MRW when someone on pol talks about vaccines

why are so many fellow polsters antiscience? it makes the rest of our claims look silly and tin foily by association

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Get the fuck out

I can proudly say I have never watched even one minute of 'Rick and Morty.'

>egg allergies prevent me from getting vax’d
doesn’t bother me

it bothers me. you should not be allowed in my society

You should at least watch Season 1, before it went to shit

To be fair, you need to have a high iq to understand rick and morty

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

OP let me explain the issue you are running into.

The idea behind vaccinations; that you can build up immunity to something by subjecting yourself to low amounts of it/dead examples generally seems to be correct.

This does not mean you just go around letting anyone inject you with anything. There evidence that the idea of vaccination works, that is not evidence that all vaccines produced by all companies are safe for you and do not have side effects.

I get vaccinated for serious things, i skip scams like flu vaccines. Each time you must weigh the risks and possible benefits. Deciding that pumping children full of dozens of different vaccines might not be the smartest idea is a perfectly valid view. It is not a rejection of the principal of vaccination, it is not anti-science.

you don't need to explain anything to me. I get what you're saying, you're just wrong.

You really don't. It's a poor man's Futurama

I see someone IQ is rising by watching rick and morty. That Pickle Rick scene will raise your IQ a hundred points alone.

Anyway, Vaccines are mostly weaker viruses that forces the body to produce anti-bodies that will attack similar types of viruses. So yea some people are against having a virus injected into them, plus some peoples bodies have different immune systems so allergies, a person with a weak immune system could die from a weak virus (vaccine), or even the vaccine could be useless for that person.

like he said, you have to be high IQ to truly get it

Any time I hear, "that's a crazy right wing conspiracy" or "the government wouldn't do that" I basically take it as truth.

>take your shots, fellow polsters
You poor kike.
They really should have trained you better.

so you probably think vaccines are bad yet consume whatever snake oil your favorite talk show host sells you?

lmao that pic is actually good tho

You guys should read Dr. Marys Monkey. Eye opening

It's actually science that says vaccines have huge risks.

My niece got the first vaccine and became full retard.
We're not talking autism, a little off, or just a bit slow.
I mean full retard.
She's unable to move or walk, and suffers incredibly painful seizures everyday. They had to sever her Corpus Callosum in an attempt to at least lessen them, to no avail. Theyve also tried to shove a pacemaker in her brain that attempts to shock it out of a seizure.
Sad stuff.
If anybody makes fun of the anti-vax movement, I tell them that anecdote.
Even though inoculation can help to stop some pretty nasty viruses/diseases (mumps, polio, TB, etc.) there's always a risk involved, a risk that isn't talked about, and cases as such are swept under the rug.

It's the sharp. Holding a confused person down and stabbing them with a needle will traumatize an adult, and young children are o f t e n confused. They don't understand and can't process the experience.

Most reasonable people question the safety and necessity of the trippled volume of vaccinations that were introduced after the 90s boom, yes.
They're a cash cow now that is increasingly being mandated.
This has started a sovereignty of body movement that is against government and pharma forcing you to inject material into your veins, especially when adverse reactions are fairly common from some of the less effective vaccines.

all I ever hear are anecdotes, but those are not an argument.


Shekel Rick

Rick and Morty is a less cringe show than Big Bang Theory and has some funny reference jokes. But ever since Dan Harmon's divorce and his TDS, which happen around making Season 2, the show has fallen to basic jokes and heavy on reference jokes.

Considering how autistic you are, you're a perfect case study.

>tfw season 1 has a LITERAL cuck episode


personal attacks are still not an argument.

mr pickles was p kool

It's not an attack, it's an observation.

Your funny, you don't seem to get Rick and Morty though, Rick's appeal is his desire for truth and freedom.

Truth and freedom leads to stuff you can't understand yet, you're too busy getting the jokes.

it's you're, and yes I get it. it is you who doesn't understand

It's you're

correct. I don't want you to go through life looking like a dotard

>why are so many fellow polsters antiscience?
Its a long tradition of conservatism. This race realism backed by actual science is out of the ordinary.

As long as you have your own vaccinations up to date, you have nothing to worry about. The only people catching the diseases will be those who were not vaccinated. Mind your own business, and everything will be ok.

The human papillomavirus vaccine isn't recommended to children until they are 11 or 12 years old. The y used to give it at three months but infants were dieing from it. The deaths were covered up and the vac age was raised.

that's not how it works. read a book. you should not be allowed in my society


Tell me why autism is rising exponentially or STFU

>Muh anti-science
Not if science proves your claim
Nice thread faggot

Yeah, it's so retarded it actually made me chuckle.

>high IQ show btw

>Getting an unknown substance injected into your body because you blindly trust goverment and pharma companies

Wow so smart XD

Tasty pasta

> (((Science))) tells you to trust the government-industrial complex goy.

That's the fucking joke you moron, Jerry's dad gets cucked by a black guy

I know "you need to have a high IQ to understand Rick and Morty" is a stale meme but damn

still no argument, just anecdotal evidence, strawmen and personal attacks

but it's not?

You should do some research. Using your logic, you would assume everything science does is right. Infact science is breeding illnesses which can wipe us out.

1. Vaccines are very inefficient. They pick about 20/x viruses and don't vaccinate the others. Additionally they kill healthy bacteria already living in our bodies.

2. Chemo and radiation are the leading cause of death among cancer patients.

3. Antibiotics have created super viruses immune to medicine. They even hide it in msm. Look at hue Heffner death.

4. Fuck off. Shill, your post wrecks of shit.

Get vaxxed, still get sick? What's the point m8?

So you're saying vaccines don't work?
Yet at the same time, you don't understand why people would object to subjecting their children to the risks of products that do not protect them.

this. until we can ensure no fuckery keep it to a minimum. at least wait until blood brain barrier. or if you live in a shithole country with no sanitation def get the shots

meme flag thinks it has an opinion lol

I don't think we should just blindly trust ZOG when it comes to injecting things into our bodies.

The polio vaccination was made using a strain of immortal cancer cells which proceeded to infected the first batch of patients with cancer.

Take your vaxx kid. Your opinion on my flag is not an argument.

Haven't seen anyone talking about vaccines in weeks or months until this week with all your rick and morty slide threads. Stop being a faggot.

It shouldn't be a debate at all.
Simply testing the toxicology of combined vaccines that are administered as a group, and tracking the effects of the combined toxicological effects and clearly publishing the results of said testing would ease the concerns of a majority of the "anti-vax" movement.
Right now the safety of these grouped treatments in an exploding number of vaccines creates a bunch of doubt and mistrust in the organizations that seek to mandate these drugs.
Everyone knows the results would likely not be pretty, so tge companies spend their cash on shills like OP instead.

They are trolling/shitposting. Unfortunately trolls/shitposters are a substantial portion of posters.

>Calls others anti-science
>Doesn't provide any scientific reasoning or evidence to support a claim
>Only argument is ad-hominen

Blindly clinging to "science" while calling others who don't hold your views "anti-science" is the very epitome of being anti-science. Science is all about research and logic, and if you can't provide evidence or logic behind your own claims, then you are probably wrong.

Spot on user

>accuse others of invalid arguments
>attack meme flag instead of argument


>never been vaccinated
>never get sick, maybe once every 5 or 6 years
>not allergic to anything
>never had health problems

Feels good to not be injected with excess chemicals.

go larp somewhere else with your meme flag. the adults are talking

literally nothing to do with vaccines