey for everything. DESU Nazi LARPers need to be completely uprooted from our movement if we are ever to be taken seriously.

not really an argument is it lad

I could hear slight amounts of enthusiasm for this kind of thing coming up when the question arose. Its the virtue signalling kind of thing that other whites do, while also being in fear. I think he may be lying, or he is weak and is not lying like the other whites. But its definitely not a volkish thing, to submit to fear or other pro jew purposes.

No argument is required. I'm not going to start quoting the Mein Kampf or his speeches, you're literally at the flat-earthers level of stupidity and even google is too damn hard for you to use.

"I'm not going to provide any evidence for my claim everyone knows it and you're just stupid"

not really an argument is it lad

there's literally nothing wrong with being Jewish

>Jews are an ethnic tribe with shared values and belief systems
>We should judge the Jews as individuals

pick only one

He's so handsome. Would he let an Anglo Saxon man suck his dick?


Sure. There's nothing wrong with being an asteroid either.

There is a grand jewish conspiracy. Ethnic warfare going on against the whites. But it is not the only thing that is going on which is bad for the whites.

The whites are also in a civilization decline stage. They eat themselves to death without the jews help, they party and get std's without the jews. All on their own will.

The thing with jews is that they accelerate this process though. They may know of this cycle and they are putting up businesses and things that they know that may sell to this declining public.

The porn business for the increased hypersexuality. The attack on Christianity to further accelerate and erode whatever vestiges of white sanity remain (and could remain after the crash). They were one step ahead of us, and prepared for this biological event that would happen, as it happened in previous empires. Perhaps they did so consciously, perhaps not. But they are still doing it.

Whenever an empire declines, the strong that have control of it let slip away the power that they have. The pests from the cracks of society, eager to get gibs, get into those places.

The jews are bad, evil I would say. And the whites are also to blame. Ideal course of action is to exterminate the jews, and to do extreme austerity, re-education of the whites, in labor camps of sorts.

Commit suicide.

eternal anglo

>it's a fact Jews in powerful positions employ Jews before others, and it's a fact Jews are over-represented in academia, but don't blame the Jews if you can't get ahead in your own country, goy... blame yourself


do any of you altrighters have counter arguments for these or nah?

Fat bald headed cuck


Hitler blamed Jews for syphilis in Mein Kampf among other things. The idea that "he didn't have a problem" with Jews is absurd.

>implying jews aren't responsible for syphilis

Why can't you have both?

Why would entire industries being controlled by them being our fault or something? There is something very weird if entire industries are controlled by one people, with a similar religion.

Also entire movements like anti gun stuff are entirely controlled by them. How is this our fault? We dont say to the jews "we are so at fault, that you must take away our guns", no, the jew does this by his own will.

The lgbt crap is also entirely their doing. Homosex is their doing. Transgenderism, feminism all of that horsecrap is their doing.

The arab springs, ukraine spring are also financed by them. BLM is also financed by them. We didnt ask for these things, and these things harm the still good working whites who exist out there.

They for some reason also get a huge amount of arms, weapons to their nation for free, for no reason whatsoever to the americans. Because they are in big government everywhere. There are lots of nations who could better use those things if america was truly fair and keen on preserving freedoms worldwide.

Redpill: jews are inbred subhuman sandniggers with negro genes and myst be deported no matter their character

Well, because to call oneself a "Jew" is to embrace the Jewish religion. Ashkenazim are Khazars..not Jews. All that exists then is Jewishness, which is a choice. Jewishness is a mindset, principles, and beliefs. Even if a Jew doesn't think he's practicing Judaism, by identifying as a Jew and not a European (Ashkenazim genes are mostly Euro), such a person is practicing soft Judaism and likely to be a Zionist. Jews who act and think as members of the Jewish tribe may all be judged the same because they all share the same principles.

butthurt stormcucks alert

oy vey

dickie spencer: i love israel. it should remain an ethnostate for the jews

jared taylor: look at jews as individuals. they are not bad and friends of amren


Exactly this. You're right. Taylor is a typical kike crying out in pain as he strikes you.

>Jews subvert your nations and take control of your wealth, education, and jobs
>But blame yourself if you arent successful!

its no secret ... not all jews are in on the "zionist game"

Most people tend to view all ethnic Ashkenazi as Jews, regardless of whether or not they practice Judaism. It's a pretty hard label to escape even if you're not culturally Jewish at all.

