Catalan brothers, unite!
Cat/pol/ - The First Edition
Good luck Catalonia
Good luck trying to keep the thread alive
give'm hell!
Only reason I'm down with Catalonia is because they stick it to Spain and the EU.
Balkanised Europe=Best Europe, come on Catalans
Good Luck, may the kek be with you
It is my duty as a Portuguese to wish for the breakup of the Spanish realm. This is for trying to annex us throughout the centuries, you cheap fucks.
Go Catalonia
Good luck Catalonia!
Commie treasonous bastards, Long Live the King!
Impossible task.
EC is against Catalunya.
Spain will kick your ass out and you'll also lose the minimal authonomy you had had.
You're polish.
>'Remember Debt colonies the EU keeps peace in Eurab- I mean Europe!' t. Merkel
You are going to loose. If you put up a fight and get beaten up by a militarised external police force it'll show how subjugated you are. This is how you will garner support.
me gusta
Good luck and godspeed Catalonia. And remember always do the opposite what jew says. If (((EU))) is against independence it just gives more merit to your struggle.
>Catalonia is so based dood!!!1
The crushening is nigh.
Would it be better to die saying 'Fuck off' or live saying 'Thank you Master'? Also this fucks with the EU so i'm happy
shout out from another Non-Country!
Taiwan recognizes you, even of no one else does
kek, losers.
Catalonians are all poles
God speed you, Catalans. I am sorry for the foul and treacherous attitude of our government.
fuck the EU nogs
Fuck Catalonia. Practically socialists.
Actual civil-war in the middle of the Europe would be quite interesting right now, so go do it bros!
Has Venezuela recognized it yet? I thought that one would be inmediate
Socialist party left the parliament when they had independence vote yesterday. Stop embarassing yourself burgerboi
If Catalonia, currently building the most spectacular church in all of Christendom, wanted to be free to devote more energy to serving God and His Church, Sup Forums would support it. But not a bunch of Marxists waving Refugees Welcome signs.
To the Burgers practically socialist= soviet union
woah... so THIS is the new map of europe
'I don't think they want independence
good luck will come to you, but only if you say good luck catalonia!
Cataluña confirmada parte inseparable de España por la comunidad internacional.
LOL, Catalonia government has been dissolved and Madrid is already in control of catalonia police.
the 24hr catalan
I'm just testing my new flag
sounds good, Scotland declaring independence soon?
Oh, you have to choose it...
What is this eurorican flag?
Because you are a meme, just like pirates and kekistan. lol
The ex-president of the generalitat has recorded a message where he calls people to "resist" and he may be trying to hid.
The next weeks are going to be really fun
>A haven for refugees, niggers and kikes, filled with communists and anarchists is somehow based.
leftypol please go
But don't worry, the glorious military power of Finland will recognize you soon
So wtf is happening? has a army been sent in? Police? Are people treating it as their own country?
Good Luck.
Not really, they are still loyal subdits of the crown.
seems legit
Sorry Pekka, no independence was declared yesterday
So no talk of Militia being formed?
Spain president has took the control of the catalonia government. There may be (and will be) resistance by some public workers, but he now controls directly the catalonia regional government and the flow of public money so he has got the power. Any problem will be handled by the police.
Catacucks are maymay flag
Can I join the Spanish Army as a mercenary and recapture catacuckonia with them?
What for? They want more money from Spain, not being shot!
So no one is going to take this seriously?
I suck cocks
You dont vote for independence
You deserve what happens next
Why would it be any different? We are supposed to be a normal country where the rule of law works as in any other normal country. The government will use the courts and the police to handle issues.
Bona sort Catalunya!
>Can I join the Spanish Army as a mercenary and recapture catacuckonia with them?
No, Russia need you independence because of the Crimea problem
I mean Catafgts not spain
It is not serious. There was no declaration of independence.
What was approved were two bills "opening the constitutive process", but no declaration of independence. There was no tweet by any member of the Catalonian government, nor speech before the people.
They can argue that it never happen.
bro look ik the mexicans are taking over america but I cant read spanish
Oh, these bastards. Yes, I'm sure they will take it seriously. But their narcissist ideology is all about claiming how much peaceful an civic catalonians are.
>seceding before the weekend
Respect and honorable behavior truly are dead.
I want Cata to go all out on this because I want to see Commie refugee loving faggots get killed. HAIL SPAIN
Good luck, not because I support Catalonia, but because happenings are fun.
Same. If we let them establish themselves, they'll flood the rest of Europe with refugees in a rate even the Jews will be envious at
posting in short-lived thread
on the other hand maybe we can send all the refugees to Cata and make Europe white again
Just ship the rest of them to Sweden. Bomb the Oresund bridge - mountains will keep them out of Norway and provide Finns with vodka, saunas and rifles and tell them to guard their border. Problem solved
Honestly would rather keep the swedes around, Hot women.
You might as well just call it /cp/, you fucking traitor.
It is written in Catalan:
They say:
Proposal 1
And they talk about independence, etc.
then, they say:
And what they propose, what they actually ask the government to do, never mention independence, but create an office for this, and office for that (for instance, identify all the Spanish state belongings in Catalonia)...
And then, they go into the Proposal 2, that talks about the opening of the constitutive process, but again never talks about independence.
All independence-related text is in the introduction of Proposal 1 and never formally asked to do by the regional government.
They can say it never happened.
Fuck off and eat your potatoes you paddy IRAnus cunt
I meant (you)
i guess your founding fathers were also refugee loving faggots when they got independence from England
i mean this
He has no such control.
All his "control" is a sheet of paper that is barely good enough to wipe your ass with.
the first nation to support Catalan Independence better not have any separatist movements, or they're going to get fucked on the international stage
Looking at you, UK
kek its not that they want to be independent, its the fact they are refugee loving fucks and then want to get their own country to flood the rest of europe with.
Ours declared it and told all non anglos to fuck off
Based Antartica. The penguins have spoken. ¡Viva España!
this is why no one is going to support them, almost all nations have one atm
>USA - California
>UK - Scotland
and so on
There was no formal declaration of independence.
Y'all have been deceived by the separatists twice in less than a month.
First nation will probably be Venezuela. I think Best Korea also supports Catalonia
h.. he has no such control... merely a sheet of paper, said the sweaty fedora wearing catalan while the tanks were gathering outside Barcelona
california has no linguistic or cultural difference to support independence you fucking twat
>most spectcular church in all Christendom
What church is that? The only church I know the Catalans are building is that hideous sandcastle in Barcelona