Poland and Hungary are nationalis-


Other urls found in this thread:


they have a positive view on the EU because they rely on it


>hey mohammed do you like the welfare youre receiving?
same thing basically

And this was made by whom, which year, how many people were asked about it?

I call bullshit, I know like 3 people who are happy about EU and they all lefties

10 billion eurogibs a year are pretty handy for the slav

This poll is 2016 from Pew Research. The poll of 2017 has a similar figure.

You people need to listen to the meme Pole with the bow tie

Czechia is way worse.

Op remind me again what year thats from? Oh, 2012? Okay, thanks.

fuck off mate, czech republic is much better than poland

Ignore slide threads. Bump relevant threads.

looks like we like America more, and they never gave us any monies, hmmmm

what's the point of these threads anyway, does the thought that other countries are (supposedly) just as cucked as yours make you feel better?

>Browses Catalog
>Sees this
>I swear to god, that one Brit is shitposting D/C threads yet again
>I bet 1000 shekles that the filename is IMG_(something)
>Clicks at the thread
Yep, looks like i was right
That one brit is butthurt again


This is unironically sad

why is he doing this?

nice try polak

no, without EU it would turn into an Uzbekistan and people know it

the ONLY reason there's some semblance of civilized life in those countries and politicians and criminals aren't stealing literally everything and aren't jailing and killing all their opponents, is because EU rules and norms stop them

>5% Muslim
>Has the audacity to call 99% white nations not nationalistic


No, they fucking don't you fucking ignorant cretin. Its the Krauts who are leeching on Eastern Europe.

> muh EU gibs

He is coping.
There is a reason why men with small penises tend to accuse others of having a small dick.


Oh shut the fuck up Luciano. Krauts still have to pay over 850 Billion dollars for their genocidal slaughter of Eastern Europe so yeah. And besides, their 'donations' are mostly coming only to kraut companies in Poland.

>EU gives them tons of gibs
>Still a significant portion of the population views them negatively

No, you dumb fucktard. Poland was already developed nation in 2004, when they joined your worthless clique. Shut the fuck up, and go gargle on that Kike dick more.

> using favorability (((Polls))) as main argument point

EU is a tool to leech Central European Countries.

The so called monies we are given are in fact loan and whats even worse germany is taking back 86 eurocents for every 1 euro given to v4 countries.

Whats more EU is dismantling central european industry as well as they keep inventing all this shit regulations like:

Poland You cant Produce this much milk - you must import it from western europe

Poland - you can't produce XXX because XXX can only be produced in France

Czech republic - your Skoda factory is way 2 strong competition for our VW we are closing that factory asap

Exactly, it is as I said. Fuck EU.

>EU gives them tons of gibs
t. Retard

>Anglos trying to understand geopolitics of other countries

You guys need to lessen your regulations on O&G. If you adopted more of the American production techniques on the Continent and built some better gas pipelines in the North Sea you would be set without Russia.

The problem is..
Baltic states + Poland are full of gas..
.. but we can't extract it
Which is completely fucking ridiculous
We are LITERALLY letting EU cripple us, our industry, our mines

Why would we not like EU exactly? We refuse to join eurozone, we openly spit in their face when they mention rapefugees and give us monthly ultimatums... every single month for years. We reap all benefits without any cons.

well.. being favorable about EU doesn't mean automatically accepting shitskins and niggers as well as rejecting nationalism.

Hungary was civilized long before the EU became a thing, and out politicians shamelessly steal anything anyway.
So no, you're wrong.

>trusting polls that are funded by the EU