He had a problem with them in Germany but not when they were serving in the Wermacht or his SS. Google transfer, or haavara agreement.

yup, the alt right is kiked as fuck. these guys are gonna keep defending the jews all the way to the grave when whites are finally a minority in their own countries

This is completely retarded.. there's no evidence of any of this at all it's basically just confirmation bias + cherry picking.

>Most people tend to view all ethnic Ashkenazi as Jews
True but that's only because they themselves ask to be identified as such. Take Laura Loomer for example: genetically she's more European than anything else, but mentally she's a filthy kike. If she would just change her mindset she would be honorary Aryan. This is something we should encourage Ashkenazim to do: break away from Jewishness, embrace Europeanism, and then we should embrace them as Europeans of Khazarian descent.

He probably got subverted somewhere along the way, or made into fear. But the way I hear his tone, it is very typical of a white mans mindset who thinks he is so above us all that his virtue are gods gift to us.

Thus I think he is even worse than one who got feared into that way of thinking. One who did so of his own free will without threats.

You can see that everywhere going on...well when growing up I saw a bunch of youtubers, comic artists etc. Who like me started up casually, and without politics on the internet, who sometimes made good jokes or whatever. But then without contact with the jew directly, based purely on their propaganda, they fell to the jew programming.

Just look at that retarded dumb fuck chris chan. Do you really think that a kike came to him and told him to shut up about sonicchu and us or we keel you :<

Fug no, these whites are the worst. The mentally weak ones. God I hate them so much.

stormcucks are white niggers

yeah, good luck with that. Your movement and all similar movements are always made to cater to them

hate them too bro. we should not tolerate people like Taylor or Spencer who are either kiked or simply oblivious to what kikes do. if you and i know the truth what is their excuse? they are more educated than we are. they have nothing to fall on so we should remove the flood beneath them. we dont need any of these people or their $$$ to save humanity and our people.

his argument is while jews were instrumental in bring shitskins in to destroy white society, whites were largely to blame for allowing jews to influence whites into allowing shitskin immigration thru their parliament
nope. there were many whites that protested against jew control of white society. They are all murdered by jews, most notably 15 million germans from the 1940s. The passive whites that Jared blames for allowing kikes to mass import shitskins are the ones that didn't protest when kikes imported shitskins

yes there is


It happened in germany, and before that it happened in the Roman empire.


In the weimar republic, at first the own whites probably started doing this degenerate crap to their own kids, or to their wifes when this all started. But the jew, being full of malice and entrepreneurship just saw and opportunity, and being skilled in these sick ways they outrivalled the sick whites lol. You cant really beat a jew at evil.

Even if Laura Loomer dropped her Jewish identity altogether she'd still be fucking hideous.

i dunno her beak got fixed. not too bad now...
maybe thats how we fix jews? tell them to embrace europeanism, get a nose job, and we will embrace them xD

>oy vey, where not bankrupting you society economically and morally, you need to look to yourself and not blame others!!! and we definitely did not kill JFK!!!

imagine my fucking shock.

nightmare fuel

>grand unified Jewish conspiracy

Dat weasel phrasing.

Taylor talks about the kikes in his latest London Forum speech. He's coming around.

@ 48:30


"I would not hesitate to say, many of you already know this, that Jews have been extremely effective at exploiting this weakness (altrusim)"

>Muslims all believe in the same holy book
>We should not judge them as a group
this argument doesn't work with any other religious group and it doesnt work for the Jews.

Mr. Taylor, you have been BTFO.

>grand unified Jewish conspiracy

>One Jew.. 1:50
>Two Jews in row.. 1:2500
>Three Jews in a row.. 1:125,000
>Four Jews in a row.. 1:6,250,000
>Five Jews in a row.. 1:312,500,000
>Six Jews in a row.. 1:15,625,000,000
>Seven Jews in a row.. 1:781,250,000,000

Basically #NotAll

heh heh heh... just a coincidence goy


This meme was put together by a gateway pundit kike. Taylor does good work, and in his latest speech he called out the kikes directly. Personally I don't care if he calls out the kikes. He's done amazing work and I just hope he continues. Everyone he brings in will be exposed to JQ hatefacts in time. I agree with Duke/Black he's /ourguy/ and should be supported.

He's saying #NotAllJews

And nobody thinks that to begin with.

I dont know man, I dont know what made them go this route, or if fear of assassination may still be there somehow. Maybe its not just that, maybe some sort of bribery or sexy kids were involved. A person who wants to resist the kikes on the moral playing field, must be more or less a paragon of virtue, something akin to a demi god, but non fictional and without superpowers.

