Mueller investigation seems to be coming to a close - Republican investigations just starting

As a Britbbong looking on, I think the Republicans are playing a blinder here. It seems Burr was right when he said the Russia probe would be finished and settled in 2017.

The signs are all there now:

>Charges being filed

>WH staff have all been interviewed in recent weeks. Key staff interviews always come at the very end (see Clinton case).

I think the Dems might be fucked. Manafort and Flynn will be hit with shit unrelated to Russia and Trump will simply pardon them and move on.

The Republicans however played it smart. They've just opened 4 or 5 new investigations into the Dems (and are calling for a special council now). All that new shit will be in full swing during the mid term elections, making life hell for the Dems. The Dems blew their load way too early.


Other urls found in this thread:

They'll make up something new, and the fake news will create a new "scandal", and write endless, hysterical, illogical, and deranged stories insisting that Trump must be impeached for his link to the scandal. They have one play in their playbook, and they keep using it, no matter how often it fails. Fortunately for us, the leftists IQs are too low to come up with a better plan.

>146967097 see here for related liberal faggotry


Mueller charges are on Manafort for work unrelated to campaign

That all I can say for now

this. They would have to find something worse than watergate, lewinsky blowjob or uranium one to get Trump impeached. It's just not going to happen.

Monday charges will be announced and we're probably/hopefully are going to see Hillary Clinton and Podesta in handcuffs.

well thanks, still not going to BTFO those faggots in the other thread

who cares about that amerifat shitshow?


Stop being butt hurt, Manafort and Flynn will only be arrested, that's nothing
Then Trump will pardon them after they get condemned, traitors must stand together

I think Trump very smart show his worst part before anything else. And worst thing only "I am disagreeable". Not a crime. Actually good thing for work -- very few powerful man can be liked by everyone. Most of the time effective leader aloof or asshole. Aloof asshole best, then nobody know he asshole. But Trump like to talk to everybody because seems nice guy, maybe too much direct talking, so just must show he is asshole.

Asshole is not crime. Smart guy.

That's what Putin's trolls on Reddit are saying everywhere they can post.

The dems need no help to finish themselves off when theyre message to Americans is DACA, open borders, anti police, decrimilization of knowingly infecting others with HIV, and all we see on the news is NGO lunatics defacing our historical monuments. Thanks george soros for making it all possible for the dems and rinos to get btfo hard in next elections

Itll be manafort and podesta or maybe singer. Im hoping they go back to investigate the criminal activity in Ukraine

Last I heard, the only thing they had on Manafort was some tax filing anomaly, which I think was beyond the statute of limitations.

Only retarded city shitskins and women voted for Hillary, every last suburban intellectual and god fearing American voted for Trump.
It's his turn and he's taking it.
btfo faggot leftists

you sound bitter and hatred, have a laugh

I can FEEL the butthurt.

go to any nigger's house and do that instead

could be trump JR sources say

If Flynn is indicted the dems are fucked because he was under obama first and it will open a can of pizza and it will all be public record.

sounds familiar...

White men voted for Trump.
POC voted for Hillary.
Regardless of territory or education.

I think this might be your actual gen-u-ine 4D chess. The moves go like this:

>spend one year baiting the media with muh Russia nonsense
>impotent investigation into Trump/Russia collusion proves nothing of the sort, media goes into absolute meltdown mode
>when media is at maximum frenzy point, gently point out that it was Cunton wot dun it

Sit back, get comfy, and enjoy the shitshow as the rabid dog MSM turns on their own, and savour the beautiful moment as you watch the old cunt herself, the Molesta brothers, Comey and Obongo all getting hauled off to prison.

>muh Washington free beacon

>muh plausible deniability for Clinton’s and obama

Seriously how the entire wiretapping and unmasking scandal came and went without a single reporter tracking down obongo and making him answer questions is a travesty

>congressional recucklicans
don't trust 99% of them.
>flynn indicted
this would be truly outrageous and would be just cause for permanently dismantling and destroying the unconstitutional FBI, NSA, and CIA.

I'm still amazed they're trying to charge the President with obstruction of justice for doing something he's allowed to do.




>don jr.
if (((that))) happens, RIP D.C. say goodbye to your heads, DS.
firebombed, nuked, and S.

They're going to cast a wide net and they're going to use campaign officials to rat on Trump. This probably means that they don't have anything concrete on Trump or at the very least not enough to convince a grand jury. They need witnesses who will testify.

This is why they're going after the officials and not Trump himself, yet.

In a beautiful world,
Black Americans will awaken
To realize, like finding a cheating spouse
Engaging hit man for your demise
And when HillDawg walks in the door
Like before.

It's a Thin Line

Behind whom will they hide?


My money's on Huma. Mah Nigga :)

On Monday a high ranking member of the Democratic Party will be arrested.

The fake Russian conspiracy story has blown up in their faces. All it has uncovered was massive dnc corruption and real federal level crimes by certain high ranking democrats

Nothing the shills do or say can save the party now. Soros has made another bad investment.

The dnc is over. It will never recover. Their attempts to bring down Trump have only brought down the dnc instead.

I’m sorry democrats, your party is over.

I like you Japan-user. You get it.


Do you worry that this is all a ploy to get us to go to war w Russia, and Soros will start throwing his money at right wing folks to encourage them to go to war?



Look at recent news headlines. Reporters have been stalking Mueller's investigators. They've been chasing stories based on sightings of the investigators.

"We know John Doe is on the team. Someone saw John Doe at Jane Doe's house asking questions."

Mueller's team ransacked through a ton of Democrats.

Some progressives and Democrats want the DNC destroyed, so they can fix it.

>Investigation goes on for months, nothing happens
>we find out Mueller is investigating Podesta bro
>Charges filed 5 days later
>no one, especially not the dems, remember that Podesta's name came up

I don't know why but I think Comey leaked his memo to get himself fired in coordination with others. He would also need to recuse himself and could not behave as a special prosecutor would.He helped set up the Mueller situation. There may be a redemption story for him. Gowdy at one point thought so.


I actually had that happen to me once.
>county sheriff

>checks out...

Gowdy is utter shit. These people are trying to destroy the lives of people that worked for someone they oppose by having them jailed. The people trying to put them in jail are criminals themselves and Gowdy always let them off. He is a circus act and he is part of the problem.

Entirely possible.

The democratic 2016 campaign was basically them blowing their load early over and over and none of it sticking.

I agree alpha males are inherently polarizing characters



im the clinton ayyyy love baby

If Trump pardons anyone, it's a de jure admission of guilt which means they can be forced to testify. Trump isn't going to pardon anyone outside of his immediate family.

>They've just opened 4 or 5 new investigations into the Dems
The problem is they put Trey "Benghazi" Gowdy in charge of one of them - a guaranteed no-hitter.

>All it has uncovered was massive dnc corruption
That ship has sailed.

>and real federal level crimes by certain high ranking democrats
Like what? The GOP and news media commissioned that opposition research dossier, Trump is on record saying paying for opposition research is OK, hiring Fusion research is OK, etc.
Once the criminal indictments start, you know the arrested will be pleading for cooperation deals with federal prosecutors. They won't risk Trump being removed from office and unable to pardon them.

Trump has really turned the swamp into a sewer in Washington and New York, so I hope the whole family does federal penitentiary time. He's the best thing that ever happened to the Democrats.