Is it ok for me to prefer a western civilization as depicted in Wolfenstein II rather than the curret shitshow we live in?
Is it ok for me to prefer a western civilization as depicted in Wolfenstein II rather than the curret shitshow we live...
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Its only natural.
search yourself for that answer
Why would there be scary armed military on every street in nazi america?
lol, the commies that did this game are truly cringeworthy
their image of what a nazi american would look like, its stupid, short sighted, simplistic, idk
something only a truly ignorant and moronic person would imagine
the leftard brain is nothing more than a compilation of stereotypes, they cant even think anything that isnt a stereotype
>people who have sworn to give their lives to protect you
Fucking sweaty swede
thanks japan
The world you depict nihonbro is perfect in every way. Cease this before I become a nazi weeb
You are welcome
When I run out of good 3R pics I might shill for my own country
You have to wonder if a good part of the people working on stuff like this feel the same way.
heh look at all these happy people. really makes me want to hurt and destroy them
t. every game journalist
Back to the "celebrating 2000 years of German Culture" pictures
Japan and all of Asia in its entirety is extremely conservative and racist towards immigrants. And I fucking love that. At least Asia will preserve their own race, unlike Europe.
he is asking why, you fucking idiot
and exactly, those depictions are nothing like reality
in reality nazi america wouldnt need patrols on the street, nothing more than the regular police, and probably even less because there would be virtually no crime
lol, so true
That's the thing I hate about wolfenstein: love the setting, but not the process.
And people call me an edgelord... you are an edgelord if you don't want to kill the demons in doom! Not the nazis in wolfenstein!
Yes goy you should feel shame and disgust.
Accept your genocide.
We're actually not racist at all nor conservative... We don't judge by race, but by actions (which is roughly equivalent by result, but the metaphysics is totally different). I don't know where this "Japan is racist" meme comes from (lying MSM?) but it protects us from torrents of niggers, so I guess it's not something to be totally irked at. Unfortunately however it leads some leftie wh*te people to bitch at us at the UN, forcing us to hand over gibs to globalists and starving yet somehow breeding niggers
If the Axis had one I could have come to this kind of Germany for vacation or maybe as an exchange student. Anybody else know this feel?
Classic nigger britbong
What did you expect from a videogame where you play as a deranged psychopath that murders nazis. And it was developed by swedish communists too. The kind that change their twitter bios to "punch nazis". You have to be genuinly mentally ill if you agree with anything this game has to say about ideologies, it's all retarded and not that fucked up. It's cringy.
Well, the 2000 years pictures are over unfortunately
>kekistani can't grasp basic sarcasm
I really wonder why a site that simply allows voting and internet points produces this many retards.
Holy shit
desu I don't exactly like the blocky NS architecture too much. I prefer the more detailed Imperial style, but in an age where brutalism began to arise, I suppose it was a better alternative: good compromise.
Wanting a homogenous society with little to no crime is fucking racist, you bigot.
>not experiencing the dreadful longing to live in a place that never existed and never can exist
Columbia was a pretty nice place, you guys.
I stand corrected
Thread theme
Is there a mod of this game to simply play the other side?
I'd fucking kek if they made that a DLC
I wish I could know what that place was like, but I don't play shitty games... sorry
exactly, and all the
>in your face alt right
campaign, good for us it will all backfire, people arent that stupid, i hope
They will make a shit ton of shekels too. Hell, I'd buy it and I haven't bought anything from steam in over a year (tfw can't sell the cards... what a buch of kikes)
Damn this thread depresses me so much. The west could have become so much better
That would be quite difficult to make
>implying it's just the west
Don't worry you will figure out soon
Thanks for the comfy photos man.
comments are welcome
They might all "look the same" to you, but most Asian countries are multi-ethnic and mutli-cultural.
for ants
I don't know what's going on with Catalonia, but good luck!
The real answer is there wouldn't be because military police are expensive and overkill.
The real question is what would the view of Nazi America be on the bill of rights.
> ruined by black communist women
I wonder why lefties didnt shit on this game.
