Well Sup Forums, are you pissed off because you kill Nazis in the game?
Well Sup Forums, are you pissed off because you kill Nazis in the game?
Other urls found in this thread:
>implying my jimmies are this easily rustled
AAA games have been cucked for years by (((major))) publishers. They'll have to try harder than this.
No we are pissed because they are shifting on their fan base by devolving it into some current political statement to virtue signal. We love Wolfenstein. This pandering propaganda and marketing is absolute shit and is the reason their sales are crap. They are essentially implying anyone supportive of Trump is a Nazi and giving rise to Nazi sympathy.
State of that niggers hair.
State of the Scandinavian cuck developers.
State of all of them.
He "fucking hates Nazis", does he "fucking hate communists"? or Muslims, for that matter, who are raping and murdering his fellow Scandinavia cucks every day.
I may download it, but I'll never buy it. I'm so sick of the race baiting, "strong innapennent wahmen" bullshit.
The leader of both the Nazis and the revolution are women? Really?
Nah, I have played the older ones including the New Order, nothing wrong with the older titles, but this latest one is nothing but Communist/Jew Propaganda, that's where the issue is.
>He "fucking hates Nazis", does he "fucking hate communists"? or Muslims, for that matter, who are raping and murdering his fellow Scandinavia cucks every day.
Thank you!!!!!!!!
This is what I was basically screaming at my monitor. Jesus christ these people.
Report and sage this is slide cancer
Lol, you got it friendo. It's really depressing. Oh well, I'm waiting patiently for CDPRs next game since they're the only relatively major players not incredibly cucked by sjws
Talking about the continuing slide into shit isn't slide cancer.
I'm an oldfag, dude.
The game play looks fun. I probably won't pay full price for it. I'll wait it out and get it for cheap.
There have been no Nazis since 1945. The guys with the tiki torches are LARPing idiots who might as well say they’re Vikings or Huns.
kek yeah sure you are faggot marketing shill
>implying this whole video 'documentary' isn't just a slightly veiled paid advertisement for the game
>marketing this game on Sup Forums
I mean I've seen some pretty stupid shit in my day but.......
That's exactly what it is.
>hey guyz let's make a game that panders to sjws, again, since the last ones sold so well
>lol guyz turns out sjws still don't buy video games what do
>say it pisses off the alt right maybe le resistance buys video games
Pro tip: they don't either
I'm pissed off because they're charging $60 for a 6 hour game. Also the ending was awful
(((Hebrew Box Office)))
this marketing is the gayest thing I've seen since the paid Christian outrage to Dante's Inferno, it's so blatant and awkward but the proles will take it in the ass anyway.
Fuck Sweden and fuck Bethesda
You guys honestly have no argument against this game, again unless you're a nazi.
Any "muh leftist propaganda" argument is simply projection.
Nah, killing nazis is a video game cliché.
We're pissed off because this game is a propaganda piece that has not been done well, not been devised well, but done poorly.
As virtue-signaling propaganda goes, this is terrible.
As a game, the gameplay is too cinematic. It's no wonder the game is only 10 hours long.
We're nazis.
Last warning Sup Forumsirgin. Post this thread again and we absolutely will NOT flood into Sup Forums like avenging angels and shit up your happy waifu fap board with the hard hitting info and the BASED redpills. That would be against tge rules.
My argument against any game is that I have about 500 bucks worth of backlog on my Steam account that I need to play through before I can justify another one. Get back to me in a few years. This thing will probably be $5.
No. I'm pissed because those faggots chose to have america have a communist revolution thus making you back commies.
A great opportunity for 1776 and Don't Tread on Me propaganda posters and those faggots blew it.
Im guessing vice is deleting comments as usual
>implying I play gaijin games
I liked the older wolfenstein games. This one has hideous characters, Have to join commies and pinko faggots, Really "Odd" action sequences (topless guns akimbo pregnant anne frank), BJs dad is a cunt for almost no reason other than pissed off that his wife didn't have any jewgold.
its a computer game and not reality ...thats why we are saying harry potter isnt real...
Oh yeah and the oyveynium ancient power armor.
