lol poos are picking up chicks in serbia
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Sup Forums btfo
lmao white boys absolutely btfo. and they talk shit about how indian guys or brown guys in general can't pick up girls.
europeans, your women are the biggest sluts and whores in the world. it's not hard even for a retarded nigger to fuck them.
this disgusting indian shitface fucks serbian girls
Serbian girls are well known whores
Try this in Croatia and see what happens
well i was baiting with this thread
Indians usually have no success at all with white women. Serbian girls are an exception cause they are biggest whores
ahahahaha eat shit white boy. im indian and i find it easy as fuck to bang your slutty women. even lauren southern fucked indian guys how do you feel about that?
Well I know from experience coming from PUA background, indians are the least desirable race, your accent is shit and you look goofy.
The indian who made the video also says this at the end
lmao in the video a middle aged ugly indian guy is fucking hot 20 year old white sluts and you tell me indian guys are least desirable? HAHAHAHAHAHA, the fucking delusion. nice coping strategy bro, enjoy being a white cuck
even the indian says it
watch the end of the video, mister poo
he literally says
"girls rejected me cause they mistook me for a refugee and said not to touch them because it would drop their social value"
he still fucked her later on lmao, eat shit
like i said he still fucked that girl later on lmfao you fucking white beta cuck
He paid some prostitute, he wrote it in the comments
show me you lying white faggot
>destroying his own bait thread
WTF are you even on about
show flag POO
Sup Forumslack PUA breaks down how Deepak is full of shit
you mean KEKED?
here see this u mad callcenter bro?
Its to get the thread bumped
>white men are so fucking salty they desperately pretend that indian guy cant get any
lmao, keep living in your delusions
why should i? just know im living in a white country and having fun with your whores you call women
>when you have to PUA a prostitute
>meme flags all around
>bait thread
>gay croatian leaf diaspora
There's videos like this for literally every single country baka, now fuck off back to your slaviland shitholes kike shit.
you are probably in the UK
THey are the most filthiest and ugliest looking girls, no offence
>indian pick up artists
serbian girls are ugly though.
I mean for european standards they are okay, but otherwise ugly
>ywn be Indian
Why even live?
so any proof from deepak himself? all you posted was the autistic commentary of some jealous fucking white boy making assumptions lmao
you guessed right, but guess what, i travel over europe and can fuck easy european sluts anyway. you think my dick is restricted to british whores? think again white cuck
Sweet a thread that can piss off lots of people
t. damage control expert
compared to your chinlets they are pretty decent imho.
Stop larping faggot
that pick up indian is full of shit, you just can tell from his videos, he just pays prostitutes, no real PUA would do shitty videos like that
he is paying prostitutes and actors. if he was black maybe because of his BBC, but indian? give me abreak, they have smallest dicks on this planet, smaller than asians. lol.
so where is the proof faggot?
where is the proof he paid a prostitute other than your jealous arse?
she fucked indian guys go look it up bitch
there is only one indian PUA who is legit, its that one american Indian from the famous Pickup Trio.
That guy in my OP is not a legit PUA, he is a scam artist
its obvious, indians are pathetic losers. blacks are virile sex beasts with BBC, but indians? lol.
They are basically the same as Croats though...
so the only thing you have is your fee-fees that deepak couldnt fuck european sluts. but guess what, european women are whores and they will fuck anything. now where is your proof deepak didnt fuck those sluts, other than your precious fee-fees?
Not even a prostitute wants to be touched by a poo lmao.
There are several Poo in Loos at my MMA gym.
They all have normal builds, some even athletic.
Somehow they are all weak and I c an choke out or armbar every single one of them with almost no difficulty.
What is this? Is Indian muscle made out of different fibers?
>poo in the loo detected
Fuck off parambuthori, no one gives a shit
You're talking about Jesse from Simple Pickup. They haven't done anything PUA related in a while because they moved on to Jumpcut (teaching how to make a successful YouTube channel)
yes exactly, dude was pretty okay-ish for a Poo
that chick in the lifeguard tshirt is definitely not a prostitute.
i'm about 90% sure he didn't sleep with her though, she was just being friendly.
You dirty Muslim rape baby
Great, that means they'll be soulless and smell like shit too!
Quite a fitting end for those demons
yeah they are sluts but even they wont touch Poos.
he didnt fuck her, you can tell from the video, or he would have filmed her and bragged about it
so give us the proof faggot. where's the proof deepak didnt fuck those white sluts?
>start bait thread
>destroy own bait thread
What the fuck are you doing nigger
>this guy manages to do it
>I can't
>croat diaspora frustrated with croat girls wh won't give any succ
Stop stealing cars you dirty gypsy
>buy my book plastered everywhere
if you can't make it on amazon books you fucking suck dick
The superiority of the Croatian strikes again.
>be poo in the loo
>approach a random girl in the street
>start speaking your usual broken English
>she's friendly, as any other human being
>tape her secretly
>show the video as evidence of you fucking her
you really have to be retarded to believe in shit like this Хpвoјe
here they didnt even want to touch the POO
he fucked them on video, cuck
proof that she isn't a prostitute ?
something like this maybe?
>Try this in Croatia and see what happens
Yeah, Croatians are fucking rougher than Serbs, though I always thought Serbs were superior.
If these guys tried to pick up a girl in Croatia and it looked like the girl was not interested and the Indian guy kept bothering her, I expect a Croat to punch his teeth out.
Croats are fucking crazy, angry and don't like anyone darker than them.
That said, Serbs are masterrace.
Try that shit in Zadar
...You think that this video is real?
where is your proof she is a prostitute? fucking retard. you are claiming deepak is a liar so give us proof she is a prostitute otherwise STFU
theres enough proof that he is a scam artist
he fucked that girl later on, he says it "she was very open in the bedroom though"
Parambuthori its time to stop
try that shit anywhere else
Yeah just like poos at call centers scam me
where is the footage that he fucked the blond?
>It's on the internet so it must be true.
no proof other than the complaining and whining of butthurt white boys. show me real proof if it's so easy.
why would he film every single girl he fucked? showing proof of one or two girls he fucked already backs up his point + may have needed to get permission to film it, so if that's the case the blonde slut wouldnt have given it as she didnt want to be judged by her friends for fucking a minority.
Blacks are usually the ones doing this shit... they accost lone white women walking down the street, stick a camera in their face, and ask them if they like black people. Of course no woman is going to say she doesn't like blacks on camera. These non-whites have gotten out of control with this shit.
Fucking a whore for money is really a challenge.
Stop raping pajeet
whites dominate the PUA world
stop being obsessed with this scam artist, you sound like a poo at the call center
women are dumb.
Croatian girls are massively getting drilled by niggers,every summer,whole summer,its a nigger attraction
this is like white bois bragging about picking up SE asians
so you have no proof she didnt fuck deepak other than "g-girls dont like indian guys!!!"
pathetic. truly pathetic.
Respond to my bait nigger
You have to go back
nah m8 im quite comfy here, especially with all the white sluts that love my dick. stay assravaged you white cuck.
kek not true at all, perhaps a coalburner here and there, but whenever droves of blacks arrive, the women leave immediately
t.waiter at hot nightclub destination
Get me a drink BOY
he literally said that its easier to get women in zagreb because they are more open and western
>success with girls
Mass raping girls in buses with rodes isn't what we call success in the West
rather be a poo than a white beta cuck.
You have to go back
stop smelling this hard