I suspect that a good speaker like many of these crooks, is probably only good in the speaking and charisma aspect, but when push comes to shove, when the kikes try to get to them through their family, or shove temptations their way in some weird form. They may crack.

Sometimes they just outright murder obviously. But more often than not they prefer the devilry route of breaking someones spirit I think. Has something to do with their idea of being superior to us thanks to their stolen egyptian lore that they think applies to them now.

it is also very much in their nature to pretend that we are all choosing this ourselves, which is true somewhat, we take the jews services that they offer through capitalism, but there are some things in which they give zero choice for us, like the gun crap, like sewing of the christians. They have many of these non choice things that they do. So to me in the end it seems that they are indeed a hostile force that are doing hostile things, just as opportunity is given to them.

Yep. Counter-semitism is the way forward, not anti-semitism. I wish more people knew the difference.

Shekel for the good goy

Agreed based pedes

You control the banking sector and you control everything, eventually.

Nobody blames every Jew for the actions of the overwhelming majority but it's still an undeniable fact that most of the dire issues we face in our nations simply wouldn't exist if Jews weren't here. Jewish influence is overwhelming negative and they've overstayed their welcome, time for the chosen people to go to their chosen land. No exceptions.


>I didn't know what to be more amazed at: the agility of their tongues or their virtuosity at lying. Gradually I began to hate them.

Hitler, in reference to juice. I mean I know this is bait, but still.

kek, this bet was so fucking phoned in and it still got a bite.

The aussy kike has lasted far longer than most. We'll have him hating his race in another week or two.

good observations. i agree: they're a hostile force and they take pride in the fact we let them get away with their attacks solely because deep down we're all hoping they decide to stop, turn over a new leaf, and be good people. we dont want to destroy them, or we would have. theyve done this since ancient times and they still do it because of our mercy. i think its time to show them our wrath, only because of the information age we live in. had we BTFO the jew before time would pass and their crimes would be forgotten, and they would repeat their evil, and we would attack them again.. and again. but now we may destroy them only once and btfo of the eternal merchant forever, their crimes never to be forgot. anons like you and i can initiate this by rejecting and exposing people like taylor, spencer, enoch, and all the others like them. we should take responsibility and make ourselves the spokesmen for the huwhite race which we love and fight for. to not act is to allow them to destroy us.

>take over education
>take over media
>fund it with usury
rewrite history, rewrite news. make children hate themselves and their culture. destroy the common bond between nation and its people via multiculturalism
>we dindu nuffin guys.

I'm not saying its jew per say. It is a group of communist/cultural marxist infesting our institutions, many of which are jews.

>before time would pass and their crimes would be forgotten
.. then the internet came along. oops.

>time for the chosen people to go to their chosen land
sadly its not so simple. even if we deport every last Jew back to Israel there would remain non-Jewish Zionists who could secretly work on Israel's behalf for decades without being exposed or found out. its not just a matter of fixing the physical but the mind must be cured as well. we must replace zionism and jewishness with altruism and europeanism.

lol yes this! now is the time for our vengeance, my friends. we need only smite the Jew once and it will echo through eternity.

Right, I know what the Donmeh did in the Ottoman Empire. What cryptos and shabbos did in Constantinople and Toledo. etc. But we face a problem. If we don't relocate them to their ethnostate we have to genocide them. I could never support that.

Only people clapping in the crowd are Jews.

1:28 "...They've [Jews] been part of the work of American Renaissance right from the beginning."

If we re-locate them we leave ourselves vulnerable to attack, because all Jews are safely in Israel. I agree with you though, but only say to de-arm Israel first and expose her crimes to the whole world, this way Israel cannot attack nor deceive anyone else into attacking on their behalf.

you are naive. bolshevik revolution = jews. communism = jews. karl marx and cultural marxism = jews

they control all of the world banks rothschild = jews.

they control all of the media and hollywood in america = jews

they are responsible for starting 2 world wars = jews

expelled from 100+ countries and its never their fucking fault.

yep, again, many non choices which we didnt ask for. Even if we degenerated into parties and other end of the civilization type of stuff, like drugs and many different women...do you really think that any of us had time to rewrite any laws? If all of the whites started to decay, do you think that the cops at some point would care to enforce them if they are sex loving cucks as well? The mark to the transition to an R selected degenerate society is less intellectuality. Laws would simply be ignored more, not adjusted and perverted to a foreign culture.

