The eternal leftist ourobouros

>the eternal leftist ourobouros
ITT: examples of the left eating itself

isn't she being transphobic by referring to trannies as men?

Seriously spend any time on left Twitter and it's whitepilling how much they eat each other.

Not if it's a biological female who identifies as a man.

Deep inside they know all they say is bullshit and they lie to themselves, just to be politically correct.

No, she's not. She's referering to trans-men(Female to Male).

>men can get pregnant
How do people actually believe this again?

Ummm if someone is assigned female gender at birth but identifies as male then he's a man who can get pregnant. Ok sweetie?

>having to 0/10 shitpost an actual question
You aren't "assigned" a sex at birth. That's not how it works.

>you know what I meant
So she is implicitly recognizing trannies are not women

never gets old.

I think she's admitting lefties don't have a coherent worldview.

Islam > (you)

Can we please classify cultural marxism as a mental disease. Unironically. This people can't even communicate with themselves.

Wow you guys have a flag now. Cool

Type "faggot" in the name field to use the flag

See, now I'm posting without it.

This is one of my personal favorites.

Lovers to friends



>men get pregnant
>disagreeing is transphobic
Global Nuclear Holocaust when?

Your transphobia is showing

Fucking owned brainlet 56% burger. What the fuck did you expect?