Why weren't G*rmans enslaved and forced to rebuild Eastern European countries they destroyed in WW2?
Why weren't G*rmans enslaved and forced to rebuild Eastern European countries they destroyed in WW2?
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Actually happened, but only in Russia
>implying we weren't
our enslavement is called EU - as a polish citizen you should know.
It's called EU
Germans were allowed to exist to service the Anglo
Cause the soviets did much worse damage "liberating" than the nazis ever did conquering.
>Germany complaining about the EU
No idea.
We totally did not think about that.
We're definitely nice people.
>destroyed eastern Europe
That's the Soviets, user.
they were
>United Nations laughing at Germany
my grandpa tells me stories of all the Germans rebuilding his town in the 1950s.
The kids would bring the soldiers newspapers to write letters home and the Germans would give the kids rides in wheelbarrows.
I know, it's amazing, the audacity of G*rman "people". On a second thought, it would be better if these rabid dogs were just euthanized in 1945.
>if i give the SS eggs and milk maybe they won't kill and rape me
the germans didn't destroy much, it was the soviet who did most of the damage.also the soviets DID "enslave" alot of people with german surnames in 1945 and took them to workcamps in the soviet union. but they returned in the 50s mostly.
wow, eastern European SS raped their own people?
Jesus, I never knew that Hans.
Contrary to what is thought, the German doctrine was pretty much the inventor of hearts & minds, they tried to limit collateral damage when it was avoidable.
Watch the movie "land of mine"
Good tip, no thanks
Having most your rightful soil be some commie block nations now and having to feed them through EU gibs is punishment enough.
so therefore you flood the entire eu with refugees because "WAAAAAHHH U HAVE2SUFFER 2"
All my love for my German ancestry is gone, fuck germany, fuck the german people and fuck you too, Obercückenführe.
Fucking turk rapebabies.
Now you get it. G*rmans must be exterminated.
>Why weren't G*rmans enslaved and forced to rebuild
Because they were offered a swell little vacation in Siberia.
they seem to be doing a fine job going extinct without any help though.
wait - there are Poles in Denmark too nowadays? kek
Sure faggot they did more then you ever will
Show your fucking flag Aslan Özlem, if you are muslim or in any way a nigger or sandnigger you go to the same booth as the Germans.
Poles are "Kulturfolger". There are anywhere where toilets are.
We must end this fiction that Nazis and G*rmans were different thing. Every G*rman was a Nazi. They only started pretending they weren't when their defeat was certain.
fuck off and neck yourself faggot
the damage done by the germans is minimal compared to how s*viets and their vile ideology destroyed these countries to their core
Sure there are, I'm not one of them though.
My ancestry is pure Germanic/Scandi all the way back to 1500's where some grandpa took home a Czech chick.
On a side note - Poles > Germans
Poles are bro-tier chads while the average German is a numale faggot in a plaid shirt.
i agree with you on that. well not all but let's say 80%
ah i see.
>not a Pole
>On a side note - Poles > Germans
Ofcourse, you don't have to be a Pole to admit they are better than Germans.
G*rm apologists will follow them to their grave.
of course not *wink *wink
>A bunch slavs LARPing as Germans
hehe József
Joke's on you. I'm German and just here for guns and uncensored vidya.
>shot in the back like the true cowards the allies were
They wouldn't have won otherwise.
Spread your cheeks, Slavshit. It's pounding time.
White people aren't capable of working in heavy labour since their bodies are soo weak.
Oh I would love to switch my German ancestry for a Polish one, dont you worry Erkan.
>Implying Germans are better than slavs
ok Emir
Yeah but executing women and children is pure heroism. This is what G*rmans actually believe.
>muh women and children
Children grow up eventually and women produce more enemies.
because Stalin was the good guy
Deal with it :DDDD
I know, that's why I proposed utter annihilation of G*rman nation.
Some of them were. I was born in a town that was rebuilt by german pow after the war
1. Most Eastern European countries were their allies.
2. How can someone destroy something that doesn't exist... like the economy or armies of eastern European countries?
My great grandfather fought in WW2. I still can remember his opinion on most countries and armies though the wars.
Sayings like "Only the germans were good soldiers", "The germans were a true ally", "The germans respected us even when it was obvious we are light years behind them", "The communists were a flock compared to the germans", "Why did the germans ally does idiots the italians?", "Seems like the americans and anglos can't make difference between civilians and soldiers", "When we allied Germany, we experienced economical growth and progress that you spoiled slave-shits will never experience"...
He was a simple man, he didn't knew anything about ideologies and other political stuff. He was a significant land owner, land that was acquired through generations of hard work. Then the communists came and took all of it. So for him, everything close or allied to the commies was a traitor.
I'm not saying he was right or anything, but it's more than obvious both sides were the same when it came to the destruction of countries and people.
Based slavbro
May your great grandfather R.I.P
>What are gulags and military captivity
they would have done that beautifully if they had actually won and controlled eastern Europe.