I’m more pissed off about the fact that grown “””men””” actually still play video games. Grow up already.
lets try a neutral aproach,
Any armies ability to fight is not dependent upon ideolegy, politics and religion, but engineering and military expertise, ill aknowledge that one of these two factions represented in the image has neither, but the other is rather impressive when it comes to both,
had it not been for the fear of an american attack on the japanese side peral harbour would never have triggerd the US into to joining the war, which would undoubtetly ahve lead to Germany getting a much better outlook after the war.
the germans were simply outgunned, outmanned and exhausted after 5 years of intensive warfare and had spent all ecnomonic resources rebuilding a country utterly destroyed by the Juden.
i do not think they were poor fighters, but they had the odds stacked against them.
in general white people as a whole, independent on political stances have an amazing ability to organize themselvs in battle, our structured leaderships and infrastructres make most western armies superior to the less empowerd parts of the world.
I'm bracing myself in case cyberpunk 2077 gets compromised and they finally bend to the sjw industry bullying, lets hope not though
It's 7 hours of cinematic communist storytelling from a Swedish developer
Did you expect Final Fantasy?
What is the point of making classic single player FPS in year 2017? 7 hrs game? Seriously? This is insanely bad gameplay length/game production costs ratio.
No interest in it. The original is a long time ago and I don't do reboot culture. Its killing gaming and cinema and I boring as fuck.The gaming industry is very cyclical and has become exactly the same pre-Atari crash phenomenon of pumping out same shit and complete lack of innovation or originality. Wolsstein was a long time ago and I'm fucking sick of FPS. No one even makes decent new RTS anymore more.
Prediction: Gaming industry has lost its core market and is about to implode.
Niggers and fucking cucked beta male faggot race traitors ruin everything
Can't wait till someone releases a mod where you can play as the nazis and curb these ugly negroes and cucks
Its made by cucks.
Fullfill their fantasy of being cucked by torrenting it
>Live outside america
>be able to enjoy the old clasic gaming trope of "killing nazis" without being politically invested
Those Alt-Right fags sure sound a lot like us
because Wolfenstein 2 is the first game with nazis as the enemy...
>tfw this is what Nintendo has been anticipating since the Wii
>final boss is literally just a press E and win scenario
modern gaming was a mistake
reported and saged
Reminder to not even give this vice shill a view on you tube.
Archive ALL mainstreamedia and shills
We've been killing nazis in video games for decades now and NOBODY has given a shit. What people are reacting to is the use of concepts like "white priviledge" and the fact that the protags are a black panther lady and a trans freak
Even Nazis knew they were bad, but they saw it as a necessity. Neo Nazis would certainly agree it is fair for Nazis to be the baddies. However Hitler wasn't a violent, blundering idiot and the marketing for this game is cancer.
>I’m more pissed off about the fact that grown “””men””” actually still play video games. Grow up already.
The assumption grew from the PS1/2 and Xbox and indeed they did for a while. And now....they don't. Atari style crash incoming for the gaming industry, unoriginal, boring, politically crass (no one needs politics in games or ever did), lacking innovation, over priced and another fucking FPS. Yawn.
>4 to 5 hours campaign and most of that is cinematic all for the low price of 60 dollars
It's a shitty, overpriced game and the polical crap just makes it even worse.
When did Wofenstein become CoD?
No one was against killing Nazi's. It's the left making fake ruckus to have free advertisement.
Is this another one of those campaigns were people think that buying a game or watching a movie will annoy people that they disagree with politically?
I love those.
wrong, we have to challenge their eco champer in the comments.
When Bethesda started publishing it
>What people are reacting to
Is another boring FPS reboot of something that was last innovative or original over a decade ago and is now also overpriced and bad value and riddled with awkward politics. Gaming industry is dead.
> Wolfenstein II Is The Video Game That's Pissing Off The Alt-Right
I don't really think it is. All I hear are liberals telling us that it is, but nobody actually saying anything.
>Well Sup Forums, are you pissed off because you kill Nazis in the game?
I think the common sense argument is that injecting politics into opiate entertainment is just cruel and unusual punishment. People need a reprieve from that stuff, and depriving them of any escapism is just going to make people feel constantly under attack.
If you want people to completely lose their shit and start concentrating annoying characters in very specific places (possibly camps), just keep injecting hostile politics into their pastimes.
Video games are football for millennials.
want to be any more blatant? where do they hire you idiots? cl?
>video game
>6 hours long
>3-4 hours of cut-scenes
Your a fucking faggot why don't u try and find a real hobby??? Vidya is for losers who can't get pussy....
>SP campaign
You forgot the fact that the communists are good guys.
I keep seeing this claim, but I never see any evidence of it.
