But white privilege exists. So 100 times that money is being spent on war, technological research and the welfare of white ppl rather than feeding the poor.
This is white privilege in action.
But white privilege exists. So 100 times that money is being spent on war, technological research and the welfare of white ppl rather than feeding the poor.
This is white privilege in action.
would you eat the money?
you cant end world hunger. after you eat, you get hungry again after a while. that's how hunger works.
>white supremacist doesnt understand how currency works
Not surprised.
>implying we want world hunger ended
>30 billion could end world hunger
For what, a day? A week? A month?
Then what? We're out 30 billion and back to square one.
world doesn't need more niggers
it needs less
>30 billion could end world hunger
it could delay it and in the meantime the niggers would breed like rats and then rebel groups would form to take control of the shipments of welfare and brutal civil wars would fuck Africa up even more
matter of fact, these are problems westerners have been creating in Africa for a while now, just waiting to turn off the spigot of the welfare for shit to really hit the fan.
fucking globanazi
You wouldn't end hunger idiot.
You would double the number of third worlders who are starving and then make a shitty meme in 5 years saying "60 billion$ to end world hunger"
because africans just have more children when they get welfare, it will be a never-ending cycle
>This is white privilege in action
Please don't feed the niggers!
Do you want more niggers? Because that's how you get more niggers!
fucking globanazi.
I honestly want to know why the fuck we would want to do that? Do we really want, and this is beside racial things, people who are literally unable to find a way to feed themselves to procreate and thrive? This is the most basic function of any living being human or otherwise. If you can't feed yourself than you don't deserve life.
>end world hunger
Feeding them only perpetuates the problem. It's literally an infinite amount of money to end world hunger forever.
Yeah, $30 billion in the first year, $60 in the next one. Invest in a bottomless pit. Trust me, we have experience in that.
Cost to end my hunger for life: 200k
Cost to end my life : 0
Wonder which one is more profitable
>lasers and rail guns vs 500 million more Africans
wew, tough decision
Kind of a shitty argument Erdogan, but I agree with your sentiment because there's literally no ROI on niggers
if everyone in the world lived as Americans and other HICs did we would need 3 more earths to sustain it. Drop out of your fucktard white men hating college and go back to highschool geography you fag.
No, we're out $30 billion and back to square one except now with an extra billion hungry niggers to feed.
fuck off with your meme UN flag, faggot.
Cost to educate Africans enough to take care of themselves.... More money than has ever existed
>in a few years the cost is now 60B etc. etc.
The jews spend the money, the jews are also the richest. What are you babbling about white privilege you fucking nigger
So the fuck what. No free lunch, go grow your own food niggers
Africans did it to themselves.
Who wants more niggers?
The cost to end world hunger is actually 0, if you know what I mean.
We wuz end hunger naow.
Rest in peace Rhodesia
Allot cheaper than $30 billion
Bullets are not that expensive
Seen this same exact thread made so many times. Kys. Saged.
Yea giving poor people money will fix the problem. Till the gibs run out....
If there are 1 billion starving niggers in the world, they each need to come up with $30 to eat, forever. IF these lazy niggers aren't willing to feed themselves forever for $30 apiece, they deserve to starve.
The grain you send to 90% of African countries is intercepted by warlords. Congratulations, the people are still starving but the genocidal regimes oppressing them (actual oppression) now have food.
What do?
Every time I see this dumb shit it's a reminder of how utterly culturally ignorant liberals are.
Pro tip: the people aren't starving because they don't have food. They're starving because every few months a truckload of Muslims rolls through, kills a few people, rapes a few more, burns a house or two, and steals all the food.
Welcome to Africa, fuckhead.
Their naivety is what gets me , they think money would end world hunger if spent mindlessly on poverty.
holy fuck this assblasted cuck is STILL posting this schizophrenic nonsense
Just let natural selection take its place! No need to feed the plague
Worldwide poverty has dropped so drastically that people text about their oppression from a billion dollar air-conditioned college campus on a $600 smartphone.
Get raped!
Actually, he isn't. Every penny the government spends is theft. Let the government get a job, earn some money, and spend it however it pleases.
Actually square -1 because in that time that they were eating up your 30 billion they had a million more babies, many of which they wouldn't have had if you hadn't given the the 30 bil, so next time you will need to give 33 bil, and so on, and so on..
Also as we are seeing with the population boom in Africa, blacks will just keep having kids until they are hungry again.
Damn that bitch got fucked up
I don't know what gives me a harder boner,
starving niggers or a CV with full deck of hornets..