In our moment of weakness, these aliens, these hostiles decided to stage an attack upon us, which clearly have actions originating from their group. And if they get the power tothey also kill us in the millions, trying to eradicate us.

wat, I am in europe and here the kikes are pretty much in power. They ban flags of foreign military powers here you know, because of some lingering sense of nationality perhaps. But if I were to say that I hate all kikes and I want to kill them. I would be locked up immediately. Because the kikes are the state, and I would be an enemy of the state then.

The kikes may utter some semblance of "we offer freedoms, you do it all yourselves lol!" but if you use the freedoms to reject them in the most potent way possible ,while also being a paragon of virtue (a little bit less for me since I fucked a hooker yesterday lol, still in a 90/100 scale of pure demi god virtue tho, compared to 05/100 as the average lol), they would just fucking kill me I bet. Or probably go at it from their pop science hoax crap and label me as insane and lock me up in an asylum for maximum publicity or something like that. Cant waste a good crisis now can they lol?

You might be right, but promoting genocide is morally wrong and illegal in my country. They have their ethnostate. That's where they belong. In my opinion that's the only solution.

Jared "Daisuke" Taylor

You forgot

>control the porn industry

>Is an open collectivist who generalizes about every race and believes policy decisions should be based on racial generalizations.
>Asked about Jews
>I-I think we need to look at individuals

I like Jared, but he didn't btfo anyone but himself.

> But if I were to say that I hate all kikes and I want to kill them. I would be locked up immediately.
And you should be, user. Jews institgate anti-Semitism because it's an emotional response to which they can respond with an even great emotional response: "we're so persecuted!" and they make you look bad. Anti-Semitism is a Jewish trick. See: twitter.com/realMoarpheus/status/910007630113804288 (cant post video here/no sound). We should not use emotional argument but intellectual ones. Smart arguments will naturally provoke the right emotions in the people who hear it, so the goal should be trying to make others feel what you feel, but to think what you think. The Jews may kill you, but they're killing you now anyway. Might as well fight for your People if you're going to die. The only bad death is a bad death.

>Nothing wrong with rejecting God
Yea, ok, user.

Right now genocide is still the best option, but to genocide them you would have to choose a very weird route...you would have to be on the side of Iran, russia and north korea (which in their own weird ways are resisting the kikes)

Right now there is a very uneasy balance, and to shatter it I suspect that we would have to hate the muslims, the better ones a little bit less. But the problem with that is that the jews enable muslim hatred, and the whites, being degenerates themselves also dislike the muslims because the muslims dont like their degenerate asses.

So right now, its 3 parties that want to murder eachother. If one party gets too strong, the other 2 ally with themselves and restore the balance of sorts.

but if two parties were to gain somekind of loose sense of ethno preference. Us and the muslims, then the balance could finally be broken and the jews could be all killed.

its a little bit more complicated than that, many effects and things are being played out right now, and even the muslims also may want to conquer us as they think they can take us on both...but honestly...I think we should try to make deals with the muslims, but also include a deal in which we ship them home from europe at the end of it, for cooperation in tech and whatever. As long as they are allowed to destroy the jews from their homelands.

Because our help is keeping the jews alive, which isnt good for anyone.

I was convinced for years that simply removing them from Europe would be enough. Now i'm convinced they'll irradiate Europe one day if they're not removed from America.

I understand your perspective and if every Jew on earth magically died right now I wouldnt be sad. But I also believe genocide is a Jewish meme. Again, most Jews in the world aren't "Jews" -- they're Khazars. The only legit Jews are the Mizrahi (most of Israel is Mizrahi) and they plan to genocide the Ashkenazim along with the Europeans. If we could turn the Ashkenazim and Sephari against Mizrahi, and encourage them to embrace their European genes, there would be no need to genocide anyone. The Mizrahi could live in Israel under an police state just like Hitler wanted, and the Khazars can live among the nations permitted they behave or theyre shipped off to live with a bunch of religious kikes who hate them.

The thought came to me when they made this kike the head of the US Airforce, and therefor the head of American space/cyber/nuclear command.


Interesting times ahead. There's no conceivable way that we won't see a massive shitshow if we live an average lifespan.

there's no solving the jewish problem in america

there's 6 million of them and they all hate us. outside of red-pilling normies on the jewish question and red-pilling our military on israel and the jewish question ....((( they ))) have too much control.

we need the military, navy and police on our side. we need white people to wake up to the jewish issue or they will destroy the world


fucking weeb

no, anti semitism is the best route, the most extreme form, of educated semitism is quite potent I suspect. Attacking the credibility of their religion is very cool to do.

mention their priest class the levites being killed (important for their prophecy), mention some stupid arch of a city that was destroyed. Mention how a lot of the lore was copied over from the egyptians and how they only stole it.

