Why are you intolerant towards refugees in your country?
Why are you intolerant towards refugees in your country?
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Because they're ugly kind, I wouldn't mind cute East Asians.
imagine all that disgusting dick cheese she'd been eating from old fat men
We aren't really because we take less than 1000 a year. Many find it hard to adjust but they tend to work really hard to provide for their families.
You not a fan of cheese?
Because Trudeau is a faggot who just wants to funnel a rainbow aids cocktail from around the world into his anus.
Do you reckon he hates the fact he's not a homosexual?
>not gay
Nice try
Because they essentially come and reap the systems benefits with 0 contribution.
They're prioritized over immigrants who could contribute to the country.
They're given instant welfare approval over a tax paying family who just lost their jobs after 30 years.
They're given homes handed to them over the homeless citizens of the country.
If they do actually decide to fucking work (pretty rare, they just leech mainly) they're given free training every citizen has to pay for if they want it, they're assigned workers who basically find jobs for them and those people are given priority over others too.
Another big one is legal lenience they are given. They commit a shit load of crimes and get away with it because of "cultural misunderstanding" or "needing time to learn the ways of Canada".
We just had a legal case here with a Muslim family where the wife just learned that it wasn't actually her husbands right in this country to fuck her whenever he wanted it against her will. She took him to court and lost because as the crown saw it, they had essentially unspokenly agreed to that (by the husband just doing it) with their previous life in the middle east and since we're so multi-cultural we can't punish him for that cultural difference.
I remember a story about some paki immigrant who came here with his wife. I guess he was beating the shit out of her all the time in Pakistan and she found out it's not only acceptable but encouraged to leave abusive husbands here. Obviously he flipped shit. Killed his wife, his wife's friend, tried to kill their landlord and then himself before the cops arrested him.
We didn't have any refugees since tajik civil war
Refugees are often piled up into ethnic ghettos that create many problems. Any refugees we take in should be spread across the country and be encouraged to assimilate, not simply section themselves off and riot when the school that's now 60% full of them doesn't teach their holy book.
Or just stop taking them.
>Many find it hard to adjust but they tend to work really hard to provide for their families.
I fucking envy you. This was how our immigrants were right up until the turn of the millennium. Before that it was fine, from the Vietnamese wave of the 70s, to the Bosnia war refugees of the 90s. They worked, they integrated, they became Canadian and that was that.
Then around 2000 is just blew out. No more integration, no more assimilation. Cultural bubbles everywhere, welfare leeching endlessly.
They stabbed my people out of the hatred of their heart and the violence cult known as Islam.
because they're economic migrants, not refugees. they exploit charity and folk's goodwill through lies and deceit to simply escape whatever shithole they come from rather than do it through hardwork.
Because the most recent spate of them harbour cultural norms and beliefs that either downright conflict or encroach upon and degrade the native culture around them.
This cultural and ideological conflict then galvanizes them and causes dissent that sometimes spills over into physical and sexual aggression.
That's why my friend, that's why.
Because they bomb, shoot, run over, rob, and rape people.
When is our Queen actually going to step in and stop this shit happening?
That's a bit hard when they pour into the country in their hundreds of thousands, annually exceeding more than a million and just spreading them around your country floods your small towns and villages; literally turning them into Balkanized micro-cultures, in the culturally diametric European macro-culture, ala Germany.
Funny thing is his gov't does exactly what he describes and ships them to states like Idaho.
They should just ship them to Northern Alaska.
They'd just cause problems there too :^)
Yeah, for the polar bears and ice sheets.
>Accelerate climate change by suicide bombing all the ice
Stop right now before you fuck us all.
What refugees? There are only guest who can be expelled and subjected to criminal caning if they cause trouble.
Because they are not Swedes, and thus they have no right to be in our land.
I wouldnt hesitate to support the hanging of lots of those that have come, especially the violent, the criminal, the parasites. Those that have behaved themselves can get a one way ticket back to their homelands.
I feel the same way.
Haven't met one before. I'm sure I've seen plenty in chicago but it's not like I know they're refugees, so idk I don't particularly dislike refugees I guess.
