Hahaha! I win motherfuckers!

Hahaha! I win motherfuckers!

What shitty hair

he's still a jew at the end of the day. but he has lost his self respect and sanity you can't deny this and he knows he is a jew faggot

Battle is on going idiot.

you lost at birth when your parents & doctor sexually abused, mentally damaged, and tore off your foreskin

>protests American politics in France
>declares himself winner

has there been a brendan fraiser edit yet?

>racist neets sitting in their moms thinking they won
Yet Shia still a millionaire winning at life

His actual face is enough for that.

That flag doesn't even represent Trump any more.
It represents a sad, defeated man that got fucked on by a bunch of retards on the internet.
"You know about the HWNDU flag?"
"Yeah, that's the flag that Sup Forums took down like 10 times."

Typical fucking French. We had it down in a few days.

No one speak english here, and no one give a fuck about the english meme of the american leftist or the alt right.

Ok ahmed

What shitty hair

calling other Ahmeds

who cares about a nobody

ok non white country

If you are losing it just shave it off, there are women out there that go bonkers for the chrome dome.

It would be interesting to spend some time with him, like have a beer with the guy. I genuinely expect that he would be delusional and incoherent, having a very undeveloped personality.
What a sight it would be to experience this guy first hand, I would soak it all in..

Its clear from the look in his eyes that his (((managers) )) will never let him win.

The last test proved that
>fire is inefficient
>a drone can reach the flag
>the more we attack the flag the more it gets publicity, the more french people realize americunts are using their territory for their own political bickering, the more they are ready to join the fight to take the flag down

So paint sprayed by a drone would be the next best stategy.

>gets a piercing and a new hairstyle after being brutally and publicly raped in front of his peers

So he's a chick?

Just going through his emo phase.

>anti trump attention seekers don't realise their exhibition only gets attention from autistic image board posters trying to take down a flag
>"I win"

Shut the fuck up micheal cera..



shia could buy Sup Forums's parents, pay a chef to flay and bbq them and then feed them to a village of africans. then shia would buy their home, pay to have the village immigrate to your parents house, then pay to have a michellin star chef flay and bbq your siblings and pets.

loser incels. Shia is about to put up HWNDU flags in every state capital. it's been in the works for over a year.

>Sup Forums cries like a bunch of incel losers
>african villagers develop a taste for sweet incel meat
>african villagers worship Shia like a god
>Shia buys Sup Forums and tracks all your IP addresses
>world hunger fixed
>Shia cracks Trump on his cheeto dust head with a bottle of Grey Goose
>Shia declares himself president

Sup Forums BTFO!

It's in France now?

I hated him as a child actor but I really like this kike motherfucker now. If I see him out I'm buying him a beer.

> former Trump voter here...

>If I see him out I'm buying him a beer.

totally, user. only, i'd probably be too intimidated. feel like he'd say something so cool and i'd just fold into a blubbering heap, trying pathetically to keep up. hell, even if he said nothing, i'd spurge like an incel.
and then there's mia goth...i mean, who doesn't fap nonstop to that?

i get nervous just thinking about it.
may have to double up on my afternoon xanax dose. lol.

wonder what kind of beer he drinks? any anons know? whatever it is, it's my new brand. lol


Nobody cares anymore, first and second season was amazing tho.

Fucking losers, famous people don't want to be bothered in public.

>you lost at birth when your parents & doctor sexually abused, mentally damaged, and tore off your foreskin
will brumph outlaw?

you're becoming a non-white country by the minute, Pierre