Additionally, I think at least. The most potent route is to lead them into Buddhism, because the kaballah and the tikkun olam is kiddies play compared to lore of the god body that buddha has to offer lol.

Maybe even mention their pillpull method (basically their own original tool of argumentative warfare upon us)

What does the jew have left at the end of these words lol? They are all truth. At the end he is just a shallow semetic retard, with bad genetics, and entry level religious stuff in which he gets these weird autistic head bobbings in. (even filthy poo in loo's dont get that and they understand more of the lore lol)

and they basically only eat the scraps of the table of the people who at their peak, managed to completely subdue them and thrive in their own culture.

Why do japanese men all have anime haircuts

the jewish lore is just a mind wrecker to these people, it makes them poisonous to society. For some reason, even if the dont have it, some mention "Well I always knew that I was different than the rest in this society :)", its a religion for egomaniacs, schizophrenics and other scum of society. The blood and the books should all be destroyed.

>Attacking the credibility of their religion is very cool to do.
This isn't anti-Semitism tho? Bro... most Jews are European.. not Semitic. Happy Merchants are great for trolling but its not going to accomplish anything.
>The most potent route is to lead them into Buddhism
maybe? anythings better than jewishness.

i would rather you compile real arguments against Jewishness and Judaism and debate Jews..online, offline, doesnt matter. then when they call you anti-Semitic you can point out they do not have an argument and are merely deflecting. this will ruin their claims of anti-semtism. but if anons act like TRSodomites calling everyone kikes this will empower their claims against you. Example:

does nothing to expose the Jews but does give them reason to call you racist bigots and garner sympathy from bluepilled normies.

Yes agreed! Blood and books..very nicely put. Today we have it in our power to destroy their books. We can prove Judaism and Jewishness is wrong. Let us then work towards this today and tomorrow we will destroy their blood -- but not by fire or bullet but through technology like CRISPR.

I am curious, are you a jew? An actual traitor jew is extremely rare, something like 0.03% of all. Molly may be a half jew but he has done a lot of bad jew stuff.

And yes, if you were to alter your genetics to remove the taint from your blood, and burned all the books, all the lore, all of this insane pedo cult, egomaniac, sociopath dribble then you may have a chance at redemption.

Though obviously you will never be trusted, because how can you be? Hitler tried to trust you and he had leaks all over his place. For some reason you always betray. Always this nagging feeling inside of you to fuck someone over for some reason. I dont have it, if I had the cash right now, like a lot of it, I would probably just fucking go build a small cabin in russia, in the cold and live there for like 10 years lol. Try to kill bears or whatever. But you people...fug, every cent that you have is basically just spent on trying to kill us lol.

>are you a jew
I don't practice Judaism, no.
>Though obviously you will never be trusted, because how can you be? Hitler tried to trust you and he had leaks all over his place.
> For some reason you always betray. Always this nagging feeling inside of you to fuck someone over for some reason.
That's very true. The drive to fuck over others comes from Khazarian past. They were merchants who created a wealthy and vast empire using deceptive business practices. Fucking over others seems to be in the collective psyche. But this can be put to use. Europeans of Khazar lineage should not be allowed roles in Government, nor should they own media complexes or banks, because of their potential to manipulate. But that talent can be put to use militarily against our enemies. They can even create new business models -- ones not based on manipulation for the sake of robbery. You know how they can turn society degenerate? They could use the same methods to turn society healthy and proper.

Christ, just tell me what you experimental, fringe kikes want. Just dont base your goals on "diddle a lot of kiddies" or "feed the demons in the other dimension with bad feelings so that they wont go poof"

lel im 100% Aryan bro. Dad's side == Swedish and Scottish. Mom's side = Irish and English. Might have some Native American in me at worst. Just a white guy trying to save other white people and the Jews too. whats your goals? what do you want?

inna spahc, and more pretty nature (less ppl), maybe go inna space like warhammer too, rape aliens. Probably not die in a nuclear holocaust too because of this slipping into madness, "balance"

raping aliens sounds fun. you worried about dying?

Have you read Kevin MacDonald's Culture Of Critique?

nah i try to avoid zionists. what do you think of his book?