I think that might be because everybody's playing it, watching someone play it, forming a detailed deconstruction of what they've learned, or spouting agony on Mongolian basketweaving imageboards of peace like this one.
Give it a week. The game will be dead on Twitch by then.
Are they ever commercially successful though? How many #resistance people are going to buy an FPS for its political narrative?
Signalling approval on twitter doesn't exactly pay the bills.
Dude I don't know if you realize this but everything and anything that's anti white is actually good long term so who cares.
More, it's not as if it was good for men to spend time playing video games.
Trumps brother is on the board of directors of zenimax, the parent company of the publisher.
don't be fooled, Nazi is code for white person
this game is anti-white
A much better game at least
wasn't going to play this game because i'm past the Sup Forums virgin phase but if it pisses the crackers here off i'll buy 10 copies
so the 'game' is to navigate from cutscene to cutscene?
yeah, that'll sell well.
Media's just exaggerating this
oh and in case you don't fucking believe me, read this post:
Who would've guessed a degenerate Swedish cuck came up with the storyline
It's an invention. Who cares.
>when a game that was born as the most blatant ripoff of doom became a ripoff of another well established franchise
I'm starting to wonder if people who care about this stuff are mentally challenged. Wolfenstein was always shit.
I mean I'm dissapointed at the state of modern media in general, not angry. Now if you'll excuse me I'll go play some Ethnic Cleansing
The comment section is retardation personified
They'll act like I care as a marketing stunt but I really don't. I haven't ever cared about any of the online only, pay per play horse shit games that are being pumped out by nu-male devs. I don't play any games made after 2006 because most of them are low quality and don't run well in WINE on GNU/Linux or you have to get them on (((Steam))) which prevents you from owning a physical copy.
I'm more upset that nu-males think I give a fuck about their stupid game than I am with the game itself.
I'm an actual NatSoc and I wish everyone would shut the fuck up about and leave my board. Just go back to R*ddit or Sup Forums.
I guess the game isn't selling well, so they're trying G to get lefties to buy it by stamping the purchase of this game with the Seal of Virtue-Signaling Approval.
Kicking over rubbish bins and being arrested for malicious damage to property might make for a decent mini game.
Press space to call BAMN for a bad lawyer.
it was a trap and u idiots
Alt-right = white non-liberal person
Im not identitarian, im a liberal and I saw Wolfenstein as having a strong, hypocritical message of supporting communism when it has a far greater kill count than nazis.
If theyve admitted their game is anti nazi it seems also apparent that its communist protagonistd would be admitting they are pro communism. As far as im concerned people of today dont have their evils in priority. Muslims are the real invading idealogy, communism helps them, Nazis barely exist and they havent done anything so far in modern times.
So Wolfensteins cucked.
Also claiming projection is just "I know you are but what am I", you need evidence of contradiction first.
Could just as easily be lefties desperately hunting around for media that validates their political larping.
There's a market there, but I think it's probably in producing a 300 episode netflix series about fat women forming a street gang to murder man spreaders on the subway.
Mid-season moral dilemma: one of the main fat girls posted some semi-racist stuff on twitter three years ago and the gang debates whether to murder her or subject her to a struggle session.
What a fucking pile of shit
I think it's because nobody's playing or watching it. It brings basically nothing new to it's genre or franchise except for Watchdogs 2 tier topical political commentary and less gameplay then even. Unlike say, last year's Doom remake, which was genuinely fresh
>I don't understand why would anyone see a political message on this game, its just about shooting nazis right!? like the last one!
>actual nazis in America
This is like 72 IQ understanding of the current political landscape
>anyone that voted for Trump is a Nazi and white people are evil : The Video Game
gee I wonder who's behind this?
I've only played the one from the 90ies and 03.
03 one was a bit cool as they ie used authentic nazi posters and so.
I well... I wasn't really gaming them, I was coding and it was quite handy to steal their levels and so to have something to work with while coding. BSP trees with PVS and so, all calculated for you, quite nice
Eh, not really. Nazi is short for national socialist, and there are quite a few of us.
These days the viral marketers for vidya are on Sup Forums I guess.
I just think it's confusing that Blaskowitz works amicably with the POC coalition without any dialogue at all about how he needs to be a good ally, and that means not mansplaining to POCs about heteronormative white supremacist social norms (telling black people that they cannot eat albinos is not okay, and you need to do better).
Press X to apologize (your x key is going to get rekt).
yeah there's literally hundreds of you in the steam group and your discord. you're a forced to be reckoned with.