I could understand intolerance towards refugees though. Not that I condone that type of attitude, but it's understandable why people are fed up with them.
i'm not
refugees have done nothing against me
northern european and american goverments have destroyed my countries so i hate them
We don't have the taxpayer base to pay for them. We're 35 million people who don't earn a lot relative to their cost of living, living across a broad wasteland where tax dollars need to be spent very carefully. I'm fine with 1000 or so women and children setting up a camp in Toronto somewhere but young males need to fight for what they believe in.
They're a bunch of criminals, AND WE'RE FULL!
Because they're not even refugees.
so intolerant
Oh I do wonder....
It's behind a pay wall, fella
Did you actually pay for a subscription?
I actually don't I'm not sure why I can view it but you can't
Lol and I actually feel guilty for applying for a medical job there
Google News is the only choice I use for a variety of conservative/lib sites and funny meme tier articles
I don't care.
You have to care otherwise you're a liberal snowflake and if you do care you're a white nationalist
Try this
Checked and interesting, thanks
Refugees are good in small doses.
The fuck is he on about?
np fren
I unironically am I white nationalist though
Surrender to Ahmed's BBC sissy whiteboi
Good lad
Good for you son
Our country was built on the blood and tears of those countries shedding refugees. I welcome them. We do not deserve a cultural 'homeland' for the misery we've caused.
As an atheist and feminist I believe we can learn peace and humility from superior cultures.
I mean it's 2015
I don't care about that topic because i probably will be the refugee
Please bring hot females with you
Fantastic Post
urm sweaty delet this pls
Of course canadian gentleman, it will be a pleasure
ummm... but the samis were here first right??
Phenomenal post
I'm not. In fact, I was polite in every encounter with them so far.
Why do you think this?
Your question is stupid.
Your encounter with all 3 of them yeah?
nice try
but fuck off
You should learn Welsh or Scottish.
If you are english - Norman
there are 2 million ukrainian refugees here mate
He probably saves it for the British
no u
Silly Pole, everyone knows whites can't be refugees
What the fuck
ukrainians are slavs and therefore not white
Because most of them are not refugees but parasites. If they were really fleeing from war, they would accept being in any country without war and not just Germany or Sweden, where they also don't adapt and even rape local girls.
I could not agree more. I feel the same here
They are a fuckin tumor in the world. And communists too.
I bet you're a fucking muslim infiltrated in this country.
The fuck is this???????????????/
They're not refugees. They're fucking invaders. Go live with them if you want them so much. We don't want you.
Incorrect, they came from the East a lot later
They aren't refugees. They're leeches bribed with tax money to vote for liberal politicians.
Get ready for that sweet 1000 hit combo.
Because they genuinely resent us
I have nothing against actual refugees. In fact all civilized countries are bound by treaties to shelter refugees until the conflict in their country of origin subsides. Giving them some small measure of comfort with roof and 3 meals a day is not the worst use for my tax money I can think of. Hell, if they fully integrate and become self-sufficient members of the society while the conflict goes on, I have nothing against them applying for citizenship and should they fit all the requirements (good knowledge of culture, language and history of the host country and gainful employment), getting it.
Economic migrants (especially muslim) should be asked exactly once to turn back before being shot at with live ammo on the border.
A country gets its character from its citizens. When you import people who cannot manage their own nations, they will have an inevitably degenerating effect on the functional nation that they seek refuge in. If you import third world people, expect your nation to become more like the third world.
But it's even worse. These 'people' are artificially supported by the tax money provided by real citizens. In America, we often hear platitudes that compare the shitskin third world immigrants to our own European ancestors, but the fact of the matter is that our ancestors did not receive free money, food and housing. They had to carve out their own lives from the wilderness.
These 'people' are nothing more than a drain on our Western societies. They commit vast oceans of crime, they do not assimilate into our culture, they do not work, and they take money that could be better used on things like education.
I'm a refugee ;)
because the fuckers have no intention of going home.
Gooks are hideous and I cannot tell if that is a man or a woman. Niggers are much the same in this regard, except that Asian are all effeminate and niggers are all masculine.
>Why are you intolerant towards refugees in your country?
I don't care for them. They should fix their countries or die while trying. I don't want to live with shitskins in the same country. So fuck off
Because i'm young male with already limited opportunities and these refugees want to take them away from me.
Totally not security services to the left
because they are murderers
We don't have any.
more than intolerant
I'm downright hateful