ITT: Self-hating Jews.
ITT: Self-hating Jews
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extremely smart man as well
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Tiny Tim
His mom was Jewish and his dad was a Lebanese Mennonite priest
Sam Hyde
What are you talking about?
Woody Allen ONLY stars Jewish people in his movies. If he were a redhead only starring redheads he would probably be sent to jail.
Maronite not mennonite you fucking retard.
Donald Trump
Hates himself for not being a Jew
no way this cunt hates himself. he prides himself on being jewish
brother nathanel, jewish man who became an orthodox priest and spends his days now dropping red pills
Proofs on him being self-hating? I want to believe
Thank you for reminding me to dl this, you hopeless rural faggot
Who are the creators of Drawn Together?
He wasn't self-hating like some low self-esteem suicidal cuck. He hated the idea of being Jewish and the implications of the Jews as being called the (((chosen race))). He was an atheist/agnostic that cared about physics. Not satanism like most Jews practice.
Biggest redpill imaginable.
Hahaha, yeah, right. He's just an edgy version of Jon "Stewart."
Hey Rabbi.
how convenient that when someone uses his jewishness against him (andy dick) he employs the holier than thou act. typical jew i guess
It's genetic.
Benjamin H. Freedman - Businessman who exposed ZOG in 1961.
isn't that Bobby fisher, the chess player? was he anti semitic?
Very anti-semitic. He outright hated Jews.
>tfw too smart to like jews
>180 IQ
Dumbass should've watched some more Rick and Morty.
indeed. his anti-semitic views are well documented.
Dan Harmon is Jewish.
shieeet close
11D chess documented.
wtf I love Bobby Fischer now
Died before he realized it
"Jews are anti-social, destructive, intolerant, mean-spirited, deceitful, et cetera. They wish to destroy, rule and kill, rob whoever gets in their way. To facilitate them getting what they want, they have developed a perverted, unnatural, destructive, evil lifestyle. Even though they live off the non-Jews as parasites, they still hate them and wish to destroy them. Jews hate nature and the natural order, because it's pure and beautiful, and also because it's bigger and stronger than they are, and they feel that they can not fully control it. Nature's beauty and harmony stands in stark contrast to their squalidness and ugliness, and that makes them hate it all the more. Jews are destroyers. They are anti-humans. The anti-human Jew hates and wants to destroy all non-Jews. He will also destroy even other Jews who are less destructive and evil than he is, if they get in his way. Apparently, the wickedness of the Jew is genetically based. Jews are destroyers. They are anti-humans. By the act of circumcision, the Jew shows his hatred towards nature and the natural order. By this bloody, cruel, senseless act, he shows his cruelty and sadism, and that he will stop at nothing to obtain his ends. Surely the Jews are also behind the Islamic circumcision, which serves as an ideal cover and distraction from their own wickedness in this regard. Jews are intensely selfish, intolerant and anti-social, et cetera. They are full of hate, greed, malice, et cetera. Naturally, other people, i.e. the non-Jews, don't like being bulldozed aside, robbed and murdered by the Jews, and will sooner or later resist. That is where the lies and deceit of the Jews come into place"
Bobby Fisher was original Sup Forumsack
Woody Allen established the meme of the Jewish male as pervy neurotic omega male.
He was a pretty devout Christian from what I understand.
Woody Allen is a self-aware jew
>was he anti semitic?
If you know Fischer, you know he was anti semitic.
>Self-hating Jews.
They're joining the rest of the world?
What was it though?
>too dumb to understand Rick and Morty
no he had nothing against arabs
That's offensive nigger
Richard Feynman was agenius,
you can all go fuck yourselves.
This isn't admirable. It's the original white guilt.
White guilt and anti-white racism is whites imitating jews. They're the role models for the new upper class and everything they do, we do.
Jews hate jews, so we hate ourselves
Jews racemixed into oblivion, so now we have to do the same