But following that logic I would need to be responsible for my own national defense and road building. That sounds like a major drag.
If we truly wanted for africa to not be a shithole we would help the create a production of whatever shit they could offer, africa is full of valuable materials, so they'd be able to export that and import food/water, it'd take some time but it would end the hunger, meanwhile sending food only increases the population and is very short term which makes the situation even worse
The West actually just employs a new version of slavery/control over Africa with all the aid constantly provided. That aid prevents capitalism from enriching the population. Try being a farmer that sells produce when the West is literally giving it away for free - you can't.
The populations stay generally poor and easily exploitable. If you want to help Africa, stop the backwardness there, or however you want to describe it, stop all aid to Africa.
you mean we can feed the niggers for one day for 30 billion and then another 30 billion when they get hungry again?
Why don't YOU give them $30 billion faggot?!
for how long?
it wouldn't solve anything. it would only put off the inevitable
Bill Gates and Warren Buffet could end hunger 6 times over if that’s cost. But they don’t. What could be at play here? What could it be?
We are trying to end world hunger. By killing off the masses of worthless individuals over taxing the meager food supply in their own country which is barely there to begin with in the first place we are saving them. You want handouts taking from one to give to another. Maybe life should have consequences. Africa is having a baby boom yet can barely sustain themselves. It’s a lesson they have to learn on their own.
Western countries should stop trying to help Africans. They just make things worse with charity.
Free vaccines, free food, free shit. Why?
What's the point? What's the practical purpose?
Mother nature is just trying to lower their populations to a sustainable size. They need to learn how to farm, develop their own crops, and master their own environments.
If the White Man disappeared tomorrow, who would take care of them?
White Man is already facing extinction via race mixing and rampant immigration. The White Man can't take care of them forever, specially with so many coal burners making the number of whites plummet.
Its costing billions just to help one shithole regain power, no way 30 billion can save the whole world.
>cost to end world hunger
hahahahahaha no
>gib starving niggers $30 billion worth in rice
>20 years later
>every little nigger you fed had 6 children
>80 years later
>"cost to end world hunger: $1,200 billion"
>the world is literally 2 thirds starving niggers
Hand held laser and rail guns to kill 500 million Africans
Still won't stop african warlords from stealing from the impoverished
WOW MAN, slow down, that's too complicated for the leftist mind. Try to break it down a little, maybe explain it with pictures? be aware the character cast must be diverse
OP isn't coming back and you fuckwits are going to waste the next 2 hours bumping this to post limit instead of digging through JFK documents.
Never change, Sup Forums
>Nebulous, everchanging cost of "ending world hunger"
>no source or math is ever provided
>just believe me goyim
Nice thread faggot
Then you call up these people
Bill Gates. more.
Warren Buffett
Jeff Bezos
Amancio Ortega
Mark Zuckerberg
Carlos Slim Helu
Larry Ellison
Sergey Brin
George Soros
all of which are democrats, all of which believe in open borders/society bullshit. Combined I'm sure they spend close to 30 billion a year in political activism, and tell them instead of spending that money on propaganda and lies. Tell them to donate it to starving kids. There's so much money being spent in the world propping up bullshit leftist values as well. Instead of paying for luxury greenpeace dinner with Leo dicaprio, why not skip the party and drinks and the patting on the back and donate to these fucking kids if you care so fucking much.
Good idea, user. Feed them once so they expect more, stop producing their own, and then just starve outright. Puts an end to the 3rd world in one blow.
It’s not that easy. In countries where there are millions of people starving like pic related, it’s usually because there is some kind of underground militaristic group running said country into the ground, oppressing the people, hogging all the resources. If we shipped off 30 billion dollars to “end world hunger” you would ultimately be funding more terrorist groups and there would still be starving people because those weak starving people would never have access to that money.
I'm fucking disgusted that we would spend $30 on world hunger. The fact that we spent $30 billion on feeding niggers who don't even live here is absolutely unacceptable, and I think we should hang Onigger as a result.
Why don’t you forget white privilege and forget white man’s burden/muh gibs, and seize the money from accounts of 3rd world dictators first to pay for your world hunger bullshit. I’m sure Mugabe has a few billion, as well as Maduro. Why not steal it from the Saudis? They probably have a few billion stuck in the couch cushions.
Yep, was gonna post this.
All 30 Bill buys you is more hungry niggers in 9 months.
Though maybe Israel could snap off a piece of that 23 Trill they stole from us, and destroyed the WTC and the Pentagon's Forensic Accountancy Department to cover up?
because it's everyones problem that africans and Indians can't use birth control ?
