These old cunts can't die off soon enough.
Boomer rage
She's not wrong, though.
/Pol is a Christian board. December 25th is Christmas. Its not a 'holiday'. 'festival' or any other shit an you OP are a fucking cancer. It was cancerous boomers who started this bullshit of renaming Christmas for special snowflakes like you. You are literally boomer smegma.
Playboy diddles kids.
If you don't like Christmas remember to fuck off in a loincloth with a stick and eat some insects instead.
old people are annoying because they don't understand optics though
October 22nd isn't Christmas though.
The filthy capitalists cashing in on a religious holiday more than 2 months before the occasion ruin it.
OP is a faggot
This go back to pakistan op
fucking boomers standing up for traditional society
I wish they'd die off so there wouldn't be any opposition to our multicultural socialist utopia
>/Pol is a Pagan board. December 25th is Yule. Its not a 'Christmas'. 'Noel' or any other shit an you OP are a fucking cancer. It was envious Christians who started this bullshit of renaming Yule for special snowflakes like you. You are literally desert Jew smegma.
>vote for laws and politics enabling this PC bullshit
>waaaaaaaaaaaaaaah where is my Christmus!
You made this bed now lie in it.
Fuck off back to wherever you came from you commie faggot. Saturnia was a roman festival based around the cruel mockery and execution of a random person and purge style lawlessness. Christianity took this hell and turned it to a day for generosity, gifts for children and commemoration the birth of our redeemer Jesus. You and your larping pagan ilk are snakes in western civilisation.
Reminder that Germany brought the refugees in to keep their social security system from collapsing so boomers could receive their shekels
It's weird how these people get so angry over words (festive cakes, marriage) but don't seem to care or do anything about our society being swamped with foreigners and dismantled from the inside for short-term profit and SJW points.
wow nice get, what a good post user :^)
I don't see how importing a bunch of welfare leeches can possibly be considered a cure to an insufficient number of workers to pay for welfare. Maybe I'm not as good at math as Germans, but how, exactly is importing a low IQ parasitic class going to ease the government's financial burdens?
More jobs to be worked, more taxes to be leeched off of them. The economy was starting to wither because there were less and less Germans to do the jobs
government takes out loans against these people, of which the "people" get very little and the government a lot. then they just bleed an EU slave country to recoup any losses
Most German rapefuges don't work and when they work they are still net drain to budget.
We never stopped calling it Yule. We just celebrate something else now.
So you post something true that an actual decent boomer said?
OP is a peter piper.
They've lived their comfy life and won't have to deal with most of the ramifications of selling out their people. The eternal boomer strikes again
You have to go back, achmed, there is no other alternative, you lot just don't mesh with western culture. A fair part of culture, is a peoples history, something the satanic globalists cannot change, and our history put us on a different trajectory than the one you charted, in Mecca. Goodbye now, pack your goat skin, and hoist your brindle stick aloft. It's for the better.
Heffner was a jew, and pornography is one of the methods they employ to genocide the white race.
Wait a minute. Oz has Woolworth's? We've been fucking ROBBED.
She' s right, you fuckface.
>Create cornerstone of commerce
>Boom for decades
>Fill with piss poor service and political correctness
>Lose customers in droves
>Close up shop
I wonder what it is about these megastores that they can't keep customers...
October 22nd is not Christmas time, I think that's what he was annoyed about
Australian Woolworths is unrelated to American Woolworths which is unrelated to German Woolworths which is unrelated to British Woolworths which is unrelated to South African Woolworths. It's all very confusing
Santa lives at the North Pole and delivers gifts to the worlds children. Saturn lived on top of the North Pole and delivered gifts to his children (civilization).
People sobbing about not having their holiday called out by name makes Christians look so hysterical and weak. I can’t believe there are people who support this kind of petty temper tantrum behavior. If you want people to respect your religion, do so by living in Glory, not crying on social media because the label on a mealy ass grocery store cake isn’t catering to you.