Hahaha, 'superior white genes'

Hahaha, 'superior white genes'.

Are slavs white?

Too much of anything can kill any man! Emily is a fucking racist kike whore

>white men shouldn't work out
>WOW these black guys are so ripped :)
really makes you think

Funny how race exists when they want it apply negatively to why pe po

Hahaha propaganda to keep white men fat and out of shape so the shitskins overrun Europe and America without any backlash its working quite well here hahaha

also post the source faggot

so your telling me science has shown whites evolved to think and blacks evolved to labor?

... carry on. nothing new to see here.


Physical labor is for the goyim!

Yes, that could happen to anyone, it would be caused from over-exhaustion.

Oh man, I love intellectual dishonesty.

>races are real

No problem here.

>genetic and racial differences don't exist goy..

thats why I never left my room. dont have to be fit to be strong.

pic related, My physique.

Who wears their jeans that high? Is he practising to be a 45 year old woman?

Bait and switch clickbait headline based on already terribly lacking and inconclusive """""study"""""



Lifting/exercising raises testosterone levels. Higher testosterone levels mean you are less likely to be liberal. (((They))) want you T levels low.

Non whites fear the big strong white man.

too much exercise kills anybody

your body needs time to repair after damage

Whenever I hear "scientists say" I can automatically rule it out as bullshit.