>we feed them
>they all have five to ten more children
>we can't afford to feed them anymore
see the problem ?
This is a shitty thread, but the faggot OP brings up a point. What is white privilege?
>White privilege is white people working toward their own interests.
>White privilege is white people consistently making nice things.
>White privilege is white people not just handing over their nice things to inferior peoples.
Ironically, white privilege is also the ability of white people to help inferior people whom are clearly incapable of helping themselves.
>White privilege is the ability of white people to fight Nature in Africa and other shitholes by eradicating disease that would otherwise wipe out whole sections of humanity.
>White privilege is the endemic ability of white people to create decent societies that everyone want to live in, even though white people are oppressive and evil, somehow.
>White privilege is this magical ability that white people have to be simultaneously responsible for everything wrong in the world and also be the only people that can fix these problems. But white people can fix these problems only by enslaving themselves to hordes of shitskins that cannot and will not ever help themselves.
>White privilege is the paradoxical property of being culpable for actions of people who looked like us in the past, while ebil 'racism' is pattern recognition of genetic propensities within niggers to have a deleterious affect on otherwise functioning societies. Therefore, white privilege is 'good' and 'righteous' racism, as opposed to the 'evil' and 'invalid' racism white people commit against brown people.
End my life
Same issue with textiles. We dump thousands of tons of free clothes in countries that have struggling textile companies.
Aid doesn't work. If unemployment didn't expire, half our country would sit on its ass 24/7 while a good percentage of white - and Asian to be fair - men did all the work.
#0 billion in aid to people without the means to feed themselves on their own will to the population doubling which will require that we spend another 100 billion to feed house and educate idiot offspring and idiot senile incapable elderly niggers.
Not that the meaning isn't clear, but I'd be curious what the text is.
shill go away, un is anti white
>feed shitty worthless people that provide basically nothing but drain on resources
>let them breed and make more open mouths that do nothing but eat and whine
>we need 30 billion to feed hungry niggers
>okay, here you go
>fast forward 10-15 years
>we need 100 billion to feed hungry niggers
If you feed the nigger kids in Africa then they will make more kids and rely even more on handouts.
If you dont feed the nigger kids then mother nature solves the problem if the niggers dont solve it by themselves.
good point
Very few around the world die from hunger anymore. Even in the poorest places.
Besides, in 2006 the IMF forgave over $1 TRILLION in debt out of goodwill. How's that for a gift?
If you're still starving after a trillion dollars there's no helping you.
I'll keep my 30 billion and spend it on hookers, thanks. You'd just waste it.
>end world hunger
You can't do this without sterilization you fool. Give them food and watch the population growth eat the excess. Malthus figured this out centuries ago.
>hand held rail gun
user are you trying to break your arm off?
Is a black country capable of successful capitalism?
>Feed rats. Rats multiply. Rats infestation worse than ever.
>Kike media frenzy rats to terrorize peaceful dogs and cats.
>While dogs and cats busy, the kike steal money from everyone.
>World ends up with a small globalist elite who owns everything.
Hmm... let's blockade Africa and see if some starvation finally can kickstart the evolution.
oh yea, it would quadruple
worse, in nine months it'll cost 60 billion to end world hunger, in another nine months it'll be something like 180bil
people who are fed and taken care of just tend to fuck and reproduce recklessly
Africas evolved to breed in an environment where infant mortality was >50% and average life expectancy was 40. They've been given western technology and agriculture, but haven't changed their behavior. They're starving because they overbreed. The worst thing they West could do is to give them more food.
welcome to the militia grab a shovel and a rifle
>30 billion could end world hunger.
If you feed the starving, they'll breed, and you'll have more starving people to feed. You will never fix world hunger because population will always catch up. How stupid are you?
>Is a black country capable of successful capitalism?
I would say that there are many examples of capitalism in Africa: just look at the resounding successes of Liberia with their cannibal warlords, Somalia with their not-so-cannibal warlords, the Congo, Rwanda, and so on.
Oh, did I say capitalism? I meant ancap.
I would rather 6 gorillion dollars be spend on one bolt for a military vehicle that one cent be spent on starving nigger babies and shitskins in africa.
>30 billion could end world hunger
Ive seen this thread 10+ times so here goes:
If you subsidize something, you get more of it.
Feed the niggers and next year you will have 10% more niggers. Africans have birth rates of 6-7 per woman. So the next year you need 33 billion to feed the hungry. etc etc.
In conclusion: you are a communist LOSER!
Food for Sterilization Program
>implying that the US military in any way benefits white people
Silly goy