We'll have something close to it here in the US in the Pacific Northwest once we get our ethnostate. Our soldiers probably won't be wearing gas masks weird armor but we'll probably bring back the Stahlhelm and paint them with the SS lightning bolts or the wolfsangel.
Lefties love to destroy civilization despite praising science at the same time. lol
>Be ethnically German
>Go see the Germany my family came from way back when
>It's commie blocks and turks
I find it funny half your pictures are of Albert Speer architectural models that never got built.
Face it, Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan accomplished nothing but mass death and misery, including for the people they claimed to champion.
Hey man, you don't know what the coastline lefties might cook up in their basements...
I love these redpilled interpretations of pop culture. Like how in Star Wars a terrorist group attacks and murders millions of people on a revolutionary new space station run by an efficient, effective, and well-designed Empire.
Must feel terrible, man.
At least my country avoided that fate for the most part. Only thing that got commieblock'd and was overseas territory
t. 56% cattle for the chosen
True! Don't forget the furry-ass humanoid side character!
I can't believe I have such a lack of NS Germany pictures. I should download some more sometime so that I can occasionally come and apply some chemo to this cancerous site
Implying that race correlates to actions is possibly the most racist thing you can say here in America.
The ones in the PNW are concentrated in the big cities. The people in the rural areas are all white and conservative. It won't be hard to kill off the commies out there. When we're done we'll have rich farm lands, waters filled with fish, hydroelectric power, lots of lumber, and the Intel fabs to create our own computers. The Fourth Reich is going to be incredible.
I'm actually into homebrew computing and so I'd be one of the people creating computers for the Northwest American Republic. I'm already working on a 16-bit RISC based CPU and I plan on creating a small graphics coprocessor that runs on unified system memory just to run a basic GUI on whatever OS it would use.
Our goals for the ethnostate are realistic and obtainable.
>people arent that stupid
This statement is always false.
Ok, I'm out of German pictures. Have this one last Manchuria pic. Peace!
Captcha is getting longer...
What do you mean by this?
So, what's the excuse for killing nazis here?
Even if the National Socialists are bad, if they won, the world would still be much better if they were running the show.
The whole thing is completely batshit looney tunes, no point trying to understand it.
Did they make some German pseudo pop music from the 60s again for the new game? Those were quite nice.
I could only find one trailer song called "Danke Schoen" that is mostly sung in English, kek.
Prora was a pretty insane concept for totalitarian holydays, they never got to build the gargantuan templehalls for mass exersice and singing. Someone bought it and renovates it now to make it a giant hotel by demolishing some of the walls inside for greater rooms while adding white paint and glass balconies.
In the case of the game, you need patrols here because some militarized commie agitator cells are active in the area.
Thanks for the comfy pics nihon bro
Rebels. And I'm pretty sure rebels would exist.
>implying he was wrong in the belief that a spy was there
>implying he was wrong assuming a lack of proper formalities can be indicative of a spy
>he shot one person for his poor acting performance despite getting the lines
>he didn't shoot the other person for his poor acting performance despite getting the lines
perhaps you're right, I shouldn't have asked.
Are they even trying?
You can play HOI4 and make up head canon as you go
Man, I almost cried seeing this photo. I don't cry easy, the last time I did, my grandmother died in front of me. What could've been, what they fought for, a peaceful world, where you could've lived your life in peace, grown old, gotten married, had kids, started a family, and died content. That's been stolen from us, and all that's left is to prepare and wait for the end. We had a good run, and hopefully, they'll remember us when we're gone. Thanks for the pics Japbro, when we're gone, carry the torch.
commie terrorists always do that
>literally do terrorism
>cry oppression when consequenced
Why do leftists always try to craft "dystopian" eval racist white societies and then accidentally make them look like amazing, comfy places to live?
No they aren't, only asian country that's multicultural is Singapore. China is "multi-ethnic" in the sense that it has some minorities living in bumfuck regions whilst the culture and government is completely Han. Korea and